
1002: Activate Your Inner Peace – Mantra #1 – Mu A Mu Sa

Good morning everybody.  We are on the YouTube channel.  I am Zen master Thich Bao Thanh. This is the second time we are on YouTube livestream. I hope this will be a very good class for us to practice together online. With the conditions now a days it is very hard to meet in person. So, I use this special tool to meet you. Now I just want to say hi to everybody.

I am now a traveler.  YouTube live stream is good to bring us together.

Today we are going to focus on activating our inner peace. We are just waiting a little more time for everyone to get online.  We meet at 11:30 Eastern time but start 10 minutes early.  Make sure you find a comfortable way to sit so you can be comfortable and relaxed.

The way we practice meditation with Mu A Mu Sa. Activate our compassion energy connected with the Buddha energy.  This is about energy moving meditation.  So, we are going to move.  Allow the energy to flow within the physical, mental, and spiritual body.

I always wish this live stream from YouTube bring all of us together to practice.  This is about practice. Meditation is not just to know, remember or understand.  Practice is very important.  So, we get together each Saturday at 11:20 Eastern time.  No matter where you are if it is the first time you see me on YouTube give it a try.  I believe if you practice properly with me you will receive a very good energy. Also, every day I get on YouTube livestream.  I practice in Vietnamese. So every day in Central time 8:20 Am in Eastern time 9:20 ..  If you don’t mind listening to Vietnamese, we still say Mu A Mu Sa.  Just listen to the beautiful sound of the Vietnamese language.  And Practice with me.  It is good to get together in different language, but the same energy.  But every Saturday I will still have the English Class. I try my very best with my busy schedule to remember you each week.

We have one more minute to begin. Relax and sit with the position you feel comfortable.  You can watch your YouTube on TV Phone, Laptop as long as you can keep it stable and you can see me. I am going to go very slow. It is good for you to comment with me on YouTube. That will help me to know you better.  Please send me any questions or comments after the class.

You can sit on a sofa or on a cushion, or on the floor.  Just make sure your body is comfortable and relaxed.

(Bell rings)

Good Morning all my friends my name is Bao Thanh. This is the second lesson on YouTube live stream. I am going to go very slowly about how to practice this method. Today we are going to activate our inner peace. First the method is When you take in your breath make sure you are bringing it to your lower body and expanding it bigger as much as you can. Don’t try very hard make it soft make it easy, make it comfortable. Let it flow.

 Let’s practice breathe innnnn slowly, down and expanding.  At the same time you breathe innnnn long as you can, expanding at the same time. You don’t breathe in then expand quickly.  Make sure you are incorporating the breathing in with the expanding because by the action of expanding your belly you are absorbing the oxygen in the lower part of the body.  From down here it is very important there is a special pressure point. At that pressure point that you take the air down there the body has much more time to absorb the oxygen.  When you are breathing out sink in your belly to your backbone.  So the oxygen from right there transforms to become the energy at the tail bone and flows with your backbone to the top of your head and goes to the front between your eyes keep going down under your nose and breath out Mu A MU Sa. 

Some of you are going to ask what does Mu A Mu Sa mean,  Mu A Mu Sa means that asking the Buddha from ten directions to connect their compassion energy with you physically, mentally and spiritually.  So by practicing with the Mantra you are naturally connecting with all Buddhas’ compassion energy. By using the Buddha compassion energy it awakens your buddha nature.

 When a Buddha becomes a Buddha they no longer suffer because they are totally awakened to their buddha nature.  We have a buddha nature but we have not been awakened yet. So we have to ask them to connect with the Buddha energy from their buddha nature to awaken our individual buddha nature to be with not separate.

 Today within the buddha nature there is peace, inner peace. The inner peace does not come from the sky, not come from God.  According to Buddha teaching nothing comes from outside, but from inward, inside. So this technique is helping us with the Buddha compassion energy awakening our Buddha nature.

 This week we are learning about activating our inner peace. That inner peace energy will transform into our body and from the very nature way when the energy is fully awake it will be moving the body. Touching your body and touching your mind a lot of thoughts are going to come and movement, all you do is let the energy to transform into you physical body, mental body spiritual body. Just allow it, let it be and still concentrate on your breathing in and out with the mantra Mu A Mu Sa.

Before breathing in we say, “May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receiving a good compassion energy from buddhas ten directions”  Then you breathe innnnn and expand our lower belly, and while you are breathing out you sink your belly in touching your back bone and breathe out reciting Mu A Mu Sa as you breathe out.

Now we practice.

I name the left hand the compassion hand because it comes from your heart. And the right hand called the wisdom hand.  Put the wisdom hand on top of the compassion hand and just relax.

“May all sentient being be free of all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all the buddhas from the ten directions.”  Breathe innnn expanding your belly, hold, breathe out, sinking your belly reciting Muuuuuu Aaaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaa.”

“May all sentient being be free of all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all the buddhas from the ten directions.”  Breathe innnn expanding your belly, hold, breathe out, sinking your belly chanting: Muuuuuu Aaaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaa.”

“May all sentient being be free of all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all the buddhas from the ten directions.”  Breathe innnn expanding your belly, breathe out, sinking your belly chanting: Muuuuuu Aaaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaa.”

“May all sentient being be free of all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all the buddhas from the ten directions.”  Breathe innnn expanding your belly,  breathe out, sinking your belly chanting: Muuuuuu Aaaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaa.”

“May all sentient being be free of all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all the buddhas from the ten directions.”  Breathe innnn expanding your belly,  breathe out, sinking your belly chanting: Muuuuuu Aaaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaa.”

“May all sentient being be free of all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all the buddhas from the ten directions.”  Breathe innnn expanding your belly,  breathe out, sinking your belly chanting: Muuuuuu Aaaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaa.”

“May all sentient being be free of all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all the buddhas from the ten directions.”  Breathe innnn expanding your belly,  breathe out slowly, sinking your belly chanting: Muuuuuu Aaaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaa.”

All of you just keep maintaining the sitting position. And keep receiving the energy through your physical body. Remember activating the inner peace. Where does peace come from? The buddha nature. It does not come outside, not from food, or associations from people to people. The happiness that comes from interactions with other people does not last long. It passes away quickly. But the happiness that comes from the inner peace from the buddha nature lasts forever.  We need to produce and activate this inner peace, this energy, it is very peaceful.

 When we interact with other people this inner peace comes out to cherish each other to make each other to receive more good energy from within. so, we do not depend on any action from outside but depend on the inner peace from the buddha nature that will exist forever. That is the main point of what we practice today. 

So when you breathe innnn and lower it down to your lower body your are expanding it and allow you body absorbing the oxygen. From there that pressure point it creates from the air the energy touching the tail bone, by the gate by the tail bone and soft tissue in front of the tail bone the oxygen gets transformed into good energy. Then it becomes the energy flow within your back bone up into your head. 100 pressure point meeting up here then goes down between your eyes, down past your nose and out your mouth.  At the same time you say the mantra: Mu A Mu Sa. 

What does Mu A Mu Sa mean Mu a Mu Sa means to activate your compassion energy within from the Buddhas from the ten directions. That awakens our Buddha nature. That is what we practiced last Saturday  to awaken our Buddha Nature. 

Today we activate our inner peace from that Buddha nature.  Not from the outside, not from any activity outside. But from the Buddha nature.  The inner peace needs to be activated from the Buddha nature and from that it is formed into action speech or thoughts that are full of the inner peace from within. We don’t get it from the outside, but we wake it up from the inside.  It is very important for us to keep practicing and be patient as long as you practice you will awaken your Buddha nature naturally.  You will activate the energy from your Buddha nature and from there you will activate your inner peace and receive more energy from  the Buddha, the compassion energy from the  Buddha from ten directions that flow in your physical, mental and spiritual body.  You just allow that energy to transform it. When the energy  flows in your body touching your body within your body, just stand with that, and be filled with that, all you have to do is  allow it to transform into your body no matter what part of your body the energy touches and you allow that energy to transform, incredible. Energy flows just like water. Where ever water flows there is life. Whatever part of your body the energy flows with in the living, life will be awake. It flows through your body and will motivate your body to be stronger, physically healthier. That is natural, this is true. Therefore, you need to practice and understand the method how you breathe in expanding the lower belly, breathe out sinking the belly and recite the Mantra. Mu A Mu Sa has the power of its own to activate the compassion of the Buddha to motivate all good things in us.  All we have to do is practice, practice, practice.

During our lesson We practice together 3 times with 7 repeating of the method. All together 21 times. In between practices I will talk a little to explain how the technique works.

Now we will start our second practice. Put your right hand, the wisdom hand, in your left hand the compassion hand and relax. Let your body connect with the nature, the mother nature, mother earth. According to Buddha – the Buddha nature. No need to argue what does that mean.  We just give a name so when we talk we know what it means.  Return to the mother earth, be one with the mother nature, to be one with mother earth, be one with mother nature, be one with the Buddha nature.

Now it is time to practice.

“May all sentient being be free of all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all the buddhas from the ten directions to activate our inner peace.”  Breathe innnn expanding your belly, hold, breathe out, sinking your belly reciting Muuuuuu Aaaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaa.”

“May all sentient being be free of all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all the buddhas from the ten directions to activate our inner peace.”  Breathe innnn expanding your belly, hold, breathe out, sinking your belly chanting: Muuuuuu Aaaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaa.”

“May all sentient being be free of all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all the buddhas from the ten directions to activate our inner peace.”  Breathe innnn expanding your belly, breathe out, sinking your belly chanting: Muuuuuu Aaaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaa.”

“May all sentient being be free of all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all the buddhas from the ten directions to activate our inner peace.”  Breathe innnn expanding your belly,  breathe out, sinking your belly chanting: Muuuuuu Aaaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaa.”

“May all sentient being be free of all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all the buddhas from the ten directions to activate our inner peace.”  Breathe innnn expanding your belly,  breathe out, sinking your belly chanting: Muuuuuu Aaaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaa.”

“May all sentient being be free of all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all the buddhas from the ten directions to activate our inner peace.”  Breathe innnn expanding your belly,  breathe out, sinking your belly chanting: Muuuuuu Aaaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaa.”

“May all sentient being be free of all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all the buddhas from the ten directions to activate our inner peace.”  Breathe innnn expanding your belly,  breathe out slowly, sinking your belly chanting: Muuuuuu Aaaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaa.”

Just keep maintaining your sitting position and receiving a good energy within your physical body. Just remember every time we are practicing together you are receiving very good energy through our physical body. You are filled with that energy, no matter how much of that energy is able to come in you just accept it and respect it and allow it to transform it into your physical body.  You have to find out what part of your body is receiving the energy right now and allow it to transform into the right move, no matter what move left to right, front or back, or swing around. No matter. Don’t make any adjustments. Just let it transform. Just let it move. Use your mind to watch it. Use your mind in the center. Just to be with. You don’t have to jump in to hold back. You don’t have to move forward to create it.

We all let the mother nature recreate the structure within the physical body. Let the Buddha nature restructure our mental states to clean up all the mess inside. The negative energy will be transformed.  We don’t reject the negative energy inside us. By receiving the compassion energy from the Buddha, it will transform all your negative energy to be good. To be useful and to be better every day.

We are transforming our self. We don’t destroy ourself. We are transforming our negative energy. We don’t reject our negative energy. No matter where and how the negative energy came in us that belongs to us now. We transform it we recycle it. Making the negative energy transform into useful energy. We accept all our mental states. We do not reject the negative energy; we recycle it and make it better use.

All the negative energy, your actions, speech and thought. Because of your interactions with others created and got inside yourself naturally. The sources of the nature energy is natural. It is ok. Accept it welcome it. Welcome it because we have good transforming energy. We are going to activate our inner peace. We are going to wake up our Buddha nature. And transform that negative energy into a positive energy within. There is not rejection. Just accept it and uses your inner peace to transform it.

When you breathe in from your nose and take it down through you lungs to your lower body hold it there for a second expanding  the belly allow the body to absorb all the energy from the oxygen and when you breathe out through the gate between the tail bone  and the soft tissue area there it switches to become a good energy to flow within you backbone up to the top of your head, go down between your eyes going down to your nose right here and is coming out with the chanting of Mu A Mu Sa

Mu A Mu Sa means asking all the Buddha’s in the ten directions that give you and provide you a good compassion energy to awaken your Buddha nature and activate your inner peace. So now let Buddha energy enter into your body and transform all negative energy and waking up a positive energy from within from the Buddha Nature.

Now put your wisdom hand on top of compassion hand. Just relax your body. And remember when the energy enters into your physical body if you feel the energy moving in you just accept it.

Let’s practice together:

“May all sentient being be free of all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all the buddhas from the ten directions.”  Breathe innnn expanding your belly, hold, breathe out, sinking your belly reciting Muuuuuu Aaaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaa.”

“May all sentient being be free of all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all the buddhas from the ten directions.”  Breathe innnn expanding your belly, hold, breathe out, sinking your belly chanting: Muuuuuu Aaaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaa.”

“May all sentient being be free of all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all the buddhas from the ten directions.”  Breathe innnn expanding your belly, breathe out, sinking your belly chanting: Muuuuuu Aaaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaa.”

“May all sentient being be free of all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all the buddhas from the ten directions.”  Breathe innnn expanding your belly,  breathe out, sinking your belly chanting: Muuuuuu Aaaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaa.”

“May all sentient being be free of all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all the buddhas from the ten directions.”  Breathe innnn expanding your belly,  breathe out, sinking your belly chanting: Muuuuuu Aaaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaa.”

“May all sentient being be free of all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all the buddhas from the ten directions.”  Breathe innnn expanding your belly,  breathe out, sinking your belly chanting: Muuuuuu Aaaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaa.”

“May all sentient being be free of all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all the buddhas from the ten directions.”  Breathe innnn expanding your belly,  breathe out slowly, sinking your belly chanting: Muuuuuu Aaaaaaa Muuuuu Saaaaa.”

Just maintain your sitting position and listen.  While I and all of you practice together you are going to receive a lot of good energy, compassion energy from the Buddha.  I will help to expanding more energy within to activate your compassion energy to activate your inner peace energy together to transform our negative energy.  First it will benefit your physical health, mental health, and spiritual health. It transforms all kinds of negative energy no matter where it comes from. We accept us where we are and slowly transform it. So, practice is very important.

 In between the three times practice of the Mantra  I explain more how to practice correctly and direct the energy through your physical body. We have practiced over 30 minutes together. 

Every day practice for at least 5 minutes.  Remember I am always waiting for you every Saturday. 11:30 Eastern Time. Be sure to share this class with your friends.

Every day I am on You Tube in Vietnamese 9:00 AM Central time.

Practice every day with me in Vietnamese if you can. 

Practice, Practice, Practice.

Thank you so much. Have a good weekend.



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