
2031. Come and Go | Mantra#2 – NamMo TaMo TaMo DaRaHoang

Good morning. It is time for us to practice meditation. Today is Saturday. Let’s relax. Sit down with the position you feel comfortable. Let us begin.

May Buddha Bless all and may all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion and wisdom energy. May all our families, friends, community, be peaceful and happy.

Let’s put the right hand on top of the left hand. Just relax.

Remind all about the breathing technique. When you breath in through you nose and bring it down to the lower part of your body. At the same time, you are expanding your belly. You keep it there for three seconds, and concentrate on the heaven gate point. The heaven gate point is at the end of your tail bone. You then breathe out, you sunken your belly and you chant the mantra. 

Two mantras we are chanting. Compassion: Mu A Mu Sa and Wisdom: Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

When we chant Mu A Mu Sa, we pay attention and allow our compassion energy to connect with all the Buddhas that could activate for our life. The wisdom energy is the same. The Mantra we are chanting, we allow the light of the wisdom to light up for us to see through.  What we focus on today is “Come and Go” the Fall is almost gone. It will be winter very soon. You see the Fall come and already go. Very quick.

We meditate come and go by breathing in and out. Any thought that arises, anything thinking of suddenly coming from yesterday or the past we just say it comes. We acknowledge that it has come and it will be gone. So, there is nothing for us to hold back, to grab it, to attach to it. Just witness, and acknowledge. Watch it come and know that it will be gone. Keep doing the breathing technique and chanting the mantra. That is how we do it.  Let’s do it.

Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra:

Mu A Mu Sa      Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng (7x)

Keep doing that in a silent way. When we do the breathing technique we are expanding our belly and we breathe out we sunken our belly. Our belly in expanding and sinking when breathing out and in. Our physical body helps increase the energy. The physical body energy to move around equally to wherever part of your body it needs it. We all know whatsoever we do now and still because we still have a good energy within this physical body. Lift up our spirit and our mental stage to purify the energy from the body to help us to maintain the balance to be healthier, and our minds clearer to enjoy life that is the practice.

When we are sounding the compassion or wisdom mantra the sound vibrates from the lower body when we are expanding the belly. We slowly sunken it while chanting the mantra. The vibration from the sound carries from the lower backbone and out at the top of your head. It vibrates your entire body. It vibrates every single cell and heats up your body and activates your entire body energy. There are so many different kinds of exercises to maintain the energy within the body. The meditation we practice is one of those, but it benefits more than whatever you practice. We all know the energy comes and goes, so when it comes to us, we allow it to work best from that we understand that when we are reciting the mantra the compassion and wisdom means that we care more about ourself that allow it, but also connect with all our loved ones, with all the enlightened ones. Gather a very good energy from all to offer to everyone of us. So, when we practice it is not just for ourself. It is about the community living within and the community surrounding us. Every moment is precious if we practice and offer each other in a good way.

Come and Go, this is the truth of the nature. Nothing comes and stays forever. Of course, the time to be there for us is still recognized. Very quickly, could be takes longer. It is just because our perception of time. According to Buddha’s teaching, very quick within a second, we do not see or recognize that. When we know it has already gone away, that means it is all gone.

Understand Come and Go for us to not create any attachment for whatever is here right now. Not to hold onto, grab, keep or attach. We accept it, we welcome it, with full positive energy.  But we don’t hold back forever. This is very healthy for our mind. We have a lot going on in our head just because in our life so many things have come and have gone, but we still hold on to it. Today we understand it comes and it will go. There is nothing for us to hold back, but is there for us to enjoy to be. To whatever has been done in the past whether it creates happiness or suffering. It does not matter. It is gone. Try not to dig into the past or reach into the future. Be now and enjoy whatever is in the now to help your mind to be more relaxed and to allow the energy to flow. For us to live now in the moment. Everything that comes to our life, there is a reason. So, when it comes we welcome it, we acknowledge. We look for a good reason. Even when things come that we do not expect there is always a good reason for us to look for. You want to be positive. You have to be positive. You have to live in the present.

 Everything that comes to us, use the Mantra #2 Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng to clear it, to see in a positive thought. You know, in the high technology right now we use many different apps, many different techniques from cameras to have a perfect picture of whatever we expect. Because we do have those kinds of knowledge available for us to use. Meditation by mindfulness on wisdom and compassion are very good apps for us to purify our energy to make sure that every thing we observe from the outside in to be purified first so that it is always positive. Even things that come and go away we still bless with our compassion and wisdom. That is the way to living healthy.  It is really important for us to know that and we practice for health. Also, to be happy every moment, even when things come that are different from what we expect, but it is not going to create any suffering because we know how to balance our energy and we know things come and go. When we eat the food comes, the stomach needs time to digest. One who has a good digestion, then the food will be digested and turned into a good energy for the body to use it. If we cannot digest, we get sick. The food comes and the food will be gone. The same is with everything. The Buddha said this is the truth. What comes will be gone. When it comes and when it goes we know it will be that way.  Our life can be healthier. Most importantly, whatever happens in our life effects our mental state. Buddha says the mind is very important. If things coming and go shake our mind it will weaken us every day. We should practice come and go for all phenomena, for all things physical in form or in emptiness. Even the thought comes and goes, the action comes and goes. The language we use to talk to each other comes and goes. Don’t attach to anything we feel sad, or are not pleased with ourselves, or hurt ourselves because it will be gone. Nothing exists forever.

Every moment we are mindful with the compassion and wisdom, we are truly living in the moment. Moment comes, moment goes, living in the moment is very important. Let go of everything that is already gone. Be with what is here now to help us be happy, really happy.

I have many years’ experience practicing. I witnessed many things come and go. Even so many things that have come in the wrong way, not matching with my expectations. I don’t suffer because it comes and will be gone. It is the way of the nature. The way of the karma. Now sit on the drivers seat. Start your car. Drive on a good way. Open the rule of the traffic. You will be safe. It is the same. Sit on the natures side, and let the nature motive us to drive on the positive thought. Our health, our mental state, our spiritual will be safe to move on every moment of life.

At this moment I ask all of you to pay attention to the energy now still within your body. Think about your family. Your parents, your loved ones, your friends, your community. Generate your compassion and wisdom energy in the best to offer your merit to all. Together we pray for all our friends, our family, our loved ones. Always balance their energy and be productive in a positive way. May all be healthy, be peaceful, happy. 

When we breathe in this time, I want you to take time and relax. Be conscious of the energy vibrating within your body. Watch the special vibration and allow it to transform into your body and mind. Breath in, expanding your belly. Hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra:

Mu A Mu Sa     Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng (7x)

That’s all we do every Saturday. Just thirty minutes. Activate and cultivate our compassion and wisdom energy. That will be good for an entire week. Of course, every day if you take five minutes to be with the meditation, either in the morning or before you go to bed. Whatever time is best, do it. It is going to keep the energy going. It is very healthy.

Thank you for practicing with me every Saturday. You could go to our website on the screen, That Bao Huyen   There is google translate. It is not perfect but is ok. To contact the information is on the website.  Enjoy your weekend with your family. It is beautiful out there. Take care. Thank you very much.



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