
1041: Move On – Mantra#1 – Mu A Mu Sa

Nam Mo Shakyamuni

Mu A Mu Sa

Good Morning Every friend on YouTube That Bao Huyen Mon and Facebook ChuaXaLoi. Every Saturday I am very humble to be here at the Meditation Hall in Frederick, Maryland Xa Loi Temple. Practice meditation with all of you. The very best we could offer to each other is to connect together in a very humble way so therefore we can connect with the Buddha and receive compassion energy to become a very good network that you can generate more positive energy to all people we know and love. Remember, we cannot change the whole universe, but we can change our own self to be better. Our meditation here every Saturday, is not to build up some wish that we break down the universe to recreate a new one, but to transform our own habits which cause a lot of problems in the past that we don’t need to hold onto any longer. Let go to move on. That is how we practice today. I hope every one of us understands, our life is very precious. There is no need for us to be stuck still in the past. It is very wonderful for us to move on. To liberate ourselves, to enjoy and to inherit the best gift that was given to us when we were born. We haven’t had the right time to use it for our life. Life is beautiful.

Remember that our meditation is helping us to connect with the mother earth, the buddha nature, the original energy. Whatever you want to call it. It does not belong to religions, It belongs to who we are that has that special energy within. 

When you breathe in with our method, you breathe in through your nose, and expand your belly in the lower body, and hold it right there for three seconds to give your body time to absorb the energy from the oxygen. That is how much time the body needs to convert it into the good energy which goes up through your back to the top of your head. From there it spreads to your entire body just like a mushroom. Covering the entire body. When you breathe out make sure you sunken your belly and concentrate on the heaven gate point. You ask, where is the heaven gate point is, there are some who have just come by for the first time to practice. If you take a moment and join with us you will benefit. Only practice will help you rather than just watching. So, the heaven gate point is right in the front of your tail bone, ending bone, right there, that region. They say if you invest too much time into something meaningless you don’t have time to do the right things. There are only 24 hrs a day. If you spend the time on things that are not necessary, you don’t have time to spend on things that are necessary. Now together with me and our friend Eileen, we practice meditation to value our life, by dedicating a very short, very little time for ourselves. We do love ourselves, and we do need to care. Let’s practice with me. Open your mind. Put aside whatever you have learned and love yourself by getting in touch with your own self, and practice with me together now to let it happen.

Put your right hand, we call the wisdom hand, on top of the left hand we call the compassion hand. Wisdom and compassion bring us back to who we are. There is the mantra we are chanting when we breathe out. Mu A Mu Sa. It means, for all beings to be free of suffering, physically, mentally, spiritually, and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas in the ten directions. We concentrate on that meaning to connect us with all the Buddhas and all our loved ones.

Relax. You sit down in the position that your body feels comfortable. It does not need to be this way or that way or cross your legs. You just need to be comfortable, You could sit on the floor, or a chair, a cushion or your bed. Keep you back bone straight up, hold up your neck. Let’s begin.

May all beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient being, be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient being, be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

Just be silent and do the breathing technique, chanting the mantra by yourself. Discover the energy moving within your physical body. Wherever it is. Locate that spot, keep your mind on the top of your head, and guide the energy up to the top of your head. In a very gentle and relaxed way. No forec needed. Don’t try to hard. Just keep your mind on the top of your head and guide the energy moving to the top of your head. When we set ourselves to be free in guiding the compassion energy to be free move in ourselves. We no longer attach to any negative energy which holds us back. When we let the compassion energy move on and recreate the new path, new pattern, just like a small creek that flows by the water when it rains. Into the river it purifies the water entirely. To supply life to everywhere from there.

Move on. Let the energy keep moving that is helping you to move away the very old negative habits. Renew your life by a good energy. From the top of your head that is filled with the energy there. Conscious with that energy. Being one with the energy on the top of your head. Energy is the truth of your own self. Be with the original self. Don’t separate. Don’t let anything that happens detract us away, separate us away. Liberate ourselves, allow the energy to vibrate to shake our entire body. To let the compassion energy really activate it, and cleanse our body physically, mentally for us to reach up to the higher stage of the living spirit now. From the top of your head, the energy there that you now connect to your loved one, who you think needs help. Could be your husband or wife, son or daughter, your parents. Who ever you think needs help. Just think about them and offer the energy to them by the special connection from the Buddha to the master, from the master to you, and you to your loved one. We all from the Buddha to the master and students become a good river that flows back to the ocean. We have the same taste, the taste of the compassion energy, the taste of liberation, the taste of moving on and letting it flow. Don’t hold on to whatever is already gone. Let the energy of the Buddha guide us. You just need to swim along with the energy. Let the body physically, mentally and spiritually swim along with you right now. As all your loved ones to flow with you, swimming with you, under the ocean of love, compassion, wisdom. 

May all beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from the ten directions. May all our loved ones join with us in the higher level for us to move on to a higher living spirit. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient being, be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas in the ten directions. May all our loved ones, be one with us to receive the merit energy from all. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient being, be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas in the ten directions. May all our loved ones join with us in the higher level for us to move on to a higher living spirit. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

May all sentient being, be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas in the ten directions. . May all our loved ones move on to a higher living spirit. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

Just be silent, practice chanting the mantra, breathing in and out. Conscious of the energy flowing around your body. We really are connected with the energy from all the Buddhas. Compassion energy. Let it flow. If you feel the energy moving your body, just let it flow. Means that we move on. All is in motion, not in the stillness. Just flow with the flow. Just swim with the river and just move on. Don’t hold onto anything. It is there for the right time and for the use we had done. If it creates suffering or happiness, it is all gone. Let’s move on to enjoy life by allowing the energy to flow, by being one with th energy flowing with your body, it is helping you to keep moving on and increase the highest quality of living spirit. You can reach out to anyone with anxiety, frustration, weak, or sick, that they can receive a good energy from you from the master to the Buddha so they can stand up for themselves to be strong. Let us pass around to all our loved ones a good energy from the Buddha. Move on. To receive a good life. The compassion energy is a very good healing energy. We are here, I am here for you. All good friends to connecting together with the Buddha. We are on the same boat. Receiving a good amount of compassion energy. There is no resistance. Let the frequencies of the compassion energy radiate your entire body. Clean up your body and realize now. Only now is your life. Here at this moment, enjoy your life. Move on. Let the energy keep moving on. Don’t hold it back. We just walk along. Just take a walk, just take a walk with the energy flowing within your body and set yourself to be free to keep moving on. The energy if you locate around your body, it could be in the center of your hands, your feet, your body where is just take note. Keep your mind on the top of your head, guiding the energy going up to your head. From there flow down to your entire body.  Connect to all our loved ones. We are together, sitting together to heal. For those who we love who cannot sit for themselves to practice. We offer our good merit energy now for them to be awake later to stand up for ourselves. There are times in our life when we need help. Our loved ones need help from us. Offer to them a good energy to awaken them up sometime in the future.

May our husband or wife, son or daughter, receive the merit energy to awaken themselves to keep moving on. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May our parents always be here with us in the moment of our life connecting us with the deep compassion energy of the Buddha, together we move on to the new life. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

May all sentient being, be free of suffering move on to connect with the original energy within us and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

We just be silent for a few minutes and be one with our own energy. Concentrate and meditate on the energy that we always say to ourselves, let’s move on. Let us all move on. Don’t get stuck there. Don’t stick with whatever in the past and keep crying and moaning. Move on into the new life.

Mu A Mu Sa. Dear all my friends on YouTube and Facebook. We could be already met in person, or have never met. No matter what, the reason why the Master is sitting here with the Students and friends, we practice this special mediation, called movement meditation, that is helping us receive the compassion energy. It is not a move to change the whole universe. It is a move that we are taking care of ourselves, to redirect and stand up for ourselves to show we really love ourselves. Therefore, every Saturday I am her for you, not to teach the doctrine of the Buddhas, but to practice together to bring us back to who we are. We don’t need a religion at this moment. You keep what ever religion you have learned. I will always be with you in your religion. Our meditation is to connect with our energy. It is to empower our religious living, If you are Buddhist, Catholic, Christian, Muslim, or nonreligion. We are human, we are a being. You don’t need to follow me to know me, but we are together following our own self, to love ourselves much more every day. Practice this meditation every Saturday to show we really love ourselves by caring and practice of the reality in actions not just talk. If you say you love your self but spend time with something that is worthless. It is not good. I don’t guide you or point a finger at what is wrong or life. We sit down to see what is necessary to turn the page. To connect deep with ourselves So I am just like the bridge, bridging people together, and together yes, we can change our life for the better by connecting with the good energy, the compassion energy with the Buddha. There is no reason for us to say no. It is good for us to be in touch. If it works for you take on the practice. If not put it aside and we are still friends. Thanks for practicing with us. Have a Wonderful weekend.

Nam Mo Shakyamuni

Mu A Mu Sa.

May all of us be blessed from all Buddhas.



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