
1031: Flat Down The Ego – Mu A Mu Sa

Good Morning Everybody and all my friends who have been following us on the Face Book and YouTube channel That Bao Huyen Mon.  Dear all. Our special meditation technique practices with the compassion energy of the Buddha and with our own energy. The two incorporate together to motivate and activate our wisdom in order for us to slowly clean up the mess we created and recycle them for a better use. The energy produces happiness, peacefulness, mindfulness.

We really work with energy.  There is a lot of energy practices out there like yoga. Here we are not doing that. By sitting in any position that your body feels comfortable and using the breathing techniques and mantra 30 minutes every Saturday and five minutes every day at home during the week, this will be very helpful to maintain the energy that flows within you. Just like the water. You let it come into your farm and you can plant.  All kinds of sensations and feeling you plant with the compassion energy will produce in a good result.

There is something blocking which is not allowing you to produce good results. That is our ego. In order to flatten down our ego. We use the compassion energy from the Buddha to flow within us to remove any ego from our attachment and transform it. When we practice, we open the gate for the water of compassion energy to benefit us physically, mentally and spiritually and heal our self of any suffering which is created by our bad karma intentionally or unintentionally.

Let’s start with the breathing techniques of Mu A Mu Sa. When you breath in, you breathe deep down, when you breathe out you do the same thing except you chant the Mantra Mu A MU Sa. Some friends are going to ask, “What does Mu A Mu Sa mean?”  Mu A Mu Sa means: May all sentient beings no longer suffer and may the compassion energy from the Buddha rain upon us, or activate within us,  for us to receive it.  It is a vary nice mantra. For all sentient beings to no longer suffer and for all to receive compassion energy through all of their life in many different ways.

Put your right hand, your wisdom hand, on you left hand the compassion hand.

Let us begin.

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point for three seconds. Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa.

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point for three seconds. Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa.

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point for three seconds. Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa.

You keep maintaining your sitting position, breathing in and out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra quietly. Also, you are observing any energy you sense in any part of your body. When you discover the energy flow or vibrate. Right at that part all you do is just keep maintaining your breathing technique and just watch, in and out, and allow that energy to flow. When the energy vibrations liberate and move. Now you reflect on ourselves. Mediation is wonderful if we admit to ourselves anything that we call a mistake and welcome, cherish any positive thoughts, actions or speech.

To create more merit energy we admit to the mistakes and we transform. Now follow the energy lighting up the wisdom. Look into your mind. See if there is any ego that still exists. Yes, we all have it, but the difference is now we are willing to transform, we are willing to flatten down and clean up and remove to create room in our life for other energy to come. We need to delete our ego, and transform that energy into a good positive energy and transform to become a merit energy we can offer to all of our loved ones.

Watching the top of your head, concentrate right there. Observing the energy there. It is circling, just like the circle of waves. Fill with the vibrations, observing the vibration, allow the vibration of the energy from the top of your head to liberate throughout your body. Let your body naturally absorb, and take in the energy, let it flow within, to every part of your body. Let your wisdom show where your ego blocks you, gently admit and accept. Let the compassion energy transform our ego. The part of life is not needed any more. Just transform it.

We all have ego in our life, but at this time we don’t need to use it anymore. We connect with the compassion. We forgive to create room for peace, for love, to increase our compassion to increase our merit energy for ourselves and also for all our loved ones who are still here on earth with us or who have returned back to the dust. But yes we transform and offer to our parents who are here or have passed away for our loved ones, the same way.

May all our merit energy and all the merits from the Buddha, the compassion of the Buddhas from the ten directions always come to all and bless us, especially in these very difficult times that we are facing now. Just observe the energy and set yourself to be free. From the top of your head listen to the energy and keep maintaining your breathing technique in and out and chanting the mantra Mu A Mu Sa. The sound of Mu A Mu Sa is the sound of the sacred the enlightened one. The sound liberates you and vibrates all shaking up and cleaning up the ego. Flattening all of them down. let us move beyond to enjoy our life. Buddha will always be here with us. Connected with us, working with us to be free of all suffering that we have created by our ego and turn back to the original mind that is very humble. Like the mother earth. Take in and observing all in order to have life.

Let’s do three more times the breathing technique with me and maintain the energy flow, and just be here, now.

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point for three seconds. Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa.

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point for three seconds. Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa.

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point for three seconds. Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa.

Keep sitting, balancing your body, and relax. Keep breathing in and out saying the mantra Mu A Mu Sa. The Sacred sound of the mantra Mu A Mu Sa creates the liberation, the vibration connecting you with the Buddhas in the ten directions. It is also helping you to be deeply in touch with the compassion energy. So now check with your body and your mind.  You are just like the investigator. You investigate any feelings or sensations that you now have. With your wisdom and compassion there is the energy flowing within you from what part. Let your mind see that clearly and be one with. Allow the energy to flow freely become part of that, be friendly with the energy. No need to direct it. No need to convert it, just need to be one with. Let the wisdom light up. See with that. Is there any ego within? Welcome it. Its ok, part of our life. Ego always exists within. Now let the compassion energy flow within that ego mountain. Let it flatten down, and see it turn into a good positive energy. Clean it up move it away for us to be able to go beyond. Let the good compassion energy from the Buddha flow within. We now all together be one with the Buddha, the enlightened one, and one with the compassion energy within us. Let’s see through and clean and let transform and become the merit energy.

May all our love ones who are still with us, or those who have passed away receive that great merit energy that we receive from the Buddha. Today when we transform our ego May all our loved ones and family receive that good merit energy. May all our loved ones be free of suffering of what we are tackling mentally, of spiritual struggle. May all be free and happy.  May all society open up sincerely and receive good energy and merit from each other to transform life for the better way and use our life to help each other in good hands.

 Just relax, observing the energy, thinking of any struggle that you face right now. There is the ego block. The ego roadblock you could not go beyond. Look at that. Fill with that ego, fill with that struggle. Let the compassion energy flow and move it away for you slowly, slowly and flatten the ego down. Lets step up, stand tall and strong and moving on. We don’t belong to the negative energy that is leading us to suffering. Within us connected with the Buddha there is good positive energy to transform. Suffering does not exist it is there and gone forever. Happiness comes with the wisdom of understanding that all things are impermanent. Don’t hold yourself back with what makes you suffer, let it go. Don’t attach to the ego you think is protecting you. We don’t need the ego energy to protect our life. We need to maintain harmony happiness, compassion. Let’s activate open the door for all to be.

We are chanting again. Make sure you are observing the energy fully, clearly, sincerely. Honest with ourselves, admit our ego. You don’t have to confess to someone else. No one can transform your view, your mistakes except you. So, we all look at that clearly. Knowing that we all make a mistake. Remove it with compassion and love and care.

Lets begin.

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point for three seconds. Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa.

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point for three seconds. Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa.

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point for three seconds. Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaaa.

Thank you for practicing with us. It is wonderful every Saturday we spend 30 minutes and practice together. This week we concentrate to see our ego and we flatten it down with the compassion energy to clear the way for our merit, our good energy to blossom and offer to all. Thank you very much. Please send out the invitation to all your friends. If you have just found this lesson on the YouTube channel you can contact us through the message so we can be in touch with you to get to know about this special meditation. We call this moving energy meditation. Once again, thank you very much and have a good weekend.

Nam Mo Shakyamuni, Mu A Mu Sa



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