
1020: Tranquil Heart – Mu A Mu Sa

Nam-Mo Shakyamuni Buddha

Today we do meditation together. However, because the special moment the big family Dolan-Pakor,  Came to the temple to celebrate the birthday of Akita Pakor 11 yr. old. Together we all dedicate this meditation hour and offer our merit to Akit Pakor. Especially for the whole Dolan-Pakor family. May all Buddhas from ten directions bless this family to be peaceful, joyful and happy.

We now practice meditation and welcome all friends from around the world that are watching on YouTube. May all be blessed. Now a days the world is totally different. It turned upside down because things are differences couldn’t even settle down.

All be peace and receive the special compassion energy from all the Buddhas that we can sit down together, meditate ourself and receive the guidance from the Buddha wisdom. For us to know ourselves much better. With love, with care and with forgiveness that we move on in our life. We also pray for all our parents for today to have longevity. Long happiness to be with our family.

 And now we practice with the mantra called Mu A Mu Sa.

Mu A Mu Sa means, may all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in ten directions. So, we put the right hand on top of the left hand and sit in a position that is comfortable. You look up to the Buddha, the enlightened one who guides us through this moment to receive this compassion energy to transform our life, to have a tranquil heart. So please let the kid be an angel, let the kid be free, to celebrate the happy moment we have now

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten direction. Breath in, expand you belly, breathe out sunken your belly chanting, Muuuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in, breathe out, chanting: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaaa.

Breath in, Breathe out, Chanting: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all buddhas. And may all buddhas bless Akita Pakor.

Breathe in, and breathe out chanting: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. May all Buddhas bless Akita Pakor, and the Dolan- Pakor family.

Breathe in, breathe out chanting: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. May all Buddhas bless Akita Pakor, and the Dolan- Pakor family.

Breathe in, breathe out chanting: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. May all Buddhas bless Akita Pakor, and the Dolan- Pakor family.

Breathe in, breathe out chanting: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaaa.

Now you are just sitting still. Watching yourself and look deep into your mind. That we are receiving the energy from the Buddha from the top of our head and going around our whole body for us to receive this special tranquil heart energy. Just relax.

Think of all your loved ones, your husband your wife, your children, your relatives, whole community, whole world. Offer your merit to all and receive the energy flow within you and offer to all our loved ones. Just maintain your energy be there for you. And may all receive this special energy to maintain our tranquil heart. Be mindful look up to everyone you love up in your mind and the wisdom of the Buddha shine up on us.

We do again, seven more. Repeat after me loud please.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all buddhas in the ten directions.  May all Buddhas bless all of us and Akita Pakor, and the Dolan- Pakor family and receive a tranquil heart.

Breathe in, breathe out chanting: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all buddhas in the ten directions.  May all Buddhas bless all of us and Akita Pakor, and the Dolan- Pakor family and receive a tranquil heart.

Breathe in, breathe out chanting: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all buddhas in the ten directions.  May all Buddhas bless all of us and Akita Pakor, and the Dolan- Pakor family and receive a tranquil heart.

Breathe in, breathe out chanting: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all buddhas in the ten directions.  May all Buddhas bless all of us and Akita Pakor, and the Dolan- Pakor family and receive a tranquil heart.

Breathe in, breathe out chanting: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all buddhas in the ten directions.  May all Buddhas bless all of us and Akita Pakor, and the Dolan- Pakor family and receive a tranquil heart.

Breathe in, breathe out chanting: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all buddhas in the ten directions.  May all Buddhas bless all of us and Akita Pakor, and the Dolan- Pakor family and receive a tranquil heart.

Breathe in, breathe out chanting: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all buddhas in the ten directions.  May all Buddhas bless all of us and Akita Pakor, and the Dolan- Pakor family and receive a tranquil heart.

Breathe in, breathe out chanting: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaaa.

Thank you can I see Akita so I can bless her. (Chanting)

Dear all friends it is a special day that we have the Dolan-Pakor family is here at the right time. It is very special that we have this family here with us during the special meditation hour.

May all of us and may all your friends who practice meditation with us on the YouTube channel receive this special compassion energy for all. Especially since we are asking for a tranquil heart to maintain the highest level of energy in a peaceful way. That we can forgive to everybody who make us suffer who done something that created great suffering for us. May all Buddhas forgive them and may you forgive all. May all of us have a tranquil heart to maintain the good energy that we share with all. To make all sentient being be free of suffering and share compassion energy with all.

The world is upside down right now because we cannot talk and sit down together. May this special Saturday that all energy from the Buddha rain up on all the universe clean up and transform all negative energy for us to live here and be peaceful and happy.

Thank you for joining with us. I welcome you to come again to meditate with us next Saturday on this channel. Once again thank you. And thank you Dolan-Pakor family it is very special to ask for a blessing from the Buddha on her birthday it is a very good intention. Remember May all of you keep that thought inside your mind Buddha is like the sun shining up the light so you know the right way.

Mu A Mu Sa

Nam Mo Ta Mo To Mo Da Ra Hoang

Ma Xa Op Ue

Xa Bi Mo U

Sa U Sa U Ba The Um

Nam Mo SaKa Pout Te, Nam Mo SaKa Pout Te

Ethe Ethe Sammmatha.



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