
1042: The Path Is Clear – Mantra#1 – Mu A Mu Sa

Nam Mo Shakyamuni

Mu A Mu Sa

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and may all receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from the ten directions. Today is Saturday, let’s begin our meditation together.

Let’s put your right hand on the top of your left hand. We call the wisdom and compassion hand together. Every Saturday, at the meditation hall, in Frederick, Maryland I, Master Bao Thanh, love to sit down and practice meditation together with all of you. To bring peace, happiness, joyfulness, and awareness into life. Our meditation techniques are helping us to go back to ourself to open up to know what we haven’t used. The Buddha says within us there is something very special. The nature of that special thing we call the Buddha nature. The Buddha nature has a special capacity to connect with the mother nature. To awaken our very good energy which can heal ourselves to be no longer suffer. And also lighting up the wisdom for us to see ourself much better every day. The more you light up your wisdom, the better you get to know yourself, and the more happiness comes to your life, and the less suffering that causes you sadness.

Make sure that your sit down comfortable with the position that feels good. You could sit on the cushion on the floor, or on the sofa or a chair. Just relax your entire body. Keep your backbone straight up. Keep your neck straight up and relax. Our meditation is working with the energy, the real energy that connects us with the Buddha. So therefore, it raises up our awareness. Just let the energy work out for you. So, you don’t have to do anything but just relax and just watch. The mindfulness breathing techniques, come through your nose and come down to your lower body part. Right there you are expanding your belly and holding it there for three seconds. There is one point at the lower part of the body you need to concentrate on in order to convert the energy to follow your backbone up to your head. That we call the heaven gate point. It is located right in front of the ending bone. When you breathe out, you chant the mantra Mu A Mu Sa, and just sunken your belly together slowly say. Mu A Mu Sa is a special mantra which just means, may all the Buddhas bless us, by activating the compassion and also transform all the suffering for sentient beings. So, when you chant that sound make sure the vibration is moving up from the lower body. Take time, don’t hurry. Your breath could be long or short. You follow your own body. Don’t force too much to take it longer, or don’t feel it is too short. Just make friends with your body and learn to be with your body. It is important. For those who are new, make sure you remember to just follow. For those who have been practicing, we do it together.

Let’s do the mindfulness breathing techniques a couple times to allow the energy from the Buddha connected with us. Make sure you just observe it and allow it to flow. Let’s begin.

May all beings be free of suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra, Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings, be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra, Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings, be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra, Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

Just keep silent and relax, keep chanting the mantra: Mu A Mu Sa, Observe the energy in your body, you feel the vibrations that moving around your body, this is good. We freely follow the vibration of the energy which was created within our body. We meditate today about the path is clear. Very Clear. We all live by the energy. In many different forms. Without energy we die. Energy plays a good role and a great role in our life. So many different kinds of energy from the food supply, from drinks, now a days they create the energy drink. But all those just force your body to work harder to make it run. Whatever you fight to hard to get a good reserve it never last long. That is why we use all those kinds of tricks, from medications, chemicals, forcing our brain to work harder to benefit for a moment, but will cause a great damage in the future. We make a good choice for our life there is no hurry for us to achieve any goal. But there is a moment for us to be at peace and relax.

The energy from meditation which we practice every Saturday, with the Mantra, Mu A Mu Sa, and the mindfulness breathing techniques, in and out, the traditions have been practiced for so long which it makes so clear the benefit  to all for many generations, and still to come. By meditating with these methods, Mu A Mu Sa, this mantra is the bridge bridging us with all Buddhas. So the Buddha with Mu A Mu Sa, blesses us with the special compassion energy. That activates every one of us origin compassion energy waking up. Just like the rain, when it is falling down, it flows. Then the rain creates a small creek and keeps flowing, and flowing. By flowing, more water flows and follows. The water flowing creates the bigger river. Flows back to the ocean. With that flow of the water when it rains, it brings life to all. It is very humble, mother earth, receive it and nurses our life in many different forms. The energy from the Buddha now is raining upon all of your body. You just let it rain. The compassion energy from the Buddha is raining on you. You are just like the earth, receiving the energy like the water. You allow the energy flow just like the water. Just watch. With a pure mind. No judgement. Rejoin with the nature, and let the nature recreate all pure activity which balances your life to purify and transforms all of your suffering, physically, mentally and spiritually.

If you look down the small creek, the water flows very clear. If you see something there that prevents the water from flowing, you pick it up, clean it up. We call it cleaning up the creek for the water to flow for the nature to be. Very much the same thought. The energy flows within our body. Watch. We watch our thoughts, we watch our actions, we watch our language we use every day. Which creates the little damn to stop the energy flowing. We do the same thing. Pick it up, put it on the side, allow the energy to flow. Clean it out. Clean it up. Let the energy flow. As long as the energy flows, life will appear in many different forms. That is natural, it is very natural. The nature of that force is because the heavenly brings life to ourself.

It will smooth out all things. We all know our life there are so many tastes coming to us. Very sweet, bitter, sour, very hot, whatsoever.  Don’t be afraid of those tastes, because our friend has a very good capacity taking that taste, the more different tastes you take in activates more use from your brain to function in a good way for you to have a very good experience in life. We don’t have to run away or escape the taste but be there and welcome. Open up allow your wisdom and compassion to be in the front line. To purify all the tastes and allow ourselves to have a good experience therefore we have make good choices, we have to make a good choice. The energies also bring us a very good taste. The taste of compassion the taste of wisdom, the taste of knowing the truth. No matter what the taste, just be there and taste it. The Buddha nature has a special capacity to handle all those kinds of tastes in life. Suffering, happens, sadness, downside or upside, no matter. The Buddha nature naturally adapts and refreshes in a good way for us to be happy. Life is never smooth. But life is very wonderful. If we could open our eyes to see through the nature of it is. So let the energy flow. Let the Buddha bless you by all of the compassion rain, your body, your mind, your spirit. Just like the mother earth, receiving the rain. Allow the rain to flow to create the creek the river, the path of the energy flow is clear within you. Observe it. Thinking the source of the energy flow starts from the top of your head to the highest point of the earth, we call from the top of the mountain. The top of your head. From there the energy flows down to your whole body. And creates the river of the energy. Let it flow down to the tips of your toes. Just let it flow, from the top of your head down to the tip of your toes. Let it flow, and just watch. By watching the path of the energy flow, it is helping you increase up. The reality of life. Move away your delusions, it is forming into the light of the wisdom and the energy of the compassion. The healing of all sickness, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Just let the energy flow.

May all beings no longer suffer and receive the blessing from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken you belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muu Saaa.

May all beings be free of suffering and receive this special blessing from all the Buddhas from the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly. Hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaa Muu Saa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive this special blessing from all the Buddhas from the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly. Hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaa Muu Saa.

Just be silent and watch the river of the energy flow.  Sometimes we are stuck. Couldn’t even move around. Because sensations or feelings or thoughts created and makes us down. That is a good moment for us to re-evaluate our life. Life really needs to take a moment to evaluate, check and see and fix in order to grow. In order to be purified. In order to be happy. We don’t run away from suffering of any kind. But look at it clearly accept and with the compassion energy and the wisdom we transform it. Suffering is not coming from outside, but from inside. We have to take charge of our life. Stand up and transform our life. No matter what happens, inside your mind, no matter what kind of sensations, thoughts, opinions. When you interact with life, through your senses, make sure there is no judgement. Don’t hold onto that, don’t jump into that kind of feeling and cry. Stand up, washing yourself, walk away, return back to your home, the home of the truth of the spirit of compassion. Give yourself a chance to transform your life for the better. Which benefits all your family, your loved ones. So many people around your family love you. So many people that we care for. When we care for others we care for ourself. Don’t forget what you do for yourself in order to offer for your loved ones, our good merit. The only way for us to activate our merit energy is to be with the Buddha. Mu A Mu Sa. With mindfulness living. Practice every Saturday, even one day a week, or a few minutes every day is very helpful. The Water does not flow, it is not a river, it is not a creek, the energy is not flowing, there is no living around there. Thinking about our loved ones, our family our self, our parents, we are altogether just like the forest, every tree, small, big, within the forest is very special as it is. Don’t reject anything. We are all part of life. Part of society. We all stand together within the care of mother earth. When you fall into any kind of awkward feeling, return back to the source, the center of your life. That means your wisdom, your compassion. Reach out for help, from all, the teacher or the master you feel comfortable with so you are not alone. The path is so clear. The energy of this method of meditation is so clear, it is moving within you. You fill with the energy, stay with that feeling. Flow with that energy. Allow it to be because that is part of your life. It is awakening you. Help you to be aware of all of your life. It opens up your Buddha eyes to see through and it breaks through all of whatever is blocking you. Time for us to keep moving. The path is clear. Delusion will be removed by the energy. You are the garden of love. Stay strong and patient. Lets breathe in together.

May all beings be free of suffering and be blessed from all Buddhas from the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muu Saa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive the blessing from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly. Hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken your belly. Chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive the blessing from all Buddhas from ten directions. May all be together. May all our loved ones be happy and peaceful, mindful and enjoy life. Breathe in, expanding your belly. Hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken your belly. Chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

Thank you. I am very happy. You know every Saturday, we spend time to practice, to reconnect ourself with the Buddha within, and with the mother earth. This is really important for every one of us that we need to invest our time into the practice, but not talk. You can talk for a thousand years, but no beter than a moment that your be able to sit down and practice to deliver the energy into the right action of life, not just talk. Our meditation is limited on talking, but guiding your through when the energy flows for all of us, connected together as a special network. That flows within the compassion energy to help us to heal the world outside and the world within, and our family and friends need healing. We need to heal. We need to unite together this special unity from the entire community is very helpful. We reconnect with all, with compassion and wisdom. The energy that flows really helps bring us back. It creates this special clear path for us to see through and work it out by ourselves. You don’t work alone, you have a master, you have friends, you have others who are always willing to be. So Saturday is the special day for us to sit down before we enjoy the weekend. We recharge our life to receive more good energy. Ready for a new week to come. In life we need to take a rest and recharge. In life we need to stand up to be taking a real action to make it work. Just one Saturday a week, very humble within more than 30 minutes to practice together, and I believe we will all be blessed, and we all connect together, and we all be blessed by the Buddha in the ten directions. The wisdom will be lighting up like the sun, and the garden of life will blossom very soon. Let’s live with the truth and lets practice together. Make sure you reach out to yourself, and friends who ever you see. There is the right time for them to practice. Please introduce. We keep in touch.

Thank you.

Mu A Mu Sa.



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