
1021: Pure Presence – Mu A Mu Sa

Nam Mo Bon Su Thich Ca Mo Ni Phat

Mu A Mu Sa

Good morning everybody. We are here on Saturday to practice the moving meditation with the Mantra Mu A Mu Sa. Which is receiving compassion energy from all Buddhas in the ten directions that purify us. I welcome you back here on this YouTube Channel.

Time for us to practice. Please sit down in a position that you feel comfortable, make sure you feel comfortable. Our method is with the breathing technique. When you breathe in through your nose and then keep going down to your lungs and the lower body. You then hold it for three seconds, and concentrate on the haven gate point. You may ask where is the heaven gate? It is located at the tail bone, the ending bone in front of that we call the Heaven Gate point. The energy from there converts to become the good energy that purifies and follows up your back bone to the top of your head, then moves down between your eyes and out of your mouth while you are chanting Mu A Mu Sa.

 If you have been following this YouTube channel for a month, I think you should know how to use this breathing technique. But if today is your first day I hope you will understand the way I talk and just follow. As long as you follow, you will discover this special energy that will awaken in your physical body joined with mental and spiritually.  It activates the body, spirit and mind. This is wonderful for us to connect with our own energy to balance the universal energy within with the Buddhas to help us to be stronger. Especially today we are talking about pure presence. We need this pure presence every second of our lives.

We take our right hand, the wisdom hand, on top of the left hand, the compassion hand and put them together on you lap. Let us begin.

May all sentient being be free of of suffering and receive the compassion energy from the Buddhas in the ten directions. And may all have a purer presence. Breathe in Expanding your belly. Hold it there, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient being be free of of suffering and receive the compassion energy from the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in Expanding your belly. Hold it there, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient being be free of of suffering and receive the compassion energy from the Buddhas in the ten directions. And may all have a purer presence. Breathe in Expanding your belly. Hold it there, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient being be free of of suffering and receive the compassion energy from the Buddhas in the ten directions. And may all have a purer presence. Breathe in Expanding your belly. Hold it there, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient being be free of of suffering and receive the compassion energy from the Buddhas in the ten directions. And may all have a purer presence. Breathe in Expanding your belly. Hold it there, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient being be free of of suffering and receive the compassion energy from the Buddhas in the ten directions. And may all have a purer presence. Breathe in Expanding your belly. Hold it there, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient being be free of of suffering and receive the compassion energy from the Buddhas in the ten directions. And may all have a purer presence. Breathe in Expanding your belly. Hold it there, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

Just keep maintaining your sitting position. Life is challenging every moment. We all need to well arrange our life in a pure presence for us to enjoy our life. Life very precious, very pure, very happy. If we know how to be with we have a happy life. So now concentrate on the top of your head. Fill with the energy, compassion energy from that Buddha offered to you. Receive it humbly. Observe it. Allow the energy from the Buddha to transform into all of your body. No matter where. Let it flow. Let it be. Sink your mind down don’t wonder too much. Just being there watching the energy flow. Your mind will be there. Things come and things go. Don’t’ have to hold it back. Let it free, let it be. Thinking about your loved ones, your parents, your husband, wife, children, your community. Offer the deepest your merit energy to all. May all be healed and no longer suffer of any kind. May all have a pure presence, be happy and healed. May all sickness be gone, be healthy.  Just be with the moment now. Pure presence. Allow the compassion energy from Buddha flow within your body. Let it flow just like a river. No tangles, no attachment, no judgement. No need to verify what is this. Just look at it as it is.

Now we are chanting 7 more times the Mantra: Mu A Mu Sa.  Thinking about your loved ones and we all together offer to them a good energy, good merit. And may all of them activate the compassion energy within so they can have a pure presence.

May all sentient being be free of of suffering and receive the compassion energy from the Buddhas in the ten directions. And may all have a purer presence. Breathe in expanding your belly. Hold it there, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient being be free of of suffering and receive the compassion energy from the Buddhas in the ten directions. And may all have a purer presence. Breathe in expanding your belly. Hold it there, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient being be free of of suffering and receive the compassion energy from the Buddhas in the ten directions. And may all have a purer presence. Breathe in expanding your belly. Hold it there, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient being be free of of suffering and receive the compassion energy from the Buddhas in the ten directions. And may all have a purer presence. Breathe in expanding your belly. Hold it there, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient being be free of of suffering and receive the compassion energy from the Buddhas in the ten directions. And may all have a purer presence. Breathe in expanding your belly. Hold it there, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient being be free of of suffering and receive the compassion energy from the Buddhas in the ten directions. And may all have a purer presence. Breathe in expanding your belly. Hold it there, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient being be free of of suffering and receive the compassion energy from the Buddhas in the ten directions. And may all have a purer presence. Breathe in expanding your belly. Hold it there, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

Just keep maintaining your sitting and breathing techniques. We all know we need to practice to be together. We practice we share and connect together with the Buddha the enlightened one. First to purify our presence, and also for us to receive compassion energy that we can offer to all.

Now a days the world is totally different.  A lot of things coming that create suffering for all. We need to offer more good merits to offer for all. No mater which side you stand on we offer the energy for you.

 Our methods is connected with the compassion energy with all the Buddhas to activate our own compassion energy within to be one with the universe with the Buddha. We practice with the energy, with healing the world within our physical body, our family, the community. We are going to convert ourselves back to be how we were naturally, like the mother earth, humble and giving life to others.

Just be conscious of the energy that flows within you. Just let it free, and let yourself to be the mother earth within your body. Let the earth holding you, healing you, giving you love and compassion. And let the mother earth wake you up and enjoy life. You are having a pure presence, just enjoy to be. Don’t let anything else distract you. Don’t hold things back whatever is gone let it be gone. Whatever comes we welcome, When it goes we say bye bye. And be present every moment of your life. Be mindful. Don’t watch others. But catch your own thoughts and purify them by your compassion energy, and just relax. Life is very pure. Every moment, every second, we call pure presence. Be mindful. You have it. Just relax.

Now we do again seven more mantras. Every Saturday we practice 21 times. We do the last 7. Just relax to receive the compassion energy of the Buddha through your physical Body. Let it heal and let it be.

May all sentient being be free of of suffering and receive the compassion energy from the Buddhas in the ten directions. And may all have a purer presence. Breathe in expanding your belly. Hold it there, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient being be free of of suffering and receive the compassion energy from the Buddhas in the ten directions. And may all have a purer presence. Breathe in expanding your belly. Hold it there, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient being be free of of suffering and receive the compassion energy from the Buddhas in the ten directions. And may all have a purer presence. Breathe in expanding your belly. Hold it there, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient being be free of of suffering and receive the compassion energy from the Buddhas in the ten directions. And may all have a purer presence. Breathe in expanding your belly. Hold it there, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient being be free of of suffering and receive the compassion energy from the Buddhas in the ten directions. And may all have a purer presence. Breathe in expanding your belly. Hold it there, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient being be free of of suffering and receive the compassion energy from the Buddhas in the ten directions. And may all have a purer presence. Breathe in expanding your belly. Hold it there, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient being be free of of suffering and receive the compassion energy from the Buddhas in the ten directions. And may all have a purer presence. Breathe in expanding your belly. Hold it there, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

Thank you for all of you who practice together with me every Saturday. I call Saturday is special for all of us. Life is very busy but however spend some time 5 minutes or 30 minutes every day. To practice to feed your physical, mental and spiritual self. This special energy we call Mu A Mu Sa energy. What does Mu A Mu Sa Mean? Mu A Mu Sa is a special mantra given from the Buddha which means: May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. It also means activate your compassion energy.

It is special method process to transform yourself. The transformation you are receiving is from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. We all make mistakes, we are all human, we suffer, we are happy, we laugh, we cry. That is ok. Today is up today is down. That is life. But if we learn how to manage our life we are happier.

Buddha teaches us how to manage our life to be happy, to be healthier, to last long. To have life and move on. We do not surrender to anything that creates suffering to us and to others we love. Let’s practice together every Saturday.

I send out the invitation again, and again, and again. And I hope that one day you catch the meaning of what I invite you to be, and join with me once a week, but every day you practice at home.

 If you have any questions, please send me the text message through this YouTube channel. If you just want to understand or get engaged to know me. You can text me. I will text you back. Or we can call each other to talk.

 Our headquarters is in Frederick, Maryland. But today here at the meditation hall in Pennsylvania. So I welcome you all. I love to be part of your practice to be your friend together we practice. We need to heal each other especially now life is totally unstable. We need to practice, practice, and practice.

Once again thank you very much, and you have a good long weekend with your loved ones. Thank you. We end the class here now.



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