
1043: Just Turn Around – Mantra#1 – Mu A Mu Sa

Good Morning to all friends that we here at the meditation hall, Xa Loi Temple, in Frederick Marland. Just like every Saturday, we have a special meeting together on YouTube and Facebook to practice meditation. It is time for us to practice right now so be ready.

Nam Mo Bon Su Thich Ca Mo Ni Phat

Nam Mo Shakyamuni

Mu A Mu Sa

May all of us be blessed by the Buddha and may all beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from the ten directions. Let us begin.

Hello everybody. We are different from other meditations groups because we are focusing on reactivating our compassion energy. Based on the compassion energy from all Buddhas connected with our physical body, and mentally, spiritually that allows the energy to be incorporated from the Buddha and ourself, to reactivate the original energy within us, awakening us for us to be peaceful and joyful with our life no matter what happens. Therefore, we limit talking about what it means, but we send out this special invitation for all of you to take a moment to reevaluate life. To center our life with peace by sitting to meditate with us. We are using mindful meditation and also the special energy the force which connects with us to vibrate and liberate ourselves, to be free of all what ever that we have taken in for so many years. We set ourself to be free and be with the nature who we are. That is how we practice the mediation.

Today I just ask you to sit comfortably, on the cushion or on the floor like you see Eileen and me on the screen. Or you can sit on the chair, couch, or even on your bed. Make sure you are sitting up stable, relax your hips, so you can move a little bit, but not falling down. We are practicing to return, to get in touch, and make friends with our energy, eternal energy. To give us a special jump to awaken our own energy, we invite all the Buddhas from the ten directions, to provide us with the good energy called the compassion – wisdom energy, through the mantra Mu A Mu Sa.

The mantral plays a great role to connect us with the Buddha. Just let it be, this is wonderful. It is good for your health, your mind, your spirit. It is good for you to know that yes, we are all so special. Every one of us is very special, when we can unite together, body, mind, and spirit, and allow the energy to incorporate in bonding body, mind and spirit to become a good friend in a unity so we can benefit much more in life. Suffering will be transformed, sadness slowly removed. Joyfulness, peacefulness and happiness will be there for you. Make a good a choice. Now we are ready to practice.

Remember, when you breathe in through your nose, moving slowly down to your lower body. You expand your tummy, and hold it there for three seconds. Then while you hold it there you allow your body to transform the oxygen to convert it to become a good energy. You just need to concentrate on the heaven gate point. It is right in front of the ending bone, just pay attention right there. It is just a gate, we call the heaven gate. The energy you take in will go through that gate, up your back bone to the top of your head. As you recite the mantra Mu A Mu Sa. The sound Mu A Mu Sa, should be from the lower body raised up slowly. In the very best tone. Muuuu no MU. You vibrate your body very well.You can feel the vibrations if you do it right, you can feel the energy flow if you do it right. Mu A Mu Sa means you activate your compassion and wisdom energy from the Buddha to your physical mental and spirit. To set you free from all your suffering and benefit all being. Just follow if you are beginning today. If you are a new person, just practice with us, just take time, don’t hurry. The more you practice the more it benefits you. Let’s put the right hand, we call the wisdom hand, on top of the left hand, we call the compassion hand. Let’s practice.

What we are focusing on today is, Return, just Turn back around to go back to yourself. Just turn around. That is what we are meditating on today. If you get lost, just turn around. There is no need to dig in and complain, you just turn around.

May all sentient beings be free off suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free off suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free off suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

Just keep meditating silently to yourself, chanting the mantra, breathing in and out. Locate the energy and let it flow around your body. Keep your mind, your intentions on top of your head. From the top of your head, you generate the energy if you feel it right there through out your body down to the tip of your toes. Relax. Turn around, just turn around means, we just turn around to go back to the original eternal compassion energy from the mother earth, from Buddha, from the Buddha nature with us. We get lost by seeking all other energy sources to support whatever our desire for fame, for expectations, then we get lost. We suffer. It is a long time ago we got lost. Just turn around. Go back home the spiritual home within. On the way home, you fill with your own energy, awakening up yourself to be alert, aware of what is happening now. Nothing out there that you reach out to get, but it is all inside that we need to return to receive it. So just turn around, turn around.

Sitting here together with all of you may all the Buddhas connect us together as this special spiritual network, and may all compassion energy connect us together. To transform to purify, for us to center our life. To realize other thoughts arise up, just like the lighting, it will be gone, never stays still. Life is just like the breath in and out. Just turn around and get in touch with the breath. From the top of your head, locate the energy there and watching your entire body in a very peaceful way. Get to know all of your body, your entire body, every part of your body. Allow the energy to flow to all parts of your body. Your toes, your hands, everywhere. Every single cell receives the energy when we let it flow. Think of any negative energy still existing within you. Don’t have to ask where it came from, just let the compassion energy flow into it to transform it. We accept what is there, even though it is negative. The compassion energy will transform for us to use the negative energy to benefit our health. Don’t get stuck, don’t stay there. It is ok, just let it go. Let go of it all and turn around.

I offer all my energy to all our friends who practice together with me on the Saturday for us to be healthy. Good health leading you to a good mental state. We all love our loved ones. We offer our love to all by good energy to awaken them to stand on their own.

May all the Buddhas bless us and connect us with his compassion energy, awaking us for us to realize that we get lost, and we are willing to just turn around and go back to own home. The spiritual home within. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken your belly chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all the suffering created by wrong doing, wrong treatment of other transform by receiving compassion  energy, from all the Buddhas. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken your belly chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all of us receive a good compassion energy from all Buddhas to remove all our suffering and transform the negative energy. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken your belly chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

Just keep meditating by yourself and be silent. Concentrate on the energy flow. If you feel it flow, just let it flow. As a human being so many different kinds of thought always raise up because we don’t dnow that we already set our mind that way. Our mind sets up by what we observe by not being well prepared. Therefore a lot of energy raise up so many different thoughts. There is a special place in us, our original nature where our original thought, original home. We get lost, and suffer, have doubts. We don’t know what to do, we become sad. When all those kinds of feeling come, remember, just turn around and rejoin your breathing techniques. Be mindful breathing in and out. Be mindful with the mantra Mu A Mu Sa. The special breathing technique and mantra Mu A Mu Sa will help us and guide us to turn around and go back to our Buddha nature for us to rest and relax and rejoin, and to be peaceful. No all the place is better than home. Buddha nature is our home. Just turn around and go back to our home and relax. No matte what has happened out there to make you tired. Just turn around and go back to our home there. A lot of good energy within. Go back to your Buddha nature home is good for you to be able to connect with all the Buddhas and receive compassion energy from them to refresh and renew our life. We are all the same, we get lost somehow. But we have a special opportunity to turn around and go back to our home. Once again, no other place is better than home. The Buddha nature is our spiritual home. Very warm, it will handle us in a better way for us to be happy. We have to make a good choice for our life. Do our best. Set ourselves to be free and enjoy life. Don’t sink yourself into the muck of the suffering. No one can get you out unless you are willing to be out. Make a good choice, means make a good turn around to go back to the buddha nature home within.

We are all different, but we do have the right time to be together to connect with the good energy for us to go home together. We all make a good turn around to go home. Connect together our buddha will bund us together and connect us with the Buddha nature. All the Buddhas in the ten directions will help us to be free. Let the energy flow. Your body just let if flow. Don’t hold back. Keep your mind on the top of your head. Oversee your entire body. Watching every single move as the energy flows. Observe it, let it be. Let the energy transform, and flow within your body naturally. Let your mind relax. Don’t wonder, don’t question. Just remember, yes, we are together. We all just turn around and go back to our spiritual home we call the Buddha nature within. We are thinking about all our loved ones, whoever still struggles, suffers, is sick. We connect with them very deeply, offering our merit, our energy, for them to be no longer suffering physically, mentally and spiritually. We are always thinking about our parents. Connect with them and offer our best love. Our best energy for them to be always happy, peaceful, and joyful, their life. We also always think about our husband, wife, children, friends, sangha, master, student, community, society. We offer to all beings. Always to be free. Free of all kinds of suffering, especially we offer our good energy to those who get lost to find a way to turn around to go back home. Together we help each other to turn around and go home. We all have been lost for so long. That is why we suffer. We don’t need to suffer for that long life. Turn around, home is right there. No place is more special, sweater, than our home. The Buddha nature is our spiritual homme.

May all Buddhas from the ten directions be blessing us all the time. We all here willing and humble to receive the blessing from all Buddhas. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all our family friends and loved ones receive a very good compassion energy to transform all their suffering. May all of us who get lost, turn around together to go back to the spiritual home. The Buddha nature within. Breathe in, expanding our belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out. Sunken our belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all evil thoughts and negative energy be transformed into a good energy by the compassion of the enlightened ones of the ten directions. May all our loved ones be free of all, and may all of us be happy all the time, and make the good choice to go back home. Breathe in, expanding our belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken our belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

Hello, every Saturday, we take 30 minutes together, very early in the weekend. WE all know, yes, six more weeks and spring will come. We are all going to see the beautiful flowers. The trees will wake up. We are watching the TV the ground hogs, they show us that spring is coming. We need to see the signs of our spiritual coming now.. Not six more weeks. We don’t depend on the four seasons of natures Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. When we make a good turn around to go back to our Buddha nature it is always Spring, it is beautiful energy there. Buddha is the enlightened one. Always be here with us. Meditate here with me and all our good friends. We have the right time to be together, it is helping us to reach out to each other to transform our life. Together we make a good turn around and go back home. For those who get lost by anything that makes your run away from your home, your spiritual home and your real home. Mom and dad are still there. Make sure you just turn around and go back home. It is not go to be outside that long. It is time for us to turn around and go home. Thank you for practicing together. I believe we have connected to each other and receive a good connection with the compassion energy and all of us together. The best is coming because we know we can turn around and go back. We need to see our spring within now, not wait six weeks. Be in touch, connect with ourself and enjoy a good weekend. Maintain a peaceful energy and time with your loved ones now, with your family, with your friends, all around the world.

Thank you. Have a good weekend.

Nam Mo Shakyamuni

Mu A Mu Sa



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