
Good morning, welcome to the meditation hour with us. The right time for us to do now. Please sit down comfortably. Relax.

Together let’s begin.

Namo Shakyamuni.  Let’s together we pray. May all the sentient beings be free of suffering. May all of us be blessed, our families, our loved ones no longer suffer by any means. Peace to the world, and all. Let’s put your right hand on the top of your left hand.

Our meditation is the way that Buddha taught us to connect with him to receive the energy to awaken and light up our wisdom and activate our compassion. To be peaceful and live happily, healthy. Therefore the main point of our meditation is connecting and receiving the energy. Following the mindfulness breathing technique and the three mantras. The first one sound is Mu A Mu Sa which means meditate on compassion. The second one is Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng meaning meditate on wisdom to know the truth of all things are impermanent. Hold on and attach to impermanence will create suffering, and no I for us to be kept. The mantra number 3, Ma Sa Op Ue, means meditate on the awakened. 

The compassion, wisdom and awakened meditation are really helpful. It helps us maintain our health, clear our minds. Physically we will be healthy and be connected to all the Buddhas for our spiritual life.

Let us begin. Remember when we start doing that, there is energy that will cultivate and flow within us physically. All we are doing is just allowing the energy to flow and transform. We just sit watching and enjoy the energy. The energy is very intelligent. It knows what to do. Just let it flow.

We begin.

Breathe in, expanding our belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the mantra:

Mu A Mu Sa, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue.7x

Dear all my friends, we have been taking on the action practice meditation every day. But however, for English speaking only Saturday together. Sometimes you ask, once a week, is that good enough. The answer is yes. WE take on a very beginning of once a week, and if we take it very seriously and practice well it benefits for the whole week with the very busy life it is good. Rather than we do nothing. There are so many different kinds of meditation out there that you can practice with whoever you feel ok. But our meditation is different. The difference is because we focus on the cultivation with the enlightened ones for us to connect with them to receive the energy. We all know the energy is everywhere that human beings always have to associate with every second of our life. Without energy we die. But with the negative energy we suffer. With the positive energy we are happy. We have a special motivation from the positive energy for us to do the right thing to share our merit with hall. In life we all know there are so many negative energies always flowing around and somehow because of our karma those negative energies just get in our life and also interfere, break us down and you know bring in  a lot of suffering. However, the Buddha said, we do have a choice to make clear for ourselves to live happier by engaging with the positive energy.

 What we are talking about today is raise above. Most negative energy always sinks us down. It is hard for us to get out. That is why so many times things happen and then still happen repeating so many times that makes us suffer. Sometimes we say to ourselves we are not strong enough to get out from the mud pit. Sometimes it makes us crazy because the negative energy swings us around until we are tired. Life is not just for that there is so much more for us to enjoy our lives with our loved one, our families, our community, our sangha. 

The method that we practice is really helping us to realize there are so many more positive energies that if we could connect with all Buddhas then we will receive a greater energy for us to stand strong and stay strong and raise ourselves above all kinds of negative energy.  Not just talking, but practicing, and you will realize I received the energy.  I try not to introduce in fancy words or language, that when you practice naturally you will have a special experience of the energy flowing within you. The positive energy that we receive and connect with from all the Buddhas. We don’t have to do anything but sit still and allow the intelligent, positive energy. The awakened energy from the buddha to work with the nature within that we call the Buddha nature. Nothing else you have to do. Just sit and enjoy watching it.

So the first mantra we are reciting when we breathe in deep down to the lower body, expanding our belly, hold it there for three seconds, sunken our bellies and chant the mantra: Mu A Mu Sa. The special vibration will be physically happening, your body will move left to right or right to left, or you could feel that part of your body could be anywhere. The body vibrates, shaking, just like the boat floating on the water naturally with the wind sounding, or watching the forest, you enjoy watching your body flow. Raise above negativity by interacting with associating with and connecting with the positive energy from the Buddha through the mantra and mindfulness breathing techniques.

If you suffer physically, practice. You will see your body transform slowly and you get your health back. If you experience suffering by sadness, anxiety, or anything, no matter what. Practice. You will receive the greater positive energy that is motivating you to stand strong, and then you find out that your life is meaningful. You don’t have to bury your head into the negative energy and suffer. Let’s get out and enjoy.

We have the right to be positive. We have a right to push away the negative. Get along with all the Buddhas by practicing meditation. Connect with all the Buddhas through the mantra and mindfulness breathing techniques. It is wonderful.

Peace will come to you. Joy always surrounds. I have been practicing this kind of meditation for more than 4 decades. In my own experience it has been very beneficial for my health, my life. I suffer less and take charge of my life to be more positive every day. Remember, only practice helps us to be stronger. Only practice helps us to receive more positive energy. Only practice with our mantras now if you have the right time, the right person, the right karma to be. It will benefit it a lot more than what we can talk about. Don’t hurry things. Step in and let’s practice. Give yourself a chance to make a difference. Let’s stay away from the negative energy to receive more positive energy from the buddha. Let’s make this special transformation within, rather than seeking on the outside to make yourself different. Within the Buddhas says and reminds us, there is the Buddha nature. The buddha nature stores a good positive energy but just need a special motivation that is connected to all the Buddhas. Make the special transmission that transforms your life forever. No need to suffer every day. Let’s enjoy life and make a good choice. Let’s take a real action and practice. Only practice. Positive energy cannot be given to you without practice. But yes it will be provided in full if you take on the real action and practice it right.

We are here on this channel, YouTube and Facebook that you can share and introduce to your friends because it is so beneficial to raise above all negative energy in life for us to be happier. Good for health. The special vibrations when the positive energy which we chant the mantras together with the mindfulness breathing is really helpful. We are filled with that. It is good. So this week I ask all of you who love meditation to take on the right meditation that you know today and practice to benefit yourself and raise above. You have the right chance to step up right and be brave. Let’s return back to the mediation.

Buddha, we all know you are our best friend, our master. We all know that you always come to help us to raise above. May all the sentient beings and all our loved ones and family no longer suffer be peaceful and happy.

Breathe in, expanding our belly, hold it right there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken our belly, chanting the mantras and receive the energy from all the buddhas and offer this energy to all sentient beings with the wish that all will become Buddhas in the future:

Mu A Mu Sa, Na MO Ta MO Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue (7x)

That is all we do every Saturday, practice, practice and practice. For better health, happiness in life, and to be positive. Thank you for practicing with me. You could come directly to our headquarters in Maryland. You can call on the phone 301-792-1095 or you can go to the website on the screen to be in touch with us for more information. Once again thank you very much. What we have produced today we offer to all sentient being to become the Buddha. Once again thank you for coming and enjoy the weekend.



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