
1038: Stillness In The Motion – Mantra#1 – Mu A Mu Sa

Nam Mo Shakyamuni

Mu A Mu Sa

Good morning every friend. Happy New Year. Today is the first Saturday of the year 2021. We start our meditation to reactivate our stillness within the motion.

Let us begin.

First of all we offer our compassion, our wisdom, our love our merit. Especially to our parents, our family our loved ones.

We put our right hand, our wisdom hand into our left hand our compassion hand. Just resting on your lap. Relax.

We all know that we are living by the energy that we associate through the environment through food, trees, mother earth, air, fire, wind, all.  However we really need to activate our inner energy to connect us to mother earth, nature to help us maintain our health. Health of the physical body, health of the mind health of the spirit.

The first Saturday of the new year. We have all been through 2020 with a great challenge shaking the whole world that contains us with fear, that holds us back. So many people have suffered. Children, elderly and all.  We don’t need those kinds of energy no more for this year. But how can we be still with all the motion of sadness with suffering of all of the challenges we don’t know. Fear comes to us. Today we talk about that with the meditation for us to know no matter what goes on up ahead we all can be still.  We can be still within the motion of all things that are happening within, so therefore there is no fear. We are going to stand together with a very strong confidence we share together to go through and ready to make things change in a different way to help us to be happier.

Breath is life and provides us with a good energy to last. The stillness of mind within all the motion of life helps us to be not suffer at all. We all need to concentrate and practice. There is a special energy within us but we do need to activate and practice. We need to practice mindfully with the breathing in and out.

We focus on the energy that flows in our body. Just think our physical body is like a garden. The physical body is the garden of life. The breathing techniques in and out, just like the energy from the sun shining up on the garden. The Mantra Mu A Mu Sa is like the water that rains over all the good seeds that you plant in your garden. It will grow.

So when you breathe in you always take time. First of all you sit down in the position which your body feels comfortable. For those who can sit on the floor cross your legs. You can sit on a sofa or chair or bed but make sure you are relaxed. You should turn off your telephone, television, radio, computer. So you are not distracted by those. Make sure you are loose so you can move forward or backward, but don’t fall down.

 When you breathe in through your nose make sure you breathe in slowly and consistently down to your lower body at the same time expand your belly. Think of your belly as the ocean you breath in like water from the river flows into the ocean. Take time and you filled with that be conscious of the water from the river  kissing the water of the ocean. You need to be conscious of the breathing technique. When you breath in make sure it is kissing the lower body. You feel that touching down there. There is one point we really focus. Called the heaven gate. Their gate has to be open for the energy to flow. From the front of your body to the back of your body which just means Ying and Yang, negative and positive, fire and water. It represents for the energy within us. The softness and hardness to balance us. The heaven gate we call is right in front of the tailbone. Just right in that region. That is the gate. So when you concentrate on the gate we just mean you open that gate your release the gate you break through the gate for the energy to flow. There is no roadblock, there is not anything which blocks your energy. So you need to really keep your mind there.

When you breathe out, sunken your belly and consistently you breath out slowly and then you sunken your belly until you finish breathing.  At the same time, you recite the Mantra: Mu A Mu Sa. The Mantra Mu A Mu Sa original sound from the Buddha which is the sound of the compassion which connects us to the compassion energy of all Buddhas.  This mantra helps us to connect to the Buddhas in the higher state of mind. So when you receive that energy it is going to vibrate and liberate your body spirit and mind. If you feel the energy flow. You let it flow.

Let we practice with the breathing technique for a while. Make sure you sit right. And we are ready.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion from all Buddhas of ten directions and may all be still in the motions of life. Breathe in, expanding your belly. Hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the Heaven Gate point. Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all our loved ones be still in the motion of life. Breathe in, expanding your belly. Hold it there. Concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out. Sunken you belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaa Muuu Sa.

May all who struggle because of the suffering of all be free of and still in the motion of life. Breathe in expanding the belly. Hold it there three seconds. Concentrate on the Heaven Gate Point. Breathe out Sunken the belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all be connected to the mother earth and be united with the compassion energy of all the Buddhas, and may all no matter what, be still in the motion of life. Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold it there three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken the belly chanting the Mantar: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

You all just maintain your sitting position and do your breathing technique slowly in and out and concentrate on the heaven gate receiving the compassion energy through out your body from the top of your head to the tip of your toe let it circulate let it move and let it flow. Thinking about all people we love who we care for in the family and society. The first Saturday of the year 2021 we offer our energy our compassion our wisdom our merit to all and wish all have a very, very  happy new year. And reconnect with the mother earth and welcome the fresh energy the compassion energy of the buddha to renew are life and wash away the negative energy, suffering and fear. There is no fear needed to be in the physical body because it will make us sick we don’t need it any more.

Life is in the motion. It is always moving very fast. Light speed. So quick. Things just happen and gone so soon. So many things unexpected coming on the way of life. So we don’t really need to well prepare to handle. It. We just need to be still. We all know that everything in the universe is always in motion. The Sun, the earth  the moon galaxy all the stars. Every single cell in our bodies is always in motion everything. Our thoughts always move never still. Without motion we would die. To survive all things need to be in a good motion keep a safe distance and yes we never learn how to keep how to keep a safe distance in life. But last year in 2020 we started to learn how to keep a safe distance. The whole year helped us to understand the nature of the universe. So close but still a distance to be safe.

 Now we learn and we have to live with the distance of safety. But never keep ourselves distant away from the truth. The stillness of the mind. In order to make our mind for a better use we have to understand the stillness of the mind. The thought is moving but the mind is still. Just like the driver driving a car. The car is moving but the driver is sitting still. Same thing, same idea, our mind is always sitting still within the physical body condition, within the mental state, within the brain functioning in which creates a lot of thoughts. You don’t jump out of the car while you are driving. You don’t let your mind jump out and hold on to any thought you are going to create your suffering. So how do you keep your mind still? The nature of the mind according to the Buddha’s teaching is always still.  You just need to understand. In order to discover that stillness in the motion of life. To be happy and be healthy to have no fear in life no matter what is coming you have to practice.

 A very simple technique that Buddha encouraged us to practice is follow the breathing technique. But in our method not only follow the breathing we also activate our energy through the Mantra Mu A Mu Sa. This mantra is like the key that opens up the heaven gate. And turn on the good energy to activate us to connect with all the Buddhas. But we need to be really sincere and return back to our humble to receive to receive it with the very open mind with our wisdom with right thought being together with me with the Sanga with friends who practice here at Xa Loi Temple in Frederick together we be able to connect very deep within the higher stage of energy in life through the Buddha from ten directions.

So many people have practiced with the energy. But it is very hard it takes 20 years, 50 years long life to activate the energy. But today if you are open and make yourself available to be one with us for sure we all receive a good energy for the first Saturday of this year. Make sure when you are filled with the energy flow let it flow. And what part of your body stuck because of the negative energy you keep your mind right there for the energy to flow down to that part to reopen it to release it. Helping you to be stronger. Think about all the relationships with anyone that you feel stuck. Because the negative energy of not understanding each other make us separate make us no long be able to connect. Thinking about that loved one sharing our merit energy it will be healed to reconnect.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. May all of us regain confidence and be still in the motion of life. Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds and concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all return back to the nature within and activate our compassion energy and reconnect us with all Buddhas the enlightened ones for us to regain the confidence and remove all the fear to be still in the motion of life.  Breathe in, expanding the belly and hold it there for three seconds. Breathe out, sunken the belly and chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa,

May all the people who still fear no longer be in fear. May all receive a confidence energy and compassion may all the wisdom of the enlightened ones shine up on all and be still in motion of life. Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds. Breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Sa.

Just remain sitting and follow your silent breathing technique and you are chanting the mantra in a silent way which just means inside your mind. We all together connect with all the Buddhas and send out a very good compassion energy to all our loved ones to all people throughout the world. Peace for universe. Let’s open up our body, lets open up our mind. Lets open up our spirit. Let body mind and spirit connect together to become the full circle of energy which we always be still in all the motion of life that is coming through the challenges difficult or easy challenges suffering or happiness is all come and go. We all be still. We driving those kinds of motions in life to achieve our goal. Our goal this year it to be happy.  Happy for all. Peaceful for all, Joyful for all. No fear, no suffering, no matter what happens there is no regret we move on from now.

For those who suffer from all kinds of sickness. You bless those kinds of things bless with your merit energy. What part of your body feels sick you bless with your merit energy and smile welcome it. What comes comes, but it will go. It is never still there forever. And thinking of people in your family. Our family is the most important in your life. We are always thinking of them and reconnect with them with our spirit energy. We send them a good wish for the happy new year. Good health together we stand strong and have a very good confidence in life. We learn to be patient with each other we learn to cherish each other and we remove our ego to be humble. Humble like the mother earth. Put ourselves lower to make others higher so they can achieve their goal.

May all sentient beings receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions and be still in the motion of life. Breathe in expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on heaven gate point, breathe out sunken the belly chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all connect with  all the Buddhas and may all the Buddhas get along with our life and be our best friend and help us to be still in the motion of life. And may all fear move away for us to become more confident in life for this new year.  Breathe in expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out sunken the belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all find peace, find happiness, confidence for this new year. May all our loved ones in our family stay healthy and strong happy and confident and may all be still in the motion of life no matter what challenges come we all be still with open mind with compassion and love with wisdom and care with kindness and forgiveness.. Breathe in expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out sunken the belly chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

All friends in the new year it is very simple that we just breath in and out mindfully breathing, connecting deep with the mantra of Mu A Mu Sa.  Helping us regain our confidence in life, help us to be still within all motion of life. Suffering always comes, happiness will always be there for you. But be still with all of the motion that moving so fast at light speed. You don’t need to be speeding. Be still within and enjoy your life.

This is the first Saturday of the new year. We wish all of you a happy new year and wish tht you achieve the goal of stillness in motion this year.  We make a very good plan to reach out for each other. For those who practice meditation, there is no hoping, no wishing.  I know for sure you will be connected deep with the Buddha energy and you will be receiving a teaching a guiding for you to connect with the Buddha deeper higher level this year. You have to be humble you need to do a lot of things for yourself. Clean up to make yourself available and ready. We all need to clean and we all need to remove the darkness in our soul for the light to come. We have to do our part. In order to receive the light, the good energy. Buddha said in a very simple way: Do good and stay away from the evil. It is that simple. You still have your parents, your loved ones still there, your best friend still there, your partner still there. Do your part to reach out. Make your life a beautiful flower garden in life for this new year and make sure you plant a good seed for the spring coming. It is all blossoming it is beautiful. Together we work out a very easy way. We are all together no matter what. Don’t let any evil thought make you to become evil. Remember the truth of who you are, very compassionate, very lovely, very wonderful person.  The black cloud could cover the sun for awhile not forever. In life are  all facing the darkness coming. It will be gone. The sun still forever, the light still shining up and yes, we are full of a good energy for life. We always need to be still no matter what comes and shakes us. Even the earthquake of all suffering come, and flooding at the same time. We still be still. Together we still be still forever. Life will always be in the motion, but the mental state, the wisdom of the compassion from the enlightened ones will light up within us. We will always, always be still.

May Buddha Bless you all. Thank you for practicing with us this first Saturday of the year. Can we all say it together. HAPPY NEW YEAR. Thank you.



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