
1027: No Perception – Mu A Mu Sa

Mo Phat

Good Morning everybody, today is Saturday the day we get together to practice That Bao Huyen Mon meditation methods. It is the right time right now. Just listen to the bell to quiet our minds so we can go very deep into the breathing techniques to practice, to purify our mind, our life for this weekend and through the week. Please.

Every Saturday, we sit together. We sit down. You could sit down on the sofa on the chair or wherever. Any position you feel comfortable to loosen up the entire body. We do so many things during the week. Every day we have to do things to take care of our families and ourselves. But we don’t take time to take care of our spirits. “Spirit” means different things to different people. But it doesn’t mean anything if we don’t practice connecting with our spirit. We don’t wait till the end of our life to see how our spirit turned out. By “spirit” here we are referring to our good energy, the spirit of every day.

Every one of us has to work to connect with the good energy within the environment that we live and interact with every day. We have to learn how to take care of our spirit. We have to make the good choice to reconnect or connect with good energy. Mu A Mu Sa for those who are new or have been practicing for a while, means you are connecting with the compassion energy from the Buddhas.

So many sources of energy we don’t want to connect with, but we have connected with naturally, or our Karma has connected very much together the same frequency. It just comes in.  We don’t want to push it away, it just comes. Because the buddha says the same Karma, the same frequency connects to us automatically and it comes into our life.

But there is also a very good energy. All the enlightened beings, the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions, always want us to tap into this energy to benefit our lives. But in order to receive it we need to do it right.

At our temple here in Frederick Maryland, we have a problem here with our internet because it is too far away from the main road to have cable internet. Then we have to have a wireless 5g internet. That wireless internet is very strong, very good. But if it is a cloudy day, it does not work so well. But it works very well on a sunny day. In order to use it well we have to move around the modem to the right position to receive a good connection.

Likewise, in order to receive the compassion energy from the Buddha we need to move to the right position. We don’t just sit there. Moving what? Moving our perception. Of course, perception is very good for us to be who we are. But to connect with the compassion energy, to purify ourselves, we have to go back to the original self, the non-self. So, we have to remove the perception away not destroy it. Just move it away at the moment you want to connect to the compassion energy. Just like the modem of the wireless internet. We have to move to the right spot. We cannot just keep it in our room or wherever. We have to move it out to get a very clear place to connect with the internet.

This is the same. If you are able to move your perception away while you practice, I guarantee that we will be able to connect with a very good compassion energy physically, mentally and spiritually and it really heals us.  You know when you connect with the internet you can do a lot of things. When you don’t have a good connection like at the temple, you need to move around until a good connection is found. For one who practices meditation or loves to connect to the compassion energy with the Buddha, we need move our perception away while we practice to fully connect with that energy.

 When you connect with that energy it liberates away from all of the negative energy and it purifies your physical body so your are healthier. It makes your thoughts more crystal like so you can see through clearer. And of course, it is a good healing energy. Can we do it a couple of time to just restore our energy first.

Let’s put the right hand, we call the wisdom hand, on the left hand we call the compassion hand, and we practice several breathing in and out together. Let’s pray together:

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receive compassion energy in order to move all perceptions away. Breathe in, expanding your belly, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuuuu Aaaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

You know when you breathe in mindfully, you breathe in through your nose, and you let the air move through your lungs to your lower body, expanding your belly. You hold it there for three seconds for your body to have time to absorb the oxygen. Then you use your mind to concentrate on the heaven gate point. The heaven gate point is in front of your tail bone. The gate that transforms the oxygen into a very good energy. Then it follows your backbone to the top of your head as you breathe out while chanting the mantra.

When you do it like that it vibrates your body because at the same time you are chanting Mu A Mu Sa. The compassion energy from the Buddha will connect with your body. If you quiet yourself within the breathing techniques, you will physically be able to feel the energy flow within your body. When you feel the energy flow within your body, all you have to do is observe it. Allow it to transform into your body. Be conscious of the energy, just be one with it, don’t separate, don’t hold on to it. Just let it flow. The energy will flow within your body where it needs to go, it is very intelligent, helping your body settle down, generating a greater energy for your body to be healthier. The energy also loosens up all kinds of negative energy from your mind.

For those who practice this once a day. It is very helpful. But if you don’t have time just practice once a week every Saturday with me or at home by yourself. It is greatly beneficial. When you begin to experience the benefits, it will inspire you to practice every day.

Just like breakfast, you take five or ten minutes for your breakfast. Breakfast is very needed. You cannot skip it. You skip your breakfast, it is no good for your thoughts, no go for your brain. Many scientists and nutrition doctors suggest not skipping breakfast.

Buddha suggested the same thing, don’t skip your meditation. The time of day does not matter, breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Whenever you have the time, make the space to sit, and relax and return back to your original nature. We all have been escaping away from the nature. We reach out to do so many things outside that destroy us, which prevent us from connecting deep with the nature of ourself. So sitting down to do mindful meditation with the breathing techniques, especially with Mu A Mu Sa, this special mantra, brings us back to the original nature we were born with. Remember when you were young you had nothing to worry about. Just because we were so pure. At that time so much good energy was still in us. But when we grow up the heavy energy slowly moves it away from us, because we reject the pure energy.

So make sure that you take in breathing in very deep through your lungs. Allow your lungs to purify the air. For the oxygen to go down to the lower body. Just that, it is very easy. Practice wherever it does not matter, a special place or not. You can sit on a bench or sit on the grass at a park or wherever that you feel comfortable. I suggest you take 5 minutes every day and practice. You have to see the benefit so you are motivated to practice. If you don’t see the benefit, you never practice.

So now if you are watching the video you can practice three times and observe the energy and see how you feel.  How do you feel in this moment? Mindful and relaxed? Or do you feel like you are disconnected? Whatever is bothering you, you will feel more powerful within yourself. No matter what you are feeling, be honest with yourself, and return back to the mother nature. There is no perception, there is no religion, there is no good or bad. There is the mother earth for us to be.

Let’s put the right hand on the left hand, and let’s do it one more time.

May all sentient beings be free of all suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions.  Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaaa.

May all sentient beings be free of all suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions.  Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaaa.

May all sentient beings be free of all suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions.  Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaaa.

You just keep maintaining your position and keep practicing your breathing technique, breathe in and out, and chanting Mu A Mu Sa.

Mu A Mu Sa is a special mantra that connects us to the Buddha. Helping us to connect with the compassion energy. The compassion energy frequency will transform into your body. Just think like the gardener. They must remove all the rocks and stones and put down good soil. Perceptions need to be moved away from our spiritual garden for a better energy to connect. If you put a big rock or stone there the flower cannot grow. Same way if you remove your perception away from your thoughts, your mind, it enables you to connect to the compassion energy.

Your perception always jumps in front of your mind to interrupt, to make judgements, to compare, to think. But when you connect just with the energy, with the mother earth energy, compassion energy there is nothing to think, nothing to block you.

It is just like how you connect with your mother’s love.  When you come back to your mother, you don’t think, should you embrace her or not? She is your mom. All you have to do is fall into her love. And let her heal you by holding you.  Compassion energy is very much like the mother love. You just return to that feeling. That origin. We have to move away our accumulated perceptions to become a child again, to become a little boy or little girl to run to our inner mother nature and say, “Mom, I love you.” And let her hold you tight and love you. The mother earth nature is the compassion energy from all Buddhas. That energy’s frequency is very good, very special. It is able to fulfill all your dreams physically, mentally, and spiritually. It is wonderful. So, all you do is remove your perception now. At this moment, at least, For you to connect with the compassion.

Let’s do it a couple more times and remember, when you feel the energy flow within your body just allow it to flow. Observe it. Be one with it, don’t separate. Let that energy liberate your body and vibrate your body. It is wonderful when you feel the energy moving your body. We call it moving meditation. The energy moves your body. And you let it move and just watch.

May all sentient beings be free of all suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions.  Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaaa.

May all sentient beings be free of all suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions.  Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaaa.

May all sentient beings be free of all suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions.  Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaaa.

You just maintain your sitting position and keep practicing you breathing techniques and be mindful when you breathe in you know that you breathe in, when you expand your belly you know that you are expanding your belly. Be Conscious of all the feelings from the top of your head throughout your body. Just recognize and energy there, but don’t hold it, don’t grasp it. Just let it go. Be aware of your breathing technique in and out, and aware and awake to your entire body’s sensations and just watch the energy.

By sitting just five minutes a day with mindful breathing techniques, and chanting mu a mu sa mantra, it brings yourself back to the original energy from the mother earth, called the compassion energy. All the Buddha’s are enlightened beings because they have joined with the mother earth energy we call compassion energy.  All the buddhas are enlightened because they have fully connected with this compassion energy. When we connect with the compassion energy it helps us to remove all are perceptions to benefit our health and to purify our thoughts, thus healing everybody.

At this moment focus on the compassion energy. Be aware of the energy surrounding you, and think of your loved ones, your parents your husband or wife, children, your relatives, all sentient beings. You offer your merits to all. Connect with them in a spiritual way and offer them your own merit energy. We ask the Buddha to rain down his compassion energy upon all sentient beings who still suffer out there, that they may be healed. Those who are suffering physically, mentally, or spiritually. May all Buddhas bless them with the compassion energy especially for our loved ones in our family, and for those who still suffer.

Mu A Mu Sa is a good mantra, the compassion energy mantra, we use the breathing technique and to be mindful and to quiet ourself in this moment with no perception.  We flatten down our ego, enrich our spiritual energy by emptying and quieting our mind with the breathing technique. Be mindful. If you feel the energy flowing in your body. Just let it flow. We call it moving meditation, watching the energy flow within your physical body. And may all suffering beings be blessed by the Buddha. And may all our loved ones connect deep with the Buddhas compassion energy.

Practice every day for five minutes. If there is negative energy still exists inside your body. Purify it with the breathing technique and the mantra Mu A Mu Sa. It will purify that negative energy. We have to make a good choice for our life. Transform the negative energy for ourselves and offer to our loved ones to be purified and live happy every day to be strong to face all kinds of challenges.

Let’s breathe in.

May all sentient beings be free of all suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions.  Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaaa.

May all sentient beings be free of all suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions.  Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaaa.

May all sentient beings be free of all suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions.  Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaaa.

Mu a Mu Sa is a very special mantra. It helps us connect with the compassion energy of all the Buddhas. It purifies our life. It brings back our happiness. It enriches our energy.  It heals ourselves. Five minutes every day is really a good work for everybody who cares and love themselves. In order to love others we need to love ourselves and take care of our health and transform our suffering. We cannot just say we love all people, but have not love ourself.

When the energy flows within your body all you do is observe it and allow it to flow. The energy from the Buddha connects with you through the breathing techniques and the mantra Mu A Mu Sa. It works very well, very intelligently. You don’t guide it. You just allow it to be naturally. You just let it me.

No perceptions in meditation is necessary in order to empty our mind. Our mind is just like the computer. Too much information in there now. We need to remove some in order to install a good app. Mu a Mu Sa is a very good app. A compassion app.  If you can delete some of your perceptions and remove all the trash away and install the compassion Mu A Mu Sa app, your life will be better every day.

We are here every Saturday about 11:30 a.m. Eastern Time.  I ask you to join with us to practice. Once a day every Saturday. It benefits you for the whole week. It is best if you also spend five minutes every day practicing or you take more time, that is always good.

Thank you for practicing with us and have a very good, wonderful weekend with your family, your friends, and your loved ones. Taking care of yourself to be healthy. Thank you for joining this meditation hour with us. Thank you. May all Buddhas bless all of us. May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive a very good compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions.



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