
2008: No I – No Attachment | Mantra#2 – NamMo TaMo TaMo DaRaHoang

Good morning to all friends that practice meditation with us every Saturday. We are far away, but so close because we share our merit energy. Sit down, relax, loosen up your body. Just go back to your breath. Let us begin together please.

Nam Mo Shakyamuni, Mu A Mu Sa. Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng.

Just put your hand, right hand, we call the wisdom hand on top of the left hand we call compassion. Today, here in the USA very special, the holiday we call Mother’s Day. The day we remember our mother. Yes, practice meditation today, we offer our great merit energy, and we ask all the Buddhas from ten direction to bless our mother, to be peaceful, joyful, mindful, healthy, maintain a good energy to enjoy children and grandchildren. For all our mothers to no longer suffer from any means.

Just remember, our meditation is following through very gentle mindfulness Breath. Helps us stay calm and relax. Nothing that you have to make a great effort. There is nothing to control, just be with the breathing technique, naturally. Make friends with your breathing technique. Also, because we are friendly with our breath, we chant the mantra Mu A Mu Sa to receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions, to purify our life. The second Mantra is Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, to light up our wisdom so we can see through to understand. See through to let go. See through to empower. And see through to be.

May all our mothers always be blessed, happy and live long.

Let’s begin with the breathing technique. Together we pray, All Buddhas from ten directions bless our mother. May all sentient beings no longer suffer, may all who suffer physically, mentally and spiritually be free of all. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out slowly, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra:

Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa. Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa  Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da ra Houng

Today is the first day that you see this, you just follow along. When you breathe in make sure you move to your lower body and expand your belly. You hold it there for three seconds and you concentrate on the heaven gate point. The heaven gate point is in front of the ending bone with the soft tissue there. The energy from the lower body follows the backbone to the top of your head. While breathing out you sunken the belly and chant the mantra.  Mu A Mu Sa is the mantra is the key to open the compassion energy from all buddhas connected with you to activate your compassion energy. The second mantra, the key to lighting up your wisdom for you to walk through the darkness to see the truth. That is the meaning of the two mantras, empowerment, very powerful

We do a set again. Breath in Expanding your belly. Hold I there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra:

Muuu Aaa Muuu Saaaa    Nam Mo Ta MO Ta Mo Da Ra Houng.

Just watch your body conscious of the energy flowing around your body. Observe is to e one with. There is not need for you to do anything to trick, to convert or to make. Just be there and enjoy the energy flow. Together as a special network that connects all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas we are really now receiving the compassion energy, and the wisdom light , physically, mentally and spiritually. We are receiving. We just need to be humble and receive it. We just watch to know to engage, to be.

What we are talking about today is “No I, No attachment.” According to Buddhas teaching, our attachments create suffering. All our attachments come from I We always think, I Am, no matter wht you are giving to. That is why we always say, I am suffering, I am happy. Because then I am suffering or happy. So there is not I, no cause of suffering, of happiness. But peacefulness always maintains with non attachment. Only love and compassion and wisdom. Today is mother’s day. Means the same. Most of us always love and live by the great love from our mother that is taking care of us. Most of you could be now a mother. We all understand our mothers sacrifice herself for all her children no matter what. She is always loving us. We don’t try to take on anything different between the old and the young, different generations, we see thourgh all the differences. All mothers always love children. Unconditional love. No matter what, she always loves us. Mother always watching all her children from every step raise the children up with love, with care, with forgiveness and educate for the children to be better. Just because love. The same meaning within the love of the mother there is no I, only love. A mother no longer who and how whatever people give her, she becomes so empty to be bigger, bigger than whatever we think, to love us for all. No matter what we have done wrong or right, she always loves us. Follow that meaning, Buddha calls, that means no I. When the mother loves her children there is only I, only love. She is always there for us to the last breath. Don’t think too much about the definition or meaning or philosopher who tries to teach you no I, no attachment with a deep meaning.  It is really easy. It is just like the children look up and see the eyes of the ocean of love. Can wash away all kinds of suffering and stretch the mind to go beyond all challenges that come into life. That is our mothers love. That is no I. The I of the mother shrinking smaller every moment for her love to expand bigger, bigger every day. For her wisdom governs the entire universe that protects her children. That is no I. That means no attachment only love, pure love. Love without expectations of the one who she loves to give back. Mom loves us, and gives us for all. Gives all, even her life, her love, her breath, all. Thinking that way, very easy for us to know that means no I no attachment. For us to know that relationships between us and others is just love. Pure love. No attachment, no I no expectations, and don’t create any suffering. Just happiness only. Mother’s day, we learn more about our mom and we pray for our mom. We want to say to mom, we know that you love us, and we love you very very much. We always thinking about you and we pray that Buddha always connects with you and blesses you with his compassion for you to be happy be healthy. That is no I we learn from mom. That is no attachment we learn from mom, that is all. We need no body to tell us what  no I means. No attachment means. But look through our Mother. That means no I no attachment.

Let’s go back to very deep mindfulness breathing technique with us now and chanting the first and second mantra to be with all Buddha’s and Bodhisattvas  with compassion and wisdom, with love. So between us there is no I, no attachment, only pure love. No differences No expectations. Such love.

Breathe in expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra:

Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa     Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa     Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa     Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

May all the suffering of our mothers physically be gone, bless her children, may all the mental and spiritual suffering transform to be compassion and wisdom lighting up the way for the children to be happy.

Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heave gate point, Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra:

Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa     Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa     Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa     Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

Mom, we love you and we know that you love us so much that you are sacrificing your life, yourself, your personal gain for us to be. We love you. We offer our very best merit energy which is connected with all Buddhas and here it is the compassion and wisdom from the enlightened one, just like a special gift that we offer to mom on this very early Saturday. May our mom always be happy and live long with us.

Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heave gate point, Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra:

Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa     Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa     Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa     Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

Just sit quietly, chanting the mantra one and two and thinking about our mother. We all know that we learn from mom since the very first day mom gave us the chance to be human, give us life to be here on earth to be. But she just loves for the children to swim in with the love and compassion to wash away all kinds of struggles and suffering. For the Children in the future always pray. Thare is no I.  Since the moment we are here on earth, our mother has no more attachment because in her mind the children’s life is most important. She no longer thinking about herself. There is no attachment. No I, no attachment. Very present in every moment of our mother’s life. Buddha says, not only mom that is with the family. Our mother is all sentient beings from many many lifetimes already been our mom, been a mother. So, practice meditation we don’t just think about our mother as our mother. But all people around  you is our mother. So they know that always love first, unconditionally. No matter what, our mom always be here for us. She always taking care of and loves us. Buddha says, always look at people in front of you, on the left, right or behind. Treat her with respect and love. Make sure your life straight up to be strong. Standing up when you fall. And also clean up when you are dirty. If you couldn’t do it, run back to home, our mother is willing to clean us up no matter what. So all people surrounding us are just like our mother for many lifetimes they have been. Loving them all is just like loving your mom. Yes, together we offer to our mother the merit energy and every single moment of our life we always thinking about our mother. We always connect with our mother with pure love, and we know through mom we learn there is no I, no attachment, only love. That is the way Buddha is teaching us to go back to the source of life. Our mother is the source of pure energy of love, of compassion, of wisdom. She never puts us down. She always lifts us up. She made herself lower for her children to stand tall. She made her life meaningless for her children to make good meaning in life. She emptied her mind to fulfil a good dream in her children’s mind. She breaks through all barriers for her children to go beyond, and yes we know we love her, we love mom. We always love all people around us. Deeply in my mind I always think all people surrounding me are just like my mom, and I love mom so much, and I pray for mom to always be happy, long life, no suffering, physically, mentally, and spiritually and I pray that mom always smile. Just like the sun gives us a light to be. Just like the moon to take us to enjoy the nature of mother earth that mom makes for us to be easy to step into life. May all our mothers always be happy. May all our mothers no longer suffer. May all our mothers enjoy life. Yes together, we say it now. We love mom. Mom we love you.

Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heave gate point, Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra:

Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa     Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa     Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa     Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

Just that. 30 minutes every Saturday we practice meditation together to receive and offer great merit and compassion to offer to all. Today is so special because of Mother’s Day. As the Children we love our mother so much and we pray together that the Buddha always bless all mothers. You know just 30 minutes but very meaningful because we all receive and offer for each other. Buddha always be around us to bless and guide us through.

Once again that you so much and have a good weekend. Together we say, happy mother’s day.



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