
1003: Non Attachment – Mantra #1 – Mu A Mu Sa

Good Morning everybody.  I am Zen Master Bao Thanh we are today on YouTube live stream. Please join with me to get together every Saturday from 11:20 Eastern Time. 10:20 Central Time America.

It is about 8 more minutes until we practice. Please send an invitation to your friends or share on Facebook now.  So people can see through Facebook and join with us. This is very convenient for us to practice together.

Hello Eileen, especially today.  We are going to offer our merits to pray for her daddy who went back to heaven a few days ago. I love him very much, even though I have not met him I love him like my own father. It is very good that his pain is now gone. He is going to snap his way back to God. We all pray for him, rest in peace. We offer this hour for him so join with me please.

Just want to say to all our friends and all the students who practice with me.  Eileen is one of the most wonderful meditation students from Xa Loi Temple in Maryland her lovely father, just a day ago went back to heaven. So today I ask that we all keep him in mind and pray that he rests in peace.

It is a beautiful Saturday, and I am so happy to be practicing together with you on YouTube live stream.  Today we will be practicing the Mantra Mu A Mu Sa.  This is the key mantra especially now a days we practice to activate and connect with the Buddha Compassion Energy and we offer our merits to all because of the corona virus, the pandemic, we are all focused and offer our merits to transform this very negative energy into compassion energy for all.  You can share on Facebook or Instagram with your friends so they can practice with us.

We have one more minute. Make sure you are comfortable, in a sitting position where you are very comfortable, and we will begin very soon.

Ok it is now time for us to practice.  Let’s sit still, comfortable. 

(bell rings 3 times)

Na Mo Bon Su Thich Ca Mo Ni Phat -Mu A Mu Sa

I want to say hello to everyone on YouTube live stream.  I just want to remind everyone this is the place we get together every Saturday from 11:20 to 12:00 Eastern time. 10:20 Central Time America.  I love to see all of you even though we may never have met in person.  Here is the place for us to meet together.

The purpose of the practice this special meditation method is to activate our compassion energy. To awaken our Buddha nature, from that very nature, the mother earth nature. Name it whatever you want to call it. In Buddhism we call mother nature the Buddha nature. Buddha is not God.  It could be treated as a religion, but shouldn’t be that way, Buddhism is the way. Buddha is the one who entered the Buddha nature and is no longer suffering and shows us the way to transform and return to our home, the very home within our physical body now.  As a human our physical body is a special condition for us to practice to maintain our peacefulness and mindfulness within all our actions that we created every day and especially now a days with the pandemic, the corona virus that makes us suffer. Makes us stay at home. We cannot even go out and enjoy our family. However, a different view, It could be a good time for us to return back within and reach out from our inner world.  I ask all of you to practice together no matter if you belong to what church what group of Buddhists, what religion. This is not about religion. This is about practicing meditation which has been practiced for thousands of years in the south of Vietnam.  I have been practicing this for more than 45 years. My master taught me. The experience is very wonderful and connected with my own spirit and return back to my own Buddha nature. I am very happy with that. I want to introduce to all of you the way how to practice.

First, sit in a position that your body allows you to be. You don’t have to sit crossed leg like the Buddha or how the Master performing.  Just sit in a way your body feels comfortable. Most important to keep your body relaxed and remember when you do the breathing you don’t have to take it long like me. Because when I practice for a while when I breathe in it could be longer than you. So therefore, when you do your breathing techniques take in and out do as long as your body allows you to be.  You don’t have to follow me. Everyone should follow their own body condition and please to be with your own body condition it is very helpful. It helps you maintain your own quality of your energy. Don’t follow others. People no matter how there just need to be with themselves.

When you breathe in you make sure you breathe in through your nose and move the air down to your lower body you are expanding your belly when the air is taken in.  When you breathe out you sink in your belly and slowly breath out.  When you breathe in allow the air to go through your lungs.  Your lungs are a special filter to purify the air and let the air go through your lungs first and go down to your lower body from the lower body when you are expanding it allow the fire from the special pressure point to turn the oxygen into the good energy.  When you breathe out you focus at the tail bone of your body and allow the energy touching the tailbone and follow the back bone up to the top of your head when you breathe out.  Slowly moving down between your eyes and then let it run down below your nose and out of your mouth.

So the circle of breathing in and out. When you breathe in from your nose, to lungs, to lower body expanding your body. When you breathe, out allow the energy from the oxygen cooked up from the fire down there. Because down there is the fire.  Ok the fire is going to cook up the oxygen and turn it into the good energy.  That energy you use your mind.  Let it touch the tail bone and follow your back bone up to the top of your head and going down as long as your breathe out.  That is the way how you practice.

Ok, now lets sit together.  I am giving you a name for both of the hands.  The right hand is the wisdom hand and the left had is the compassion hand. Put your left hand in your right hand.  We are going to practice seven times saying the mantra Mu A Mu Sa seven times.  In between I will just say something to guide you to keep giving you clearer explanation about this method. Ok Ready.

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receiving a very good compassion energy from all buddhas from ten directions. Your breathe in expanding your belly hold there for awhile and now sink in your belly and breathe out chanting: “Muuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa”

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receiving a very good compassion energy from all buddhas from ten directions. You breathe in expanding your belly hold there for awhile and now sink in your belly and breathe out chanting: “Muuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa”

If you finish chanting ahead of me you can just sit and listen to the sound of the mantra I am chanting that also helps motivate your energy. So just please be with me.

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receiving a very good compassion energy from all buddhas from ten directions.  breathe in expanding your belly, sink in your belly and breathe out chanting: “Muuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa”

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receiving a very good compassion energy from all buddhas from ten directions. breathe in expanding your belly sink in your belly and breathe out chanting: “Muuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa”

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receiving a very good compassion energy from all buddhas from ten directions. breathe in expanding your belly sink in your belly and breathe out chanting: “Muuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa”

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receiving a good compassion energy from all buddhas from ten directions.  breathe in expanding your belly sink in your belly and breathe out chanting: “Muuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa”

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receiving a good compassion energy from all buddhas from ten directions. breathe in expanding your belly sink in your belly and breathe out chanting: “Muuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa”

Just maintain your sitting position and listen to me and while you listen to me you continue to receive the energy through your physical body. Our special meditation method is working with the energy.  The energy that changes and connected together from the compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions through the mantra Mu A Mu Sa and maintain your breathing techniques to keep you physical body in good health because when you breathe In with these special techniques down to your lower body to the special place we call dantian.

 Dantian means the ocean of the energy down right there and from there the oxygen will be taking in and with the special fire down there by the stomach, the belly right there, will transform the oxygen to become a good energy.  Then when you breathe out you sink in your belly; you push the energy through the tail bone which is just the ending bone. We call the gate for the oxygen transforms the energy and flows in your back bone goes to the top of your head at the 100 pressure point will transform the energy then down between your eyes and down to your nose and out of your mouth. 

Mu A Mu Sa is the key in this method practice because it will bring the compassion energy from the Buddha and connect with your own energy and purify it and  flow in your body to awaken all kinds of things good or bad there is no judgement. That is why we call it nonattachment. You just be with the vibrations which are deep within your consciousness, your physical body and your spirit. No matter what happens, if your physical body moves left to right or your hands move or what so ever don’t make any judgement, non-attachment.  We don’t have to attach to that move. That move now created by the compassion energy from the Buddha connected with your own physical energy.

So therefore, the energy creates the move.  The movement is so beautiful.  It is just how it is with nonattachment no judgement.  It is beautiful, beautiful.  Every move from your physical body is beautiful because you are observing the energy from the Buddha connecting with your own energy to purify all of your negative energy.

 It takes a while in that processing to transform the energy because we are all good. But however within the good we all have some negative energy.  We don’t know why or how.  We don’t talk about religion to going back to the root of all those kinds of Karma. We all exist in both good energy and bad energy.  Or another way we can call it that is nicer we call Yin and Yang energy. Negative energy and positive energy. Or you can call cold energy and hot energy.  Which one is good and which one is not good. It is all the same.  All of those energies belong to you.  It is how you are created.

However when you are receiving and connected with the compassion energy through your physical body it awakens those energies clearer.  It creates a deep vibration inside  shaking your entire body and mind and lets everything float on the top so therefore you can select what is needed now for a better use that you can use to benefit for you health for your mind and you can offer it to benefit others.

 It is really important that we realize that this is not a religion. Even though I am a Buddhist monk but I am teaching this method to practice we call energy practice. It is very very very special.  Many years I have been practicing and teaching and I have seen the benefit for a lot of people.

So, remember when you breathe in by your nose, you really really take time observing the energy breathing in down lower in your body. While you do that you are expanding your belly.  By expanding and sinking your belly in a very good way that helps

Your digestion is much better. You know down lower in your body there is a lot of good energy but it needs to digest in a good way. Other wise the negative energy is going to take over. Most of sickness and illness comes from the lower body.  Now we transform it to become a well of very clear water for us to harvest. 

Ok Let’s practice together again. We put the wisdom hand on top of your compassion hand.  We practice seven more times chanting the mantra Mu A Mu Sa.  Mu A Mu Sa means that connecting with the compassion energy from all buddhas directly through our physical, mental and spiritual body.

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receiving a very good compassion energy from all buddhas from ten directions. You breathe in slowly, expanding your belly hold there for a while and now sink in your belly and breathe out chanting: “Muuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa”

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receiving a very good compassion energy from all buddhas from ten directions. breathe in expanding your belly hold there for a while and now sink in your belly and breathe out chanting: “Muuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa”

If you finish chanting ahead of me you can just sit and listen to the sound of the mantra I am chanting that also helps motivate your energy. So just please be with me.

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receiving a very good compassion energy from all buddhas from ten directions.  breathe in expanding your belly, breathe out, sink in your belly and chanting the mantra: “Muuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa”

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receiving a very good compassion energy from all buddhas from ten directions. breathe in slowly expanding your belly, breathe out, sink in your belly and chanting the mantra: “Muuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa”

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receiving a very good compassion energy from all buddhas from ten directions. breathe in through your nose expanding your belly, breathe out sink in your belly and chanting the mantra: “Muuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa”

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receiving a good compassion energy from all buddhas from ten directions.  breathe in expanding your belly, breathe out, sink in your belly chanting the mantra: “Muuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa”

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receiving a good compassion energy from all buddhas from ten directions.  breathe in expanding your belly, breathe out, sink in your belly chanting the mantra: “Muuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa”

Just maintain your sitting position and observing the energy the vibrations which is happening with your physical body, and make sure you discover what part of your body the energy is there.  It could be the top of your head, it could be between your eyes, inside your hands. It could be along with your physical body.

 When the vibrations received from the compassion energy through your physical body it will create the movement which that move from left to right or rocking around like on a rocking chair. Or your hands could be moving and flow.  There is no attachment.  Don’t attach to any kind of movement or energy. You are just observing it, just fill with that, just being with that energy.  And at that time you are asking for special cooperation between your physical body and your mind, between the Buddha and you.  Buddha now is your best friend to communicate through the compassion energy.

In this special YouTube livestream, we are not lecturing and not teaching about Buddhism. We practice together meditation, energy movement meditation. It is a responsive method in which we are receiving the physical body of the dharma.  The dharma body of the Buddha and the dharma body of or own will be incorporated merging in to be one receiving a good energy that vibrates our physical body and moving our body.

 So, make sure you are listening to your body and just be with that. Just be and allow the compassion energy transform into your body and create whatsoever is supposed to be happening for you to enjoy the nature of the physical body and mental and spiritual. We call body mind and spirit to be one with each other within the purified energy of the Buddha and yourself connected together. And when we here practice together we are sharing the amount of the energy. It is a lot it is getting more, it is huge. It is hard to explain but all of us are getting some of this good energy.

Remember this is a special meditation and the Mantra: Mu A Mu Sa. Activating your compassion energy connected with the Buddha energy to purify for a better use.

Let’s put our wisdom hand on top of our compassion hand and chant Mu A Mu Sa together. And we pray for all of us to receive a good energy. 

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receiving a good compassion energy from all buddhas from ten directions. Your breathe, expanding your belly, breathe out, sink in your belly and chanting the mantra: “Muuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa”

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receiving a good compassion energy from all buddhas from ten directions. breathe in expanding your belly breathe out, sink in your belly out chanting the mantra: “Muuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa”

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receiving a good compassion energy from all buddhas from ten directions.  breathe in expanding your belly, breathe out, sink in your belly and chanting the mantra: “Muuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa”

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receiving a good compassion energy from all buddhas from ten directions. breathe in slowly expanding your belly, breathe out, sink in your belly and chanting the mantra: “Muuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa”

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receiving a good compassion energy from all buddhas from ten directions. breathe in expanding your belly, breathe out sink in your belly and chanting the mantra: “Muuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa”

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receiving a good compassion energy from all buddhas from ten directions.  breathe in expanding your belly, breathe out, sink in your belly chanting the mantra: “Muuuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa”

Thank you for all of you practicing together with me.  Today we practice together and offer our merits to all the leaders around to world to create a peaceful energy throughout.  We offer to all medial scientist for doctors and nursed and people in the emergency word and we hope they find a cure for the virus.  I deeply offer all the merits to Eileen’s father who died a day ago. May he rest in peace.

May all of you be peaceful. Practice during the week using the video. Give me feedback in the comments.  We also have live stream every day in the Vietnamese language.  The energy could still be useful to you if you have time.  Enjoy your weekend.  Thank you.



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