
1030: See Through – Mu A Mu Sa

Nam Mo Shakyamuni, Mu A Mu Sa

Good Morning everybody. Good morning friends. We have been here awhile already practicing meditation together. With the special meditation, we concentrate on the mindfulness breathing technique and the mantra to heal. For those who have been practicing for a while you have already learned that the process of healing starts with yourself.

For now, I ask all of you, if you have the right time to be with me right now with your phone, or computer. Just sit down comfortable in a position that feels ok and loosen your body. Our technique is not stiff,  rather we flow with the energy. We practice with moving meditation. It is helpful, it heals your body, it generates your inner peace, because it incorporates with your own energy the energy from the mantra Mu A Mu Sa which enriches your power. It is very helpful.

Today we talk about “See Through.”  There are so many times we have regrets about things we did wrong. After the fact we look back and say, Oh, I didn’t see through that time. I didn’t know. Even though we regret, we still repeat. There are so many things we should not repeat so much because it is totally wrong it harms your health, it is negative energy it’s no good. We have to see through.

By practicing meditation, moving meditation. We enrich ourselves with this special energy which activates and connects with the enlightened one. It helps you to see through slowly, everything in your life. It also motivates and helps you to move on, to get beyond not just get stuck there and repeat that mistake again. We all make mistakes, none of us are perfect, we all know. But we do need to work out how to perfect ourselves every day slowly. No need to hurry.  We don’t need to be a perfect person, but we need to take care of ourselves by perfecting ourselves by taking time. Don’t hurry. Everything hurried is no good, but at least we have to admit, yes, I am wrong. I was wrong, now I regret but I am not stuck there, I move on.  To see through, moving meditation with the Mantra, Mu A Mu Sa, is very helpful.

What does Mu A Mu Sa mean? Mu A Mu Sa means that we activate our compassion energy from all Buddhas in the ten directions and connects with our own original energy. It incorporates the two kinds of energy. It opens up your body, opens up your soul. It opens up your eyes in your mind so you can see your thought before it transforms into language our actions. It means you have more time to make a good choice for what you do because you are guided by the pure energy, compassion energy.

Let’s go with the mantra Mu A Mu Sa a couple of times to purify our body. You just listen to the energy. If you feel the energy in your body, you just let it free and observe it allowing it to move. Just watch it. And if any thoughts arise just watch it. Be with the energy, watching your thought and incorporate it by keeping your mind crystal clear. Don’t grasp at anything. Don’t hold onto anything. Just be there like you are floating on top of that energy. The energy knows how to take care of itself.

Let’s put the right hand we call the wisdom hand, on top of the left hand, the compassion hand. When you breathe in by your nose and you bring it down to your lower body you expand your stomach and then you hold it there for three seconds. Then you use your mind to concentrate on the heaven’s gate. The heaven gate point is in front of your tail bone just right there. Then you breathe out, sunken your belly and you chant the mantra.  While you do the whole circle of the breathing technique you will observe the energy frow within.  You just listen to it, and you allow it to flow.  That’s what we call moving meditation. 

Let’s begin.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas in ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly. Hold it there, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaa.

When you breathe in you breathe as long as you can. Take your time, don’t hurry, doing so, the breathing technique and the mantra will create the bright presence which liberates every single cell in your body to set it free to flow with the energy. So, let’s do it again.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas in ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly. Hold it there, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas in ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly. Hold it there, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaa.

You just keep maintaining that sitting position and keep practicing the breathing technique in and out expanding, sinking, and reciting the mantra within your mind. We contemplate our mind, crystal clear being with the energy so we can see through. We don’t see through because our own attachment, we stick with our I, our own ideas, thoughts perceptions, conception, philosophy, whatsoever that you educate yourself and hold on to that. So, it makes your mind think slower in order to make a better judgements.

It is like when you want to make the floor of your kitchen cleaner, you have to use the mop, clean it up with the good soap. The floor of our mind, our thought, is getting dirty every day just because so much negative energy affects us, by the environment we live in and when we interact. We are not strong so therefore it just gets in.

We need the good energy, to be connected with that energy, to clean our mind for us to see through. When your home is cluttered with things everywhere you have to clean it and relocate the clutter to the right location. Then you to have the space to see everything inside your home. Inside our minds, so many thoughts just keep running like the monkey. We need to put them aside and place them in the right location.  How do you do that? By following the breathing technique. Be mindful when you breath in you know you are breathing in. When you are expanding your belly you know you are expanding. You hold it there. Your mind knows you hold it there.

By training your mind to follow the mindfulness breathing technique. Your mind settles there and is not running and jumping like  the monkey or racing like a horse. To make the mind even more settled, we receive helpful energy by connecting to the Buddha. Using the Mantra Mu A Mu Sa, we receive the compassion energy to get into our physical body. The energy vibrates and liberates our thoughts. It is helpful. It is just like when you clean the kitchen floor with the mop. The mop helps you to clean it better. The floor of your mind is dirty. By all negative things. We use the mop you could call Mu A Mu Sa. The soap you could say is the breathing technique and energy, compassion energy.

I believe if  we keep doing this we will clean up the floor of our mind and then we can see through everything we have done wrong or right. Also, it helps us to be strong enough to correct ourself. Remember correct ourselves, but don’t correct others. Buddha says, see what your mistake is and correct it. But not see other people’s mistakes and bring it out to show them. Buddha taught us to meditate on ourselves, clean up ourselves and purify ourselves. Just like a very clean mirror for all to look at our life, and they see themselves. There is no need to point out how they are, but we need to clean up our mirror so they can see themselves through our lives.

So, you focus on the top of your head. If you feel the energy there flow you observe it. You keep breathing in. Be mindful in and move the air down low to your belly expanding and you hold it there for three seconds for the body to absorb the energy oxygen, concentrate on the heaven gate, and you breathe out, you sunken your belly and you are chanting Mu A Mu Sa.

You are going to see the vibrations of your body. You feel your body’s energy flow left to right, around, just let it flow. There is no need to keep your body still. Your mind is still, your physical body is in motion. That is the nature of our physical body, always moves. Even if you don’t move, all the inner organs move by themselves.  We have to let the body flow with the energy, and let your mind be one with and still with the energy and with the breathing techniques. Don’t hold back.

Let’s do four more times breathing technique together with me.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive a good merit energy to transform their life, and also heal all their illness. Breathe in, expanding your belly. Hold it there, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas. May all our love ones no longer suffer physically, mentally or spiritually. Breathe in, expanding your belly. Hold it there, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas in ten directions. May all our love ones no longer suffer and receive a good merit energy we generate now to offer to them. Breathe in, expanding your belly. Hold it there, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaa.

Just maintain the sitting position breathing in and out and just observe inside your mind the energy. Buddha says don’t run away from your mistakes. Look deep into what you have done wrong. See through it by clearing your mind that by the energy you generate from your compassion and the compassionate one. Together we look back at ourselves. Always remember we are human, we make mistakes every single day.  But we don’t stop to clean it.  Clean it to make ourselves have a better health and we face our life to have a better view, so we fall into the good action helping ourselves and helping our families our loved ones. We do care for ourselves and everybody around us.

So therefore we see through our actions, our speech, our thoughts. We clean it up every single day. By practicing moving meditation that generates the special compassion energy from the mantra, Mu A Mu Sa. You really, really really connect deep with the enlightened one.  Being one with the Buddha.  Just activates ourselves. Open up.  Let your mind be free to see through. Let go of whatever you think is the best. Nothing is the best. Things are useful at the present moment.

So whatever you feel at the moment to better your life use it. Nothing is permanent.  So nothing is the best there are a lot of bests to be used at the moment. All form is impermanent. It comes and goes. Let’s use what is good, and let it go when it goes away.

Concentrate in between your eyes and look down to your lower body. Feel it right there under your belly generate the energy with Mu A Mu Sa allow it to flow along your backbone. Don’t hold it back. Don’t block it. Let it free, and let it flow. Look back at whatever you have done. For what now arises in your thought just see what you see. Don’t attach with that concentrate with the energy. Be one with Mu A Mu Sa. Let it flow. Feel with the body. Every single cell. If the energy flows, just let it flow. If your body moves left to right or right to left just let it move. Shake with that energy. Loosen your hips, loosen your hip don’t hold tight. Allow it to flow and allow it to go.

And we chant again.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas in ten directions. May all our love ones no longer suffer and receive a good merit energy we generate now to offer to them to heal all kinds of physical body. Especially our parents our loved ones our friends. Breathe in, expanding your belly. Hold it there, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all Buddha’s activate our compassion energy within and may we offer it to all our loved ones who have passed away already and receive that good energy form the Buddha our loved ones’s spirits will be purified and reincarnate in a good stage. Breathe in, expanding your belly. Hold it there, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all the Buddhas in the ten directions bless our loved ones and our friends who are falling in sick and very ill now, being healed physically, mentally and spiritually. May all our friends and loved ones receive a very good energy to upright their life to get more confident, to be happy every moment of their life. Breathe in, expanding your belly. Hold it there, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas in ten directions.  May all our friends, family and loved ones who are sick now be healed and be strong be confident happy joyful every moment of life. May all our good merit energy be offered and generate our life and order to be peaceful, mindful, and to see through all our actions when we interact with each other. Breathe in, expanding your belly. Hold it there, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaa.

Just maintain your sitting position and observing the energy. Remember the energy that you are receiving now from all the Buddhas, that compassion energy, generated and activated, connected with your physical body through the mantra and the mindful breathing technique.  When you are conscious of that energy, that energy liberates and vibrates and moving your body around, you just let it move. If you discover the energy on the top of your head just keep your mind there. Just let your mind follow where is there energy flowing. Just watching it. Just like watching football you know. Let the energy flow and just keep watching it.  These meditations are very easy and very helpful. Because what you are doing with the mantra and the breathing techniques is just like what we have been doing now and then we are watching the energy.

Together every Saturday we practice for 30 minutes. That’s all. It generates enough for the whole week so just practice.  It is better if you can practice by yourself every day five minutes is good. So I am encouraging you and challenging you to practice at home, for better health, it is good for you.

Remember to see through, we need to receive a good compassion energy, we need to recognize what we have done wrong. And be honest with ourselves. Remember we all make mistakes to all our friends and we are sorry. However, we have to do our part by cleaning up our minds, by seeing through that and fix it, correct it. By love and compassion, and by not repeating it over and over.

So all are going to see through by practicing not just by thinking, by practice. Did moving meditation, chanting the mantra improve your health and help you to be healthier, stronger, clearer? Did it also transform your suffering? It is very easy if you really work it out. Don’t just think about it. Take action and practice. Thank you for practicing with us today, Saturday.  I wish you have a very very good weekend and enjoy your life. Remember no matter what you have gone through practice to see through and correct it. Everything happens for a reason. The reason to practice is because we suffer by not seeing through. So practice to see through. It is very helpful to maintain our happiness and joyfulness in life in a very peaceful way.  May all stay peaceful, happy and enjoy your life. Thank you.



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