
1045: Look and Smile – Mantra#1 – Mu A Mu Sa

Na Mo Shakyamuni

Mu A Mu Sa

Today is Saturday. It it beautiful out there after the snow. Sunshine is beautiful after the snow. We here practice meditation together. I as you to just bring back your mind, body and spirit. Sit down together. Make sure you sit comfortable the way that your body feels good. Make sure you keep your back straight up, neck up, and relax. Let up begin. Just listen to the bell to put your mind, body, and spirit together now.

Good Morning. The reason we practice every Saturday is for the simple reason that we care about ourself, our life. We know that life is about making choices. We whish that we make good choices that create and bring happiness to ourself and to all our loved ones. That is why we practice. Our meditation is focused on filling with the energy helping us, filling us physically, mentally and spiritually. Bring the harmony from body, mind and spirit together. That is why we focus on the spiritual energy that when we connect with the Buddha, the compassion energy will flow within us. Then we maintain that practice day in day out. Very simple, like food that you taste, like water you drink. The Body needs it. The same is with the practice because we need to maintain the higher energy of our own that flows within to maintain our happiness and peacefulness in our life. So no matter what happens we are peaceful with our life.

So let us begin with the breathing technique. First, for those who are very new, and today is your first time, remember we practice mindfulness mediation to activate inner energy that is connected with our Buddha compassion energy through the mantra, Mu A Mu Sa. With chanting this mantra there is an energy will activate within you and vibrate, liberate all the energy that flows in your body. You just need to recognize that energy and allow it to flow. That is all we do.

We put our right hand, our wisdom hand, on top of our left hand, our compassion hand. When you breathe in through your nose, then move it down to the lower body expanding your belly. Then you hold it there for three seconds, concentrating on the heaven gate, which is right by the tail bone, or ending bone. Then you breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra. Your voice will come from your lower body, very consistent, and slow, don’t hurry.

May all beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly. Hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point. Sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

May all beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly. Hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point. Sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

May all beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly. Hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point. Sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

Just be silent, and keep your breathing techniques moving slowly. Chanting the mantra silently in your mind. Observe the energy moving around. If you discover what part of your body has energy flowing there, just let it flow. What we practice today is, “Look and smile” so if you discover the energy on the top of your head. You just look at the energy there at the top of your head and keep smiling within. The way you look where the energy is located helps you keep your mind to stay on the top of the energy to be there not taking away by any other thought. Keep your mind still with the energy. When you smile, you support your body balancing your energy. It is a beautiful technique that the Buddha teaches. Look at the energy flow, and just keep smiling.  It is helping you transform all your suffering. When you look at the energy flow and you are smiling it removes the negative energy stuck inside your body.

It creates sickness and harms your health. We need to remove it. In order to remove it, You just look at the energy and smile. Not just that everything happens in life. We just look at it first and smile at it. That way it helps us to not engage too soon, too quick, without thoughtful. The way we practice look and smile helps us not stay away, stay strong and stabilize our life to maintain a higher quality of the energy flowing within. So therefore if we take any action, raise any thought or associate by language, Always delivers a good energy to all.  Bring your mind up to the top of your head. Stay there. Look at the top of your head with you mind and keep smiling. When you breathe in you still look at the top of your head. When you are expanding your belly and keep it there for three seconds, and concentrate on the heaven gate, your mind is still at the top of your head, and keep smiling. Just relax. Follow the energy and raise up your awareness. Be aware of the energy flowing. By keeping your awareness on the energy it is helping you be awake. Look at the energy flowing and smile. Just take a walk with the energy when it flows. No matter how it flows just be one with it. Any thoughts arise, just take that thought to get along with the energy, just look at the energy. Allow your thought to look at the energy and smile. We have many thoughts come and go. When it comes, leading that thought to look at the energy until the thought is gone. Don’t push it away. It comes for a reason, but we ask the thought to join with the energy and flow with it until it goes away. When you look at all things in life. Relationships in the family between husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend, children and parents, friends, keep you smile so the energy flows in the right direction. Smiling is the key to keep the energy flowing and sharing our happiness with all. So just practice looking at the energy will help you stable your mind. There is nothing that will misguide you. The compassion energy from Buddha is a very honest friend. The original friend, best friend. Let the energy guide you through all parts of your body physically. Generate your awareness with every part of your body. Where is the energy flowing. Join your mind there. Bless the energy flowing in you body.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and may all our loved ones be happy. Breathe in expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaa Muuu Saaa

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and may all our loved ones be happy, peaceful and joyful. Breathe in expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaa Muuu Saaa

May all our parents receive a great compassion from all the buddhas and maintain a high quality of life with children and grandchildren. Breathe in expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaa Muuu Saaa

May all people we know always stay away from harm and be strong, and connect with the compassion energy from all the Buddhas to clean up our energy and remove all sickness. Breathe in expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaa Muuu Saaa

Just be silent watching the energy flow and keep your smile. We thinking about our loved ones, our parents, our husband or wife, our children, friends we offer to connect with all of them with our good merit energy. We all love them, we look at them with our smile, with our compassion energy that we always offer to them all. Just let the energy flow. Thinking of all your loved ones now. Who is it that needs help, we offer our energy to all. When I am here connected together with all of you. We reach out and connect with all our loved ones together. We create a very good network of frequency from the compassion energy from all the Buddhas that flows directly to who we love, who we care about. Just look at yourself from the top of your head down to the tip of your toe, Your entire body. Keep your smiling, allow the energy to flow. Observing the energy. Just silence, quiet your body, your thoughts, allow the energy to be freely flowing. Just relax. Just fill with the energy. Allow the energy to transform into any movement that your body want to move. Don’t stop it, don’t interfere, just let it free and let it be with the energy. Just look at how your body reacts and flow with the energy and you just smile. Keep smiling. Fill with the energy. Connect with all your loved one, allow the energy to flow through you and connect with all your loved ones now.  Whoever has any kind of physical suffering, may our merit energy together transform it and remove it. Whoever needs to be stronger mentally, we offer our merit energy to them, for them to be strong and stay independent. Just watch, just look and just smile. Keep breathing in and out relaxing. Just fill with the energy. We are here to work with the energy. Let the energy flow, healing our body, mind and spirit. Let all of us and our loved ones be together, just be one. No matter how far away, we are all together with them. We are thinking of them, and we offer our merit energy to all.

Just relax.

May all sentient being be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions, may all of us be blessed by the Buddha. Breathe in expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaa Muuu Saaa

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas from ten directions. May all our loved ones be blesses. Breathe in expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaa Muuu Saaa

May all of us together create a very good network of compassion energy to offer to all of our loved ones. May all our loved ones no longer suffer. Be happy, peaceful and healthy. Breathe in expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaa Muuu Saaa

Hello, there is some news we call bad and sad. A day ago around the US, in Texas, the energy shut down. The weather too cold. The elderly and week cannot take care of themselves. A lot of people scared because the energy is shot down. This is the same, same idea, if we don’t practice to maintain the connection of our own energy with the Buddhas compassion energy. Just think, when disconnected in the winter of our feelings of sadness of suffering, we feel very bad. So therefore, in our meditation, we practice to maintain this special connection with all Budda’s energy, compassion energy. All the time through the four seasons. No matter how hard the winter is. How hard it is to face every moment of our life. We still maintain our connection to keep the wisdom light always on. To keep the spiritual heater on to keep us warm. When the suffering comes, when challenges come, when all things come that create our suffering, don’t let it happen, and don’t know what to do. It is happening in Houston, Texas because they never thought it would happen so they didn’t prepare well. Buddha is enlightened. He knows what is going to come. He reminds us to take care of ourselves to always practice to maintain the connection with all Buddhas. For the great compassion energy is always connected to us. Runs through us, and keeps the wisdom light on all the time and generates greater energy through all four seasons of our life. So I send out this special invitation for all of you out there. Please practice with us to maintain our energy still flowing. Don’t let it disconnect. When the winter of your life comes, it is very hard to deal with and many people surrender. Many people pass away. Many people suffer. Many houses break, watermains break because of the freezing weather. So we practice every Saturday at 8:00 am in Eastern time. Just 30 minutes every Saturday. It get you used to practicing. The practice 5 or 10 minutes every day to maintain your connection. To let the creek not get frozen and broken. Let’s connect together with the Buddha and all of us. Together we offer our good energy to all and maintain a very good network which works for everybody. So once again, a very peaceful Saturday. We offer our good merit for all people, and for the people in Houston, Texas and we pray for them.

Na Mo Shakyamuni, Mu A Mu Sa.



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