
Sharing by Eileen Dolan

Back when I was in college, I was part of a campus ministry club. Our club decided to have a dance night. This was way back in the 1970’s so Disco was popular.  Fortunately, one of my friends in the club, Rick, offered to teach me how to disco dance. Rick was a tall gangly young man who was always a bit shy, so I was surprised when he took charge with focus and confidence in his command of the dance. Rick was an excellent dancer, who knew the real meaning of dance and he genuinely wanted to teach me. At first, I just learned the order of the moves, spin now, next make some turns, take steps, dip here, etc. It was very mechanical, and I kept bumping into Rick, or stepping on his toes. Finally, Rick said, “You have to let me lead you.” You cannot dance with a partner unless you let them take the lead.  So, Rick guided me with his firm hold on my hand, pulling me in the directions I was to go. Spinning, dipping, turning, all directed by Ricks’ firm grasp of my hand, or scooping me with his arm to allow the dip back. His knowledge of the dance and his strength carried me through the steps.  But then one day it all clicked, instead of mechanical movement, our dance flowed. Rick was still leading, but now his touch was very soft, like a gentle reminder of where to go, with just the slightest touch we were dancing in synch. It was beautiful. Not just in how the dance appeared, but how it felt.

In his lessons, Master Bao Thanh talks about dancing with the compassion energy. In my mind, I have begun to think of the compassion energy from the Buddhas as my dance partner, and I need to learn how to follow the compassion energy’s lead.  Chanting, Mu A Mu Sa, is my invitation to let the dance begin. While breathing in and out, focusing on the energy, I let the compassion lead me where I need to go. The spins and turns, and dips of life become less cumbersome. If I stay connected, even with the slightest touch I know how to open my heart and allow the compassion to be flow. When joined together with my inner friend, peace and happiness radiate warming all and inviting everyone to join in the beauty of the inner dance.



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