
1001: Awaken Your Buddha Nature – Mantra #1 Mu A Mu Sa – Thất Bảo Huyền Môn

1001: Awaken Your Buddha Nature – Mantra #1 Mu A Mu Sa – Thất Bảo Huyền Môn

Good morning everybody. This is the first time we are on YouTube live stream practicing meditation.  I hope through this channel I will meet all my friends because I was traveling so much.  This is a good time to get back together.  And a good place to meet together and get reconnected to the buddha nature energy to reactivate our love our wisdom and compassion.  I want to say hello to everyone. 

This is going to be a weekly meditation practice together.  Starting at 10:20 Eastern Time.

Good morning everybody.

(Bell rings)

We are going to practice 30 minutes together. Starting at 10:30. I believe we will all benefit. So we can offer our good merit to all sentient being so we can be better mentally spiritually and physically.

Eastern time is 11:20 .  I am now in central time. I have been traveling so much I have found out that youtube live stream to meet every week.

Sit comfortable, and relax.  I hope that all of our friends can get back together for this practice.

It is a good time to practice together with me.  It is very good to practice.  It is good to introduce this channel to you friends.  If it benefits just keep practicing.  If it doesn’t help than just put it aside.  If you have questions you can send me a message.  I will try to answer as soon as possible.

I am missing you so much. It has been almost 20 years since the temple opened.  Some friends we have known even longer.  I am so happy to be able to meet with you again on the live stream.

(bell rings 3 times)

Na MO Bon Su Thich CA Mo Ne phat.  May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering. Peace to all.

Hello, my name is Bao Thanh. I am from Xa Loi Temple in Maryland.  This is the first time to have live stream so old and new friends can come together.  So, we can wake up the Buddha nature within to reactivate our energy.  To receive this special transformation energy from the Buddha compassion into our life to flourish our wisdom and love our mindful and peacefulness therefore we can transform all kinds of negative energy which still exists within us.

Our meditation is from the the south of Vietnam. In Vietnamese the method’s name is “Thất Bảo Huyền Môn” it means “Seven Buddha Nature Mantra” – we will practice these to activate your Buddha nature to benefit your life. 

The first Mantra is Mu A Mu Sa    Four single words Mu- A- Mu -Sa

This mantra will activate the Buddha nature.

You can repeat after me Mu-A-Mu-Sa.  The way we recite is saying each sound long.

When we recite these sounds there is a special technique in breathing and saying the sounds.

You take in through your nose. Move it down to lower body.  Expanding your belly when breathing in.  When breathing out sink in you belly.  In Breathing – Expand belly.  Out Breathing sink the belly. That is the technique for breathing.  When you take in the air you offer your merits to all. Before we say the mantra, we offer our merits to all sentient beings and when you breath out you sunken your belly.  When breathing out, you say the Mantra “Mu A Mu Sa”.

Make sure you divide your breathing in and breathing out the same length. Do not be hurried. From the beginning of the in till the end.  Innnnnnnn  expanding   MUuuuu Aaaaa MUuuuu Saaaaa     out.

Just follow exactly.  When I say in, you expand your belly.  When I say out, you sunken your belly and say the mantra Mu A Mu Sa.  We will do this seven times. 

We do the seven reciting three separate times.  (21 times altogether) Between each set, I will explain the techniques and how this effects the physical and mental and spiritual body. 

The breathing technique plus the Mantra “Mu A Mu Sa“ will transform the energy.

We will recite: “May all Sentient beings receive the compassion energy from the Buddha”.. Then you breath in……. when you breath out you will say “Mu A Mu Sa”.

You will put your right hand, I call the wisdom hand, over your left hand I call the compassion hand. Put the right hand on top of the left hand.  Wisdom hand on the compassion hand. Keep your body up straight and relaxed.

In this time, we just practice –no preaching or lecturing- we simply practice while we practice we all will receive a very good energy to awaken our Buddha nature within. While we practice  we will receive a very good energy to transform into our body when you realize there is energy that activate and move your body and move your thought all you have to do is just watch. Don’t jump into it. Just watch and realize. Don’t block it or resist it.  The Buddha nature in us is a special receiver. So when we receive it just let the buddha nature do its job. Don’t stop it don’t hung it out. Just let it be. 

OK are we ready.

WE say: “May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receive good energy from the Buddha”.  Then we breath in through our nose and expand our belly.. Innnnn.. Then breathing out we say Mu A Mu Sa exactly as I say it. “MUuuuu Aaaaaa MUuuuu SAaaaa” When you breath out make sure you sunken you belly. While you breath in Make sure that you expand you belly so that the air goes to you lower body. So that the air goes into your blood in your body and also transforms into a very good energy. when you breath out you sink your belly in and allow the energy to flow within your backbone up to the top of your head, going down between your eye and out of your mouth.  When you breath in you breathe in through your nose and when you breathe out you breathe through your mouth.

Ok we repeat one more time : “May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receive good energy from the Buddha”.  Breathe in.  Expanding your belly.  Now sink in your belly and recite the Mantra: “MUuuuu Aaaaa MUuuuu SAaaaa”

 “May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receive good energy from the Buddha”.  Breathe in.  Expanding your belly.  Now sink in your belly and recite the Mantra: “MUuuuu Aaaaaa MUuuuu SAaaaaa”

 “May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receive compassion energy from the Buddha”.  Breathe in.  Expanding your belly.  Now sink in your belly and recite the Mantra: “MUuuuu Aaaaaa MUuuuu SAaaaaa”

“May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receive compassion energy from the Buddha from the ten direction”.  Breathe in.  Expanding your belly.  Now sink in your belly and recite the Mantra: “MUuuuu Aaaaaa MUuuuu SAaaaaa”

“May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receive compassion energy from the Buddha from the ten direction”.  Breathe in.  Expanding your belly. Out sink in your belly : “MUuuuu Aaaaaa MUuuuu SAaaaaa”

“May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receive good merit compassion energy from the Buddha from the ten direction”.  Breathe in.  Expanding your belly. Out- sink in your belly : “MUuuuu Aaaaaa MUuuuu SAaaaaa”

“May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receive good compassion energy from the Buddha from the ten direction”.  Breathe in.  Expanding your belly. Breath Out- sink in your belly : “MUuuuu Aaaaaa MUuuuu SAaaaaa”

“May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receive compassion energy from t all Buddhas from the ten directions”.  Breathe in.  Expanding your belly. Breath Out- sink in your belly : “MUuuuu Aaaaaa MUuuuu SAaaaaa”

We are reciting and practicing seven times the Mantra Mu A Mu Sa. The use of the Mantra Mu  A Mu Sa is activating your Buddha nature awakening your Buddha Nature.  All the buddhas from the ten directions always want to offer their Compassion energy to transform our suffering and to awaken the buddha nature.  Buddha is not God.  Buddha is not someone who can give you anything.  He was a person who lived on earth and became awakened. He is fully awake and he became the buddha and he pointed out that all of us have the buddha nature within us.  It has a special use to make our lives better.  There is a good energy for us to activate to wake up to better use.

 We have forgotten it because we have been too busy, or we have never been told that there is a Buddha nature within us.  So don’t look outside, look inside to see the Buddha nature within.  The Mantra Mu A Mu Sa has a power when we are reciting Mu A Mu Sa.  We are awakening by connecting by receiving the compassion the wisdom energy from the Buddha from ten direction into our physical body, our mental and our spiritual.  We are body mind and spirit. Now our body mind and spirit will be full by receiving the compassion and wisdom energy from the Buddha into our body and by connecting to this energy it helps us awaken our Buddha nature. When our own Buddha nature is awakened It becomes a good receiver, which will receive all good energy. And purify all kinds of negative energy existing within us by all kinds of negative actions and speech and thought creating a bad karma.  Now we can receive a good energy from the Buddha to clear it up and clean it up and manifest a higher energy from the Buddha. so we can take care of our life in a peaceful and mindful way.  It is very simple we don’t need to talk a lot. But we need to practice.  I am so happy to be here with you so we can practice together.  We motivate each other to keep moving on we are sharing the merit energy and we activate the good energy and awakening our Buddha nature.  Out goal is to awaken our Buddha nature withing from the buddha from ten directions every day. That is why we practice together.

I try my best to explain it.

Now we come back to the practice again.

Put the Wisdom Hand on the Compassion hand.  Wisdom within compassion.  We let that energy circulate together in the circle of compassion and wisdom  Keep your body straight and relaxed entire body. If you feel the energy enter into your body let it move. If you feel the energy coming let it move. If it moves in your body or mind just watch it.  Keep you mind in the breathing technique.  In and out.  Breath in expand your belly through your nose down to your lungs to your lower body expanding, breathing out shrink the belly slowly and recite the mantra Mu A Mu Sa. When you recite this Mantra to the end you receive the energy will vibrate the special vibrations will be realized because it happened with your body and mind.

Now let us get back to the practice. Right hand on top of the left hand, wisdom on top of compassion.

We all pray that all the sentient being to be free from all kinds of suffering and receive compassion energy from all the buddhas in the ten directions. You breathe in expanding your belly.  IN  you sink in and breath out chanting  MUuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive compassion energy from all the buddhas in the ten directions. You breathe in expanding your belly.  IN  you sink in and breath out chanting  MUuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive compassion energy from all the buddhas in the ten directions. You breathe in expanding your belly.  IN  you sink in and breath out chanting  MUuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive good compassion energy from all the buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly. Sink IN  your belly slowly chanting  MUuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive good compassion energy from all the buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly. Sink  your belly slowly chanting  MUuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa.

 May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive good compassion energy from all the buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly. Sink down your belly slowly chanting  MUuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa.

May all be free from all kinds of suffering and receive good compassion energy from all the buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly. Sink  your belly slowly chanting  MUuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa.

May all be free from all kinds of suffering and receive good compassion energy from all the buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly. Sink  your belly slowly chanting  MUuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa.

May all be free from all kinds of suffering and receive good compassion energy from all the buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly. Sink  your belly slowly chanting  MUuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive good compassion energy from all the buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly. Sink  your belly slowly chanting  MUuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa


When you breathe in you take in the air through your nose down to you lungs and into the lower part of the body and you expand your stomach to take in all the air and transform the oxygen into your body. This method helps your physical body healing itself and purify the negative energy.  To be ready sunkin you belly and then you are receiving a good compassion energy from the Buddha. By reciting Mu A M Sa breathing in to purify your negative energy and breath out to receive the compassion energy from the Buddha. So, you can awaken your Buddha nature 

The Buddha  nature it’s the name of the nature of ourself.  But in Buddhist, Buddha called Buddha nature awaken of the nature within yourself. But not get attached to the word, just accept the meaning awaken.

 So when I call Buddha nature original nature  meaning the original nature in every one of us no matter what kind of religion you follow you do not need to convert to be a Buddhist because  this method from the Buddha teaching us to reactivate our original nature is already within us.  No need to look for, it is already there. So that nature is awake to have a better use for our life.

So when you breathe in with the air the air is going to the lower part of the body you expand it and sinking it. When you are expanding you know you are expanding when you sink down you know your are sinking down. That technique maintaining your concentration within but how ever when you expand in you are activating the lower body the Buddha fire that is very good because the Buddha fire is warming up your body waking up the entire body and connecting all the pressure points awaking your seven chakra points connecting your energy with the Buddha energy  allowing the compassion to move the through your physical body  so you will feel the vibration within your physical body, mental and spiritual body.  When you feel that all you have to do is watch it, let it be.  Let it transform body mind and spirit.  Be mindful of what is happening.  Breathe in and Breathe out so more energy comes in you and your negative energy will be transformed.

Now we will practice a third time. No matter how the energy moves just watch it no judging and watch your breathing.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive compassion energy from all the buddhas in the ten directions. You breathe in expanding your belly.  IN  you sink in and breath out chanting  MUuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa.

May all be free from all kinds of suffering and receive good compassion energy from all the buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly. Sunken, breath out  your slowly chanting  MUuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa.

May all be free from all kinds of suffering and receive good compassion energy from all the buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly.Sunken  your belly slowly chanting  MUuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa.

 May all be free from all kinds of suffering and receive good compassion energy from all the buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly. Sink down your belly slowly chanting  MUuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa.

May all be free from all kinds of suffering and receive good compassion energy from all the buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly. Sink  your belly breathing out slowly chanting  Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa.



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