
1039: Just Enjoy The Nature – Mantra#1 – Mu A Mu Sa

Na Mo Shakyamuni

Mu A Mu Sa

May all Sentient Beings Be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions.

We now begin, we ask all of you to just relax. Look up to the Enlightened One, and let’s be ready.

Good Morning Everybody. Good morning to everyone who has been practicing every Saturday. And for those who are new.

First I ask you to sit comfortably, on the floor with a cushion, or on a chair, or sofa. Anyway just sit in a comfortable position that you can move freely. So the energy is able to flow. You need to relax to be able to work with the energy. The more you relax your body and mind the energy flows better.

We are giving our right hand the name Wisdom, because all the energy from the right hand flows to  half of the body on the right side, bringing motivation to your wisdom to be awake. The Left hand is Called the Compassion hand because most of the left hand is connected to your heart. Which there is very lovely energy there. Good to motive. Good to balance between your thoughts and your heart.

Take the right hand and put on top of the left hand and just relax.

When you breathe in your breathing technique needs to be very mindful, very relaxed. There is no worry there’s no hurry. You just take in how much you can take in. Follow your own body condition. Don’t force yourself to breathe in so long that you cannot handle it. Or too short. Need to be recognized by yourself. When you breathe in by your nose, move it to your lower body, expanding your belly. Hold it there for three seconds and give your body a chance to absorb and convert to a very good energy that goes through the heaven gate and flows through your back bone to the top of your head. At the top of the head is 100 pressure points. This is the gate of compassion, really compassionate there. Let the energy flow up to the top of your head.

We work with the energy. We are watching the energy flow within us. Especially with the Mantra Mu A Mu Sa. It is the key to open, that is helping us to connect us with the Buddha, the Enlightened one.  Mu A Mu Sa is like the password that gives access to the internet wifi. So you can download very good compassion energy app that you can use for your life.

What we are doing today to practice for us to pay attention to just enjoy the nature.

Let’s begin with the breathing technique. If you have questions just email or text and we will get back to you.

May all sentient being be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

Make sure when you are chanting that you bring your voice up from your lower body to the top of your head, and also conscious of the energy vibrating within your entire body.

May all sentient being be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

May all sentient being be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

Keep maintaining your sitting position, and silently breathe in and out chanting the mantra within your mind. Be aware of where the energy is moving. Let it liberate the negative energy in that part. Let the energy transform naturally. 

Nature is always beautiful. The nature is all. Not just the forest, mountains, river, oceans, air. But entirely everything you know. In Buddhism it is very simple to understand that we don’t enjoy the nature anymore because of greed. We overuse the nature for what we want to satisfy with our desire. It manifest with all the actions which destroy the nature around, The forest, the air, the atmosphere become polluted and is no good. Just because of human greed, money, fame, all. We allow it to influence our life. Therefore the nature slowly year after year is destroyed. Also, anger destroys. Human Anger kills, burns, and destroys everything around. Every day we see someone has been killed or something destroyed. No one able to see the true nature around. Delusion also involved with that because it makes it so we cannot see the benefit of the nature. I just talk a little about that. That is the nature from outside.

Buddha cared about the true nature within. Imagine, the forest, the mounains, the earth, the universe, the nature around us we can see and feel. The Buddha nature is the same, it is just within. We need to respect the nature outside, and we also need to respect the nature within. The Buddha nature has a good use for us to benefit our life to be peaceful, happy and enjoy. You are not going to allow anyone to destroy the forest. So you should not allow the forest nature within you to be destroyed, the buddha nature within us.

The same is what the Buddha saw was that when we are angry our anger energy destroys the Buddha nature. You cannot really destroy, rather you cover it up that you couldn’t even connect with the Buddha nature no more. Because the mother nature is very powerful no one would be able to destroy it all. The mother nature forms into and gives us a chance to be born. So to compare the mother nature we are so small. Nothing from us could destroy the mother nature. Our anger disconnects us with the Buddha Nature within. Therefore we will never be able to benefit ourself. The Buddha nature energy could help you improve your life in a peaceful way. This is really important for us to understand. No matter what is created, triggering your anger, you have to recognize it first. No matter what whether you dislike or you like whether it is against your will or your thought. First, don’t incorporate into your actions that angry energy, or talk while you feel conscious with your anger. At that time Buddha suggest you should take a very long and deep breath in and allow the oxygen to balance the energy It is really important. Scientists and doctors also say deep breathing is good for your health to maintain your calmness. Or if your anger raises up or you realize you are angry, you have to  take control of your body don’t let it blow up by taking a deep, deep breath. Fill with the breathing in and out. Be conscious of every move while you breathe. Be conscious of every action and it will help you transform your anger energy. Otherwise the anger energy will take over at that moment the Buddha nature disconnected and you just react from your own desire. This creates Karma and builds up a thicker road block which you cannot get over to the other side. That is why for so many people who practice meditation could not connect very deep with the compassion energy from the Buddha for very long. It is just for awhile and disconnected.  When you are angry it is like you run to a location surrounded by mountains and forests. There is no router antenna or wi-fi you could reach. So your phone is your phone is lost and not able to connect to the wi-fi even though you have a very good phone. A new phone.

So when you are angry, you destroy the Buddha nature. When you are greedy, you destroy the Buddha nature. Greed destroys the Buddha nature because we are running and grabbing and getting things in which we don’t need. Which we cannot bring with us at the end of life. Money, Fame, power, all kinds of things you can name, cannot carry with us except a good Karma and a bad Karma. So therefore the bad choice if we start the good Karma by doing the right thing.

Delusion always raise up by your greed and your anger. So when you limit your anger and your greed the delusions seem to be fading away. So you know in basics, Buddha says, Greed, Anger and Delusion, disconnect yourself with the nature of the Buddha. In Buddhism, especially our meditation, we connect with the Buddha to receive the compassion energy. The real, pure, compassion energy, which could help us to balance our life. It benefits a lot to activate our wisdom. But every time you destroy the Buddha nature by those actions of Greed, anger and delusion, you will no longer connect with the Buddha.

To just enjoy the Buddha nature within or the nature without. We should understand by investigating and meditating very deeply to understand the use of the nature within our without. So therefore we live friendlier to enjoy the nature that we could be in touch with right now.

So now just enjoy the nature within we call the Buddha nature.  If you cannot enjoy the Buddha nature within yourself, you not be able to see the value of the nature without. The only way when you value the nature within, we call the Buddha nature, then you can see the other. You cannot love others by not loving yourself. You cannot care for others when you do not care for yourself. You cannot enjoy the nature from outside, if you are not enjoying the nature within you.

So let’s do again with our seven more breathing in and out with the Mantra; Mu A Mu Sa.  Remember we need to be fully awake by taking very deep mindful breathing technique in with the mantra Mu A Mu Sa. To connect deep with the Buddha nature within so therefore we can enjoy. Let’s begin.

May all of us understand the values of the Buddha nature within and the nature without. And May all sentient being be free of suffering and may all of us connect with the  compassion energy from all the Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

May all sentient being be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas. And may all of us enjoy the nature within and without. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

May all sentient being be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas. Ay all of us go back and rejoin the nature without and the Buddha Nature within. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

Just maintain your sitting position breathing in and out. It is now time for us connected together to offer our compassion energy directed from the master to all the students and from all the students combined together become a very good network of the merit energy we offer to all people who still suffer. For them to realize that life is very joyful. Then for all of us to come back to enjoy the nature. You just relax. Be silent. Be aware of your entire body. From the top of your head down to your lower body. Fill with the energy that flows. Recognize any part of your body where you feel the energy flow now. Jut keep your mind there and you slowly guiding that energy to move up to the top of your head. The top of your head is just like the sun. The sun that is very sunny. The energy from the sun which is located on the top of your head. Flow the energy down to the entire of your body.  The radiations of that energy will flow within that physical body. Just relax to enjoy. The nature of the sun’s energy that connects with you from the top of your head. Just relax. Observe it. Fill with that energy. Fill with the heat of the wisdom sun which is right on top of your head. That is connected with the Buddha’s compasson energy. It will connect with you and flow. With the help from the master and with the special connections from all of us. We are being one. Under the wisdom of the Buddha and we receive the compassion energy and just let it vibrate. If you feel the vibrations flowing moving your body. It is ok to let that energy flow. Don’t hold it back. We are practicing moving meditation.  Moving by the energy within. The energy flows that moves your body. The energy flows that unlocks all the stuck, negative energy still within. To set you to be free to enjoy the nature of the Buddha within. Also by receiving the compassion energy it is helping you to transform your greed, your anger, your delusion. Respect the nature of yourself within. Raise up the awareness of the energy that vibrates now. Let it flow. Let it be.  Remove all blocks, any thought of doubt. Just move it away or set it to the side.  Let yourself to be free, and just enjoy the nature of your body, of your mind, the nature of your spirit. Mind, body and spirit is the greatest nature within. There is nothing else you could carry with except the good Karma that now you stay deep and connect with the enlightened one. Thinking about your greed, let the Buddha energy flow it away. Thinking about the anger energy still existing within allow the compassion energy the Buddha to wash it away. Thinking about your delusion which creates a lot of action which makes others suffer. Lets connect with the wisdom, the wisdom sun on the top of your head to shine up for you to see through. Let the enlightened ones, the master, and all our friends merit energy lead us back home to the nature within for us to enjoy.

Thinking about our loved ones, connect with them who would be our daddy or mom, our loved ones, our friends, anyone who is there for us to be on the earth, we connect with them. We connect with our friends who are sick for them to receive a good energy to be healed. Who suffer to be happy who have depression, anxiety for them to be confident and at peace. Those who have lost their goal to find a way back. Who is broken, to be stand strong. Just observe that energy together with the master and all friends around. We are very strong with a special connection to the Buddha. The pure energy from the Buddha the enlightened one, together with our merit energy,  is very good to off all. The world needs to be united and healed. We all need to be united to the Buddha Nature within to be able to enjoy. Life is beautiful if you know how to enjoy. Just enjoy the nature and come back to yourself loving yourself and love all your family members or whoever that you know and then just for a second or for the rest of your life love will always be with all. Yes we get angry, we are greedy, we have delusions, but together with the compassion energy we move it away for us to be very humble to rejoin and just enjoy our life. We also are thinking of our loved ones who have passed away. Together we offer our loved ones our good energy, good merit for them to receive, to be awake and transform their life to reincarnate into the higher stage of peacefulness. We don’t forget those who still suffer now. Physically, mentally and spiritually, may all of them no longer suffer and be happy. May all be one together with forgiveness for others to lean on to stay strong.  Let all of us know how to enjoy the nature, and take care of the buddah nature within and let us understand how to take care of the Buddha nature within and not have it destroyed by our greed, anger and delusion. Let’s practice to activate our wisdom and connect with the Buddha and receive his compassion energy to start our life. IN every moment of our day may we all be blessed within the awakened hand.

May all be blessed and all the suffering be gone. And the compassion energy from all the buddha in the ten directions rain down on us. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

May the wisdom sun shine up on our life for us to see through and transform our delusion so we no longer suffer and receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

May all of us with dysfunction in our life because of being disconnected from compassion energy of the enlightened ones reunite together with love with care and transform all our suffering through the compassion energy. Helping us to go back and just enjoy the Buddha nature within. May we all join together and offer our merit energy to all of our loved ones. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

May the energy from the special mantra Mu A Mu A open our eyes and allow us to connect with the Buddha. May all who lost the way, find the way with Buddha guiding them for them to go back to their normal life. May all of us understand that life is very precious and let’s get together, now together, now together, connect together, no separation from the earth, the mother nature, the nature of the Buddha. Together we offer our good energy to all. For those who still suffer physically, no longer suffer or suffer mentally or spiritually, no longer suffer. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

Our meditation technique is to open up our energy and connect us with the Buddha. When we practice together we receive that energy to improve our life. Every one of us are absorbing that energy within. We feel the energy moving around. It navigates between the good and the bad and removes all the negative energy and it is waking us up slowly, slowly for us  to observe that life is so special for us to come back and enjoy the nature of the Buddha within and the nature without. For us to respect whatever there is for us to live. Maintain as it is to benefit ourself and others. When you feel the energy flow. Respect that energy just watch, like watching a movie no matter what senesations or characters that rise up.  Just enjoy, don’t fall in love, don’t reject, just let it be as it is and watch it as it is, and also bless that. With your love and compassion energy. That is the way your nature functions. The only way to get that functioning in a good way to benefit others  is to increase more good actions, good thoughts, to create a good Karma and also by receiving the compassion energy which motivate us to stand strong. To keep working on that. Practice is the only way for us to enjoy the nature without practice, we destroy the nature. Once again, thank you for so much. Even if it feels very short it was almost an hour already. Enjoy your weekend. We are all together here offer all of you a very good merit energy.

I personally offer a good energy for all no matter our differences. We take it away. Let us connect together in a very pure way. They way we all wish to be.  Once again thank you for practicing with us.

Na Mo Shakyamuni



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