
1046: Don’t Hold Back – Mantra#1 – Mu A Mu Sa

Nam Mo Shakyamuni

Mu A Mu Sa

Good Morning all my friends who have been practicing meditation with me every Saturday to refresh and reactivate our positive energy for the week to come. Thank you for joining with me. It is the right time for us to do meditation again. Let’s put aside everything in life. Go back to yourself and relax in touch with your mindfulness breathing and return to your original energy which is healing us. At this moment listen to the bell.

Right now, I ask you to just sit down in the way which your body feels comfortable. Sitting position is most important. The most important is that your body feels friendly with the way it sits. To allow your body to be free and relaxed. Relaxed is very important. Sit on the sofa, cushion, floor, or chair. Relax your hips. Straighten up your backbone. Keep you neck straight up. Put your right hand on top of your left hand and put on your lap. Relax.

We are practicing with mindfulness breathing technique, just means in and out. Very slowly that your body be able to observe. Not just quick, slowly, so you have a taste of your breath. Tasting your breath is really important. It allows your body to absorb the oxygen and convert it into enough oxygen to take care of your body. When you breathe in through your nose and you carry it down to your lower body, at that time you are expanding your belly. You hold it there for three seconds. Don’t hurry. Then concentrate on the heaven gate. The heaven gate is located at your tail bone, your ending bone. Then you breathe out slowly, sunken your belly and chanting the mantra Mu A Mu Sa.

Mu A Mu Sa means to connect and activate compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions into your physical, spiritual, and mental body. That purifies and blesses you. We need the compassion energy from the Buddha every day, every second of our life to wake up our own energy. We do this now three times. Just Relax. Just follow me if you are new. Just do what I tell you to do.

May all Buddhas bless us with the compassion energy and may all sentient beings be free of suffering. Breathe in, expanding your belly, you hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all Sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in, expanding our belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all Sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in, expanding our belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

Now be silent, but keep continuing the breathing technique in and out, while silently chanting the Mantra slowly inside. Alert with all sensations that come to your body, aware of the energy that flows from any part of your body, recognize it and pay attention on the top of your head, from there oversee your entire body. Just watching your body from the inside. Visualize your entire body in the present moment. Be away of the sensations, your thoughts that arise.

Today we share about the “Don’t hold Back”. Buddha the enlightened one, that sees everything that happens that creates suffering from every being and he realized we could convert our thought to create happiness rather than create suffering. One of the things that creates the most suffering for every one of us is that we get used to holding back. For whatever has gone. But inside our mind, we are still holding back. That is why our memory is full of what has already happened, then we don’t live in the present moment, but we are stuck in the past. Holding back the past has gone. It is one of the ways which creates a lot of suffering for all of us. That kind of memory, if it is positive, it encourages us to step up to do the right thing and move forward for the better. If we hold back the negative energy, negative thought and action, it makes us unhappy, unhealthy. But all of us it is not easy to erase or remove the past. That is very human nature. The human nature is to have a good memory to hold back. But Buddha said, we are OK  to put a hand on our memory, to work together with our memory. To refresh, to clean, and to reform. The technique that we practice, that cultivates the very good energy sources of compassion energy comes from the Buddhas from the ten directions. We need help from the Buddha, yes, in life when we struggle, we need help. Our mother taught us that. We need help and we ask for help, ask the right person to help us. It makes us better. Buddha is the right person. He is enlightened one. We ask for help. He never rejects and turns his back on us. He is always there just like a good friend, best friend, a teacher a master, willing to do whatsoever helps us to go beyond soon. Our practice with mindfulness breathing technique will recite the mantra Mu A Mu Sa means that we knock on the door of the Buddha, we ask the Buddha for help. We connect with him and we receive a very good compassion energy through out our body. The compassion energy flows within us, just like the water flows. Whatever is blocking the water goes around and flushes it away. The negative energy, negative memory, bother and suffer us stuck inside our mind. By receiving the compassion energy from Buddha, that energy will flow. So, with the meaning, “Don’t hold Back” also means, when you connect with the compassion energy of all Buddhas in the ten directions, you don’t hold back when the energy start moving, you allow the energy to move within your body, thought, mind, all activities you do every day. By moving with all of your activities in your life, the memory, the past, the negative, will be removed. Setting us free. Free to live, happy, free to enjoy, free to be with the moment, with the now. We are living in the now, not in the past. The past that causes suffering, don’t hold back the compassion energy. Let it flow within us. It is healing our body, our mind, our spirit. A very healthy energy. You can call the compassion energy is a good nutrition that we need to take in. It is like a good protein that we need to take in. The compassion energy of all Buddhas from the ten directions is like a good vitamin that the body needs every day. Thinking that way helps us to evaluate the special benefit from the compassion energy from all Buddhas from the ten directions connected with us. Don’t try to make that meaning too high. Many spiritual master’s try to make the definitions of that out of our reach. Very easy to think of the compassion energy is a good food, a good drink, a good vitamin, good protein, good nutrition. Living people need it every day. Thinking just that way, a very friendly way for us to feel just that. That needs to be decorated by the spiritual world of religious language. We don’t need that. Buddha is very humble. He wants us to be best friends, he wants to take a hand with you, to sit down and work on the garden. Soon spring will come, and the Garden will blossom and the Buddha will be there with you. Concentrate on the top of your head and visualize whatever you have been stuck with and cannot remove for a long time. Allow the compassion energy to flow and move it away. It is the right time.

We go back to the breathing technique together.

May all our loved ones, our parents, husband, wife, children, friends, no longer suffer by any means. All receive a very good compassion energy from the Buddha. Breathe in, expanding the belly. Hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken our belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all our loved ones, be free of suffering, be happy, and receive good compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions to remove all negative thoughts, memories, to reactivate our life in a good positive energy. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all Buddhas from the ten directions make a good rain of compassion energy upon all sentient beings to make the new life for us to live in the moment here on earth, with love, with care, with forgiveness. Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the mantra. Muuu Aaaa Muu Saaa.

You keep silent again, and just do the breathing technique in and out chanting the mantra inside your mind. Right now, we connect together with me just like a good network together in the harmony. We connect with all Buddhas in the ten directions and together we offer our very good merit energy to the most respected person in the world. Our mother. We offer our merit, our good energy, our compassion energy to connect with our mothers to be healthy, live long, and happy.

We are also thinking about our father, if our parents are still with us or not, we still keep them in our spirit. We connect with them through the Buddha. We don’t forget our best friend in life, husband, wife, children, friends. We connect with them eternally. Together with the master we build a good bridge that bridges every one of us for us to get  step closer to each other. To connect with the good energy for their life.

Don’t hold back, for the past has gone. Don’t suffer, don’t keep moaning, relax, be strong. We all are not lonely. We have the master and friends, we have all Buddhas from the ten directions. We connect together. We are very strong. We make this special determination to achieve our goal living happily. Together we agree to forgive each other. To open the nirvana gate, a good stage of happiness within our life.  We connect together very deeply. With good intentions together we are able to remove all the past that causes suffering to rebuild and build back a good energy. We have help from all Buddhas in the ten directions. Don’t hold back, for what has gone. Don’t hold back for what causes suffering. Don’t hold back for what ever the causes struggles, that’s negative, that is against the will of living that challenges, that harms you, that causes many negative energies that abuses you mentally, spiritually, and physically. It has gone. Let it go. Don’t hold back. We flow with the energy, the compassion energy. We are washing away all kinds of negative things that cause suffering by the compassion energy of all the Buddhas. Buddha will always be with us like a best friend. Let the energy flow, let it flow. Observing the energy, be one with it, don’t separate. The compassion energy from the Buddha that you receive through the master and from friends we offer to each other. It is shaking our entire life. Liberate for us to be free and it delivers a new life to renew our life. The spring is coming, we need to spring our life to enjoy. Center your life with all the Buddhas from the ten directions, connected with all of them. Buddha is our best friend.

We are also thinking and offer our good merit energy to everyone out there still suffering with covid with the challenges that have come to their life, for this very difficult time the whole world is facing now. We ask the Buddha to reach out to help them, to heal. Time for us to put the past away and don’t hold back. Time for us to live happily, to keep smiling and be nice.

We offer our merit our love our compassion the true love of one who is never stuck in the past, but in the present now. In the moment we are living in. Keep your thoughts, your attention on the top of your head. Watching your entire body, from the top of your head to the tip of your toe. Be aware of every part of your body. If you feel the energy flow within your body from any part just pay attention, and bless it by your compassion and every thought make sure you take your best friend with you. That is the Buddha. Buddha is our best friend. He will be there for whatsoever occasion that we face in life. Take the Buddha, take a walk with you in life.

May all sentient beings no longer suffer. May all of us connect with the compassion energy of all Buddhas in the ten directions and may all of us no longer suffer by anger. Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, expanding your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all the Buddhas from ten directions, connect with every one of us, and may all of us receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas. That makes us ready to welcome the spring, and may all our loved ones be blessed. Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out. Sunken the belly, chanting the mantra. Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all received compassion energy from all Buddhas, may all of us be strong, be healthy, be happy. May all of us be able to remove all the negative energy, negative thought, memories, help us to understand that we are all connected together. We don’t hold back from what hurts us, we let it go. WE are together with the master and friends who practice together every Saturday and every day of our life to activate our compassion energy and to cultivate our special spiritual energy. To awaken our Buddha nature to live in the moment, to be happy. May all be blessed. Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the haven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

Just that, it just feels like a second, even though a half hour has already gone. Dear friends, every Saturday we sit down together, but every moment we are connected together with the Buddha. Our meditation every Saturday, we welcome all people. Together we connect with all the Buddhas. We need to live in the moment. Together we work to remove a very negative memory, negative energy, to build back our life in a good positive, loving compassionate way. Thank you very much. Make sure you practice at least five minutes every day. May all be healthy, happy. Buddha Blesses you all. Thank you for joining with me for every Saturday meditation. Don’t forget to send out to your friends if they are interested in mediation. I would love to hear your feedback to make this Saturday session to be more useful for your life. Thankyou, have a good weekend, may Buddha Bless you for life.



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