
1028: Set Yourself Free – Mu A Mu Sa

Nam Mo Shakyamuni. Mu A Mu Sa

May all people, and sentient beings be blessed by the enlightened one Buddha Shakyamuni.

Good morning everybody. Good morning my friends. It is beautiful here in Frederick, Maryland. It is beautiful outside. So, you know every Saturday I always remember about this special moment for us to get together. After the whole week of working and doing things. So busy with family with jobs, with life. Saturday, we have an hour for ourself to be truly who we are. For those who have been following this YouTube channel, today we also live stream on Face Book. 

In life, I try not to bring Buddhist doctrine there is enough religion in life. Everybody has the right time to follow the religion that is best. When we grow up, we follow the path that our conscience tells us to follow. I fully respect all.  But our meditation techniques, this is a very, very old methods for thousands of years. Which follow the mindfulness breathing techniques and the Mantra Mu A Mu Sa.

 Mu A Mu Sa means compassion, compassion energy activates your compassion energy through the compassion of all Buddhas in the ten directions. The compassion energy activates and motivates our original energy within. With the method and techniques, it will benefit all physically, it is a process of healing meditation, healing physically, mentally, and spiritually. It really is. It is very easy you can just follow me.

I am here every Saturday. I am encouraging you to practice every day for five minutes, or at least practice seven times the mantra and breathing in and out. To maintain the highest, peacefulness energy from the Buddha within you to balance your life, for you to have full energy and for you to activate your life in a positive way. In life It is very easy to forget to take care of ourselves. We should take time for self-care.

 The breathing technique is quite easy. You just need to concentrate and acknowledge when breathing in,  it is in and breathing out is out. You breathe in through the nose, and move it down low, and then expand your belly. For those who practice this, the energy will be activated by the Buddha and you will always maintains a high quality of energy within you.. You can purify yourself as soon as possible when you discover negativity so you can enjoy your life, rather than sink into suffering and loose control of your happiness. “Set Yourself Free” is what we want to discuss today. But before we do we are going to talk a little bit more about how to apply this meditation method to get ourselves to be free.

Let’s begin with two times the breathing technique, and the mantra, Mu A Mu Sa. You sound out Mu A Mu Sat. This special, sacred mantra ,Mu  A Mu Sa, connects you with the Buddha. It connects you with the compassion energy which is very special. We all live by compassion energy. Without compassion energy, evil energy, negative energy, suffering energy from all kinds will interfere with your life and make your life miserable. Let’s take charge, stand up and take care of your life. And let’s recharge full of the good energy for you to be ready. Let’s see. Put the right hand we call the wisdom hand, on the left hand, we call the compassion hand. Put them down together and relax. Loosen up your body. Just loosen up and relax. And we pray together.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly chanting the Mantra, Muuuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaa

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point at the ending bone, breathe out, sunken your belly chanting the Mantra, Muuuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaa

Friends, we all need to do something for ourselves, especially for health, for eternal life, we need to take care. We don’t depend on others. No one provides or gives it to you. You cannot go to the pharmacy and buy some special spiritual energy to inject in you and you are ok. The same meaning of injection but what should you inject.

You know in life there are so many times that we are tired that is why we take vacations. To escape the moment we are tired. I have my friend, Eileen, she is right behind me.  I don’t know if she is tired are not but she travels a lot sometimes. She has two beautiful locations one from her mom and the other from her relatives. One in Delaware, and the other in St. Petersburg, Florida. Both close to the ocean. She goes there very often because her mom is still there. She is not escaping but she rejoins with the happiness, with her mom and her family where she was born and grew up there. Yes, every time she comes back she is full of energy because of the love and compassion. I could say she just set herself free from the mother, wife duty, and also free of what, a member of the Xa Loi Temple student. She doesn’t have to mow, cut the grass. She doesn’t have to do anything. All she has to do is simply fly to Florida or drive to Delaware and relax. Every time she comes back she looks younger. Set yourself free. Is that the dream? Is that the wish? We all dream and wish. “Oh I wish I could set myself free.” How many times do you repeat that in your life to set yourself free? But could you? Yes sometimes we need vacation, we need to relax.  When we think about setting ourselves free we always think to go somewhere else. Leave where we live. Go far away, the further away you go the better you are. That is why many people take vacations for a month, a week, to go to a different state sometimes in another country. Away, I use the word escaping.

But in Buddhism, Buddha doesn’t say that you should escape, rather you should do landscaping. In escaping, you run away, you go away, you move away. Buddha said you do the landscaping, which just means you step inside the garden of your soul, of your spirit. And work in that garden, doing some kind of special landscaping, remove, to arrange to mow and to plant the beautiful flowers within your spiritual garden within your life.

You see the difference. Set yourself free not by escaping, but by landscaping in your soul. Today with the technique of breathing in and the mantra, Mu a Mu Sa. The method is helping you. It is not running away from the situation or the environment or whatsoever is happening which is creating suffering, creating headaches. Now are especially difficult times that we all face together. Many people want to escape, many people box inside their houses for so long already. We are getting crazy, depression and suffer.

Now I am telling you to get deeper inside. “Oh my God”, you say, “Go deeper inside? I stay inside my home for months and months children and husband couldn’t move. Why do you want to go inside?”

 We don’t box ourselves inside. We move to the higher stage, the higher level, self-confidence, self-happiness, self-esteem and reactivate and do a good landscaping to make our spiritual garden to be beautiful. Just by breathing in and breathing out, chanting the mantra, Mu A Mu Sa.

You know the negative energy, when it is inside you, scientists and all the doctors say the truth is that our negative energy will install in ourselves. When we are tired about life or affected by the negative energy, you can see it in a person’s face. Because our face is very sensitive our facial tissue stores all  kinds of negative energy. That is why when you are sad you look in people’s eyes, you see, oh they are sad. Sometimes when I am sad my friends recognize it because they see it in my eyes. But when I am happy, they also look into my eyes and my surrounding face and they see the happiness energy.

You know our face really shows the sadness or happiness because the cells around here are very sensitive absorbing and hold onto the negative energy or positive energy. You have a beautiful smile because you have a good energy.  You cannot smile beautifully if you have a negative energy effecting you right now. You don’t have to escape. You have to rearrange.

You know in America, we all love when the summer comes and we can work outside and do a little gardening. You see when you come to Xa Loi Temple you see the most beautiful garden. It is very big not small. We have 33 acres. So, we mow, we cut, we arrange. There are a lot of beautiful flowers. That is because some people come to our temple always volunteer to do landscaping and take care. Early in the Fall, early in the spring. Who is that? Eileen, Su Co Bao Co, and a lot of students, members, just volunteer taking care of the Temple gardens. By doing that I always remind them. “Don’t forget the little garden within you, your spiritual garden. Taking care of that too.” The outside looks good in the temple gardens so the members come and relax they enjoy. But don’t forget to take care and do the landscaping within the garden of your soul, your spirit.

Dear friends, we need to take care of ourselves. We need to share the energy in a positive way. We need to learn the technique to do the landscaping for our soul garden. We cannot forget, to take care of that. We have to take care of our spiritual garden. It takes a little effort. But together we do it. I am volunteering to be your friend. I am volunteering to be the gardener with you to take care of our spiritual garden together.

Eileen knows how to plant the flowers, clean the gardens, cut and mow.  I know how to cut the grass within your spiritual garden. I know how to plant the beautiful flower of the breathing techniques and the compassion energy within your spiritual garden. Together outside and inside we care for both.

For those who always have a negative energy, for those who work among the workforce environment, which is so negative, are unfortunate that you have to face that somehow unexpected this meditation helps you a lot. You know like you go to a different state, escaping, traveling, you buy the travel kit. It has a little medicine, a little this a little that. So when you go along you have something if you need it. People who do that business are very smart, intelligent. They know what you might need and they package it in a small box and they sell it.

Buddha is very smart. He knows how to truly reach peacefulness. He doesn’t sell it, but he provides a little kit which is within that small box. The mindfulness breathing techniques and the special mantra, Mu A Mu Sa. Try it out. You will see that.

Lets do it one more time. We will be breathing two times. Ok. Put your right hand on top of the left hand and let’s practice.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering, and set themselves to be free of all, and receive a good compassion energy from all Buddhas from the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold it there, concentrate on the heaven gate point in front of your tail bone, breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering, and set themselves to be free of all, and receive a good compassion energy from all Buddhas from the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point in front of your tail bone, breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuuu Saaa.

You know scientist say that everything in the universe is always in motion. Never still. It takes a good energy to balance all the motion. In our bodies there is space between all cells. We cannot see with our eyes but the scientists can see that there is a space between every cell. Because of that space, every cell in very independent but all the cells together form into the body that we look like.  In between every space of the cell, there is energy flowing within. When you breathe in you bring in a lot of oxygen to into your body. It transforms and absorbs into your blood and carries to all the cells. It delivers the positive energy. especially the mantra, Mu A Mu Sa.

 When you breathe in, the oxygen is sinking in deep down to your lower body. when you breathe in and you chant Mu A Mu Sa the purified energy vibrates from the lower body up. The special vibration transforms the self and because that sacred sound delivers the compassion energy from the Buddha into every cell in your body, it liberates all negative energy. Therefore, your face is going to look brighter, nicer, beautiful. Because the negative energy moves away by the special vibrations to liberate all the negative energy within yourself.

That is what we mean by “Set Yourself Free” not by escaping, but working inside your soul to do a little landscaping to take care of your spiritual garden to make it more beautiful every day. We need to do that. We cannot forget our soul garden. We need to learn this special technique.  You don’t just see people plant flowers anywhere or they will die. I have planted many trees; persimmon, apple, and others, but they never produce anything and some even die. Just because I don’t know the technique. But now I learn, some grow up. But the next time we are going to do the right technique. We do have a back hoe to make a hole and maintain it well. We will do it.

The same with the soul garden, you need to know the right technique. You have to perform it right, you have to do it right for every single time that you practice it will be helpful, useful and effective. Delivering the good energy, the compassion energy into your body to set yourself free of all kinds of troubling negative energy, and also sickness and illness which is hanging onto your body.

For one who loves to be healthy physically, mentally and spiritually, we all have to step in and do some spiritual landscaping. Don’t escape. We don’t run away. If you face some very difficult times don’t run away. Stay still within your soul. Take a deep breath in and out with Mu A Mu Sa, and direct face those difficult times, negative energy, negative person, negative environment, negative situation, negative thought. Transform it right away. If you don’t transform it by the positive energy of Mu A Mu Sa those kinds of negative thoughts, situations, environments or people will make you sad. Sadness energy is not good. It does not allow us to be open because it pushes us down into a depression. Sadness is not good for our health, or our life. If we are sad every day, it makes us look terrible. Life is special, we need to stay young, we need to look beautiful. We need to take care of all of ourselves. We need to be free of negativity by stepping inside into the spiritual garden and learn the special landscaping of the mindfulness breathing technique with the Mantra Mu A Mu Sa. I guarantee you are going to see a good energy, and I guarantee you the soul garden will be beautiful.

 You know now adays landscape companies show you the plan, they have learned how to take care of plants very well and  they guarantee if that plant dies you bring it in and they exchange it for a different plant. I guarantee that your negative energy will be purified if you plant a good mindfulness breathing technique every day, six or seven times a day. Takes about three minutes. It feels good. That is the way you show yourself you love yourself; you care for yourself.

Let’s do it again, right hand on top of the left hand.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point at the ending bone, breathe out, sunken your belly chanting the Mantra, Muuuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaa

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions and may all set themselves free from negative energy. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point at the ending bone, breathe out, sunken your belly chanting the Mantra, Muuuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaa

Hello friends for those who just met us today on this YouTube channel. You can just write to us so we can be in touch, and like us on Face Book.

Every Saturday we practice like this. It is very easy and we share the way that Buddha teaches to “Set us Free” and enjoy life to be happy. In life we choose the best ways to be happy. We are not supposed to suffer. We’re not supposed to live with all things we don’t like. The positive way is wonderful, but in life so many times we have to face things that are unexpected. Don’t worry, don’t escape, don’t run away don’t walk away, do landscaping within by stepping inside, and believe.

The wonderful gardener who has been doing all kinds of gardening at the temple has been escaping away from the temple for me not seeing her, Eileen, don’t escape no more. You just call it travel, it does not mean escaping. But do the landscaping inside especially in the fall and winter because there are no flowers outside for the winter. But there is the flower garden within.

Have a good weekend and enjoy your weekend. Make sure you join with us every Saturday. Share, share and send out invitations to your friends. So, we can get together every Saturday. Have a very good, wonderful, positive weekend. Thank you.



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