
1048: The Nature Process – Mantra#1 – Mu A Mu Sa

Good Morning. We are here on Saturday at Meditation Hall at Chua Xa Loi in Frederick. We welcome all of you meeting us in the special Facebook and YouTube Cannel. The reason we practice is to maintain consistent energy that flows within us to help us be aware of our life. To not waste it. Our meditation is connection us with all buddhas in the ten directions through the compassion energy.

Now I invite you to sit down in the way you could sit to feel comfortable. Make sure you hips are loose and your body is stable. You can sit on a cushion, sofa, chair. Whatever feels most comfortable for yourself.

Now we put the right hand that we name the wisdom hand, on top of the left hand we call the compassion hand. We concentrate on Wisdom and compassion within our own self.

For those who this is your first time joining with us, just remember. When you breathe in, you breathe in through your nose. Bring it down to the lower part of your body, expanding your belly as much as you can. Don’t push it too hard, don’t force it. You hold it there for just three seconds. One point you concentrate on you call the heaven gate. It is in front of your tail bone, your ending bone. You focus there for the energy to converts from oxygen to the heat that is following your backbone up to the top of your head. It is very helpful to concentrate. When you breathe out at the same time you chant the mantra, Mu A Mu Sa, and you sunken your belly.  What does Mu A Mu Sa mean. It means connecting with the compassion energy from all Buddhas and receive that energy through out every day of our life.

Now we are ready, we are going to go into the breathing technique first. OK.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from the ten directions. Breathe in, Expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out. Sunken your belly. Chanting the mantra slowly. Muuuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from the ten directions. Breathe in, Expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra. Muuu Aaaa Muu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

Now just sit quietly, and keep meditating with the breathing in and out silently. When you chant the mantra silently inside your mind. With this special mantra, when you chant, it will help you connect with all Buddhas. That compassion from them will deliver directly to you physically, mentally, and spiritually. You just need to be quiet and observe it and maintain in that special silence meditating. You will receive a lot of energy.

Today we talk about the nature process.  When we were you we look at the trees, flowers, grass, and we look at all things surrounding us, the nature. We all wonder how come the tree grows up and who is feeding the tree? How come the grass is everywhere? How come the birds animals and all beings surrounding? We grow up and learn to know the nature. Somehow, most of us understand that the nature is the nature. Itself, being itself. We never meditate to understand the whole process of the nature. We just seem to let it go by. That truth. That is why not now thousands of years ago, humans always tried to correct the nature. They always try to prevent and keep the nature in the way the human being thinks. Even though they don’t understand how the nature truly is. The created a mess, destroyed the forests, and recreated, then say protect. Could be in my own opinion, they overuse of the term protect the climate, but actually, they just protect their own ego, their own thought because they don’t understand the nature. They destroy the nature by many different ways. They force other people to stand on their side to say protect the nature. Many people use this term to make their own fortune of life. We let go of all those kinds of thoughts. Now we meditate within us to see through the nature in the very small place of your own garden at home. Very small garden. Very small pace in the back yard or front yard. There could be a couple trees in the front or back. Especially now that spring is coming, you will see all the flowers and small insects. You see a lot of different insects. Butterflys, fireflys, you could also see cicadas. Very soon in this year especially in Maryland millions of them are going to pop up in our own yard. They say every seventeen years they are emerging up from the ground. The nature who takes care of this process, just meditate on that, and understand that the Buddha says the nature itself knows how to maintain in good order to function all life. Even life that is very simple, like the grass or insects that live for a couple of days and is gone. But the nature knows how to make every life happy and cherish this life. We don’t have to destroy the nature and reacreate it in the way it is best. But we do need to learn about the nature and how the nature processes so we can flow with that to be happy. We join with the nature, does not mean that you surrender to the nature, but it means to be one with the nature. To govern the nature process. It is not against the will of the nature to destroy and rebuild to be one. This is wonderful because the nature itself knows how to take care of its own. No need from the intellectual of every. The highest intelligent person to correct the nature. Before us, the nature was there and remained still. Has been there always. In meditation Buddha is enlightened and sees the Buddha nature is part of the nature of all. The Buddha nature is within us. The process of Buddha nature is naturally. There is no need for humans to think, to use their intelligence to convert, rebuild, or direct how it works to benefit more. We just need to find it, and be with the Buddha nature. The Buddha nature knows how to process to help us. In the highest level of living to be happy.

When a tree falls down, more trees grow up, one self in this natural body, step away to give space for other self to grow. Don’t build up based on the intelligence you think you can rebuild the nature. But use your intelligence to discover the nature process, to incorporate in a harmonious way to enjoy life. That is what our meditation is about. We are allowed the energy, the compassion energy from all Buddhas to flow within our buddha nature. That is all. That is all we need to do. The energy from the universe, functioning in the nature of this universe. The Buddha’s compassion energy is the very natural energy from the enlightened ones. Naturally functions in a helpful way to maintain our life in a happiness way. It reduces our stress. It cleans up our mind, and it also balances all of our thoughts. By allowing the energy the compassion energy possessed inside your physical body, mind, and spirit. You are going to be the one who is part of that process. Don’t direct it to be with any desire of your thought, but be one. You just look up on the top of your head. Oversee your entire body, down to the tip of your toe. Entire physical body nature. Entire physical body universe. Be aware of every part of your body that when the energy flows. When you are breathing in and out with the Mantra, the compassion energy from all Buddhas will process into your body naturally. Just like a little young baby discovers the nature and wonders how did the flowers grow up. How did the tree, grass, garden my mom sitting down there drinking tea every day. How is the sky, the moon, the sun, the stars. The baby just discovers every day along with. When the baby grows up to be more understanding by study of the nature, we all just a baby. Return back to the baby stage to wonder in a peaceful way, but not to destroy or block. To run around, turn around, dance with the nature, that is what it is. Just dancing around with the compassion energy, the nature of the body will dance around, just like the baby. They are not shy, there is no embarasement. Just enjoy. The baby knows how to enjoy the nature. Under the universe we are just a little baby born with the compassion energy. Just let your body dance around. Don’t block. Now. We return back to the breathing technique together.

May all the Buddhas bless us to awaken the Buddha nature for all our loved ones to understand the nature of ourself very naturally processed in the way which knows how to take care if it all.  

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra. Muuu Aaaa Muu Saaa.

May all our loved ones stop destroying the nature within but allow themselves to be part, to rejoin. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings understand that the nature is the nature no need for anyone to correct or rebuild, but to rejoin. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

Now just maintain in the silent position just keep breathing in and out chanting silently the mantra. We all now know the nature of the Buddha process naturally, The Buddha nature is wonderful. It knows how to function in a way that is very helpful for us. Don’t run away, don’t act like the creator recreating your own, but be part of the process of the Buddha nature within. Let the compassion energy from all Buddhas in the ten directions connect with the Buddha nature in the way it is supposed to be. Just relax. Be alert. Be awake. Thinking of all your loved ones. Who are still here on earth with you, our parents, husband or wife, children, friends, community. We connect to them with their Buddha nature and for all receive the compassion energy through the meditations that we do now. We offer our merit energy, our compassion energy to all. We are also thinking about our loved one who passed away. We still always connected with them within our spirit. That we offer our love, our compassion, our merit to them. We pray that they are reincarnated in the higher stage in a peaceful way, and no longer suffer by any means. We just be aware of the entire body. Just keep watching your body. Relax. Observing the energy, allow the energy to vibrate throughout your body. Your mind,

If you see your body moving, just like the creek, let the water flow. If you feel your thought raise up, just like the star, let it shine. If you feel your spirit open up, just like the sky, like the universe, don’t limit yourself. Don’t recreate, don’t correct, don’t rebuild. Just be, just be with.

There is nothing around us that we need to correct. There is no thought from anyone else that needs to be corrected by ourselves. That is how the nature is. We live to share, but no need to correct others. That is the wrong thought that humans do to correct nature. They always say to correct, but they destroy. We do not need to reach out to correct others. We need to reach inward to know ourselves and to be with. Then we will be very happy, very peaceful, and healthy.

Look into the universe, all so big, like the sun, the moon, the stars. They know how to process and maintain in the way they are meant to be. Every one of us have our own thought to be. Respect their thought, their action, their life. Don’t keep your nose too long, reaching into other peoples business, but reach inward to join the nature with. And we share, we share the part, but we don’t control the entire universe. The nature process is naturally, is wonderful. Return back with the nature within. The Buddha nature now. Understand the Buddha nature is naturally functing and processing in the way which is peaceful and happy, healthy. Very healthy process. Don’t have to do anything. Just be with.

Now may all buddhas bless us, and connect us with the compassion energy, helping to bring us back to rejoin with the Buddha nature within and understand the nature process. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra. Muuuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaaa.

May Buddha Bless us, and may all our loved ones, be happy, peaceful, and joyful in this spring. Open up the mind to understand to rejoin to the buddha nature is to join to the nature itself. Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all Buddhas bless us to be awake, and enjoy the Buddha nature process. That is helping us to be more happy. More healthy, in the living spirit now. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaaa.

Yes, we already past 30 minutes. Half and hour of practice together every Saturday. The point today, I try to remind all of us, we don’t destroy the nature and recreate it. We don’t destroy the nature and rebuild. We don’t need to correct the nature. For many years humans always think to put their hands on the nature to convert, to correct, to rebuild, but actually, we destroy the nature just because we don’t understand the nature process. We think we are bigger than the nature and somehow we think we are a creator. So we always try to manipulate others to follow or own ideas, that yes we know how to correct, rebuild or protect the nature. But we don’t flow within the nature. Today we understand the Buddha’s teaching that then nature process knows how to take care of nature naturally, and balance everything. Stop destroy the nature surrounding. Every single small grass growing up, or insect flying around. There is a reason there for you to enjoy, if you know how to enjoy the nature that is. Try every day for us to improve. The nature is there for us to enjoy, not destroy. The buddha nature within us has been forgotten. We rebuild it by carrying in all kinds of things to make our self feel better. We inject many different thoughts, ideas, philosophies. To make ourselves seem to be more intelligent, but actually we destroy the Buddha nature. Look how the nature processes within the baby. You know there is no need for humans to put there hands on to correct it. Buddha found that the Buddha nature naturally functions in the way that processes to balance our negative and positive energy to be healthy, to be happy. So just return back to the Buddha nature and rejoin that process. No need to do anything, but just be with the mindfulness breathing technique and chanting the Mantra: Mu A Mu Sa. It is helping your vibrate your energy. Liberate yourself away from all of your attachments naturally. So don’t have to work very hard to push away your attachment. You just look at the buddha nature process inside you all of your attachments will be slowly be removed. Like the water flows and cleans the whole river itself.

Thank you for joining with us. Just maintain this special connection with the nature take five minutes every day on your own to benefit yourself. And offer this special moment for life. May all be blessed by the Buddha. I will see you next Saturday. Starting next Saturday we will start learning the second Mantra. Mu A Mu Sa we have already been learning for a year. So next Saturday is the start of learning the second Mantra. Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Hoang. The Mantra to understand all phenomena. The reality of all that is happening around us. Like our vision needs correction glasses so you can discover more what is happening around you. It help you to see clearer what is happening around your. Please join with me to start one more year of the second Mantra. There is no hurry for us to learn a lot. But there is very humble for us to sit down and practice. The more information you collect, the more it makes you worry and mess up the nature. The more humbly sitting down to practice, it works. Practice, practice, practice, it works. Thankyou.



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