
1035: Here Is The Light – Mantra#1 – Mu A Mu Sa

Namo Shakyamuni

Mu a Mu Sa

Hello everybody. Hello my friends. Today is Saturday in Frederick, MD. Time for us to practice together. Let us relax and let us start.

Welcome you to the channel of That Bao Huyen Mon.

You just relax in the position you feel comfortable. Put the right hand, the wisdom hand, on top of the left hand the compassion hand. Put the right hand on top of the left hand.

There are many techniques to practice meditation. Our practice focusses on the compassion energy within to connect it deep with the Buddha nature compassion energy in the Universe. Meditation with the compassion energy is really joyful, fun, and good for your health. You could call It moving meditation. Because when we practice with mindfulness meditation there is energy within us. There is no boundary. It is beyond what you understand. It is really beneficial it is waking you up to be aware. It is really important. Today before we practice, I would like to say, all around the whole world we have faced the pandemic and are very afraid. So many of our loved ones passed away because of this, and we all need to kneel down and pray and practice and offer our good energy for the medical scientists.  After all, yes, so many people lay down for others to live. Today around the world we do have the vaccine available. I am personally very happy, very grateful. It is not about religion. We all come together around the globe praying. I appreciate the scientists who worked day and night so we can be happy. To regain the confidence to live happily especially when Christmas is coming, and the New Year arrives. It is so beautiful. So, remember we all appreciate the leadership of all scientists and doctors, who work hard for this moment. They have done a wonderful job. Let’s live with confidence now and regain our lives.

We talk about today here is The Light of Hope, lighting up already because the vaccine has come. The light of hope is here for all to live confident with no fear. Let’s begin with the practice.

When you breathe in you bring down to the lower body, expanding the belly, and hold it for three seconds. Then you breathe out, expanding your belly and say the mantra Mu A Mu Sa.

Mu A Mu Sa means, “May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions.”

Just chanting along like that you will receive a very good energy of compassion energy .

May all Sentient Beings be free of suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all Sentient Beings be free of suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all Sentient Beings be free of suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaa.

Just keep meditating with your breathing technique and relax observing the energy. We are all connected here and now. We are all formed into a candle of compassion, candle of hope, candle of merit. This holiday is coming, and here is the light of hope from the Buddha that is passed down to every one of us. Let light our candle, receive the light from the Buddha, the light of hope to remove the darkness, to lighten up to transform our fear and anxiety, frustration and hold up the light of hope from the Buddha passed to all. Remove whatever makes you scared. Let’s stay calm and lighting up. Here is the light of wisdom and hope. Offer this light to pass around to all your loved ones. The light needed for this Christmas and New Year. Don’t let fear take over your life. Here is the light of the compassion of the Enlightened one passed down to us. Let’s live in harmony, unity, and transform to be healthier. We offer this special light to our parents, husband and wife, our children. We always stay connected. There is not room for fear, but there is room for the light to light us up. Let’s ring the bell of wisdom. Let the sound of wisdom vibrate through the sound of your body. Let that vibration liberate you to be here and now. Let the sound of the liberation keep sounding for all your loved ones hearing it. Confidence and calm to enjoy the holiday. Let all our loved ones who are sick be healed all suffering be free of suffering. May all our parents be healthy, happy, and receive a good longevity. We are all thinking about our family and friends. Let’s move on and relax. Watching the of your head, filled with the energy vibrating within your physical body. Holidays are coming. Let’s forgive those who have created suffering for us in the past. Let’s ask for forgiveness from those in whom you have created suffering. Let the spirit of the Holiday raise up to bring the light of the Buddha passed down to all. Let the stillness remain in your mind, mentally to be strong, physically to be healthy, spiritually to be light.

May all Sentient Beings be free of suffering and receive and regain confidence and live happily in this special holiday season. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all be awake and receive the light of hope from all the Buddhas, may all the darkness be removed. May all of us forgive each other and may all sentient Beings be free of suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all Sentient Beings be free of suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaa.

We all just relax, observing the energy within your body and meditate that we all have a capacity to motivate our compassion energy to flow around and offer to all of our loved ones. Buddha say here is the light we all are good candles. Just receive the light lighting up the light of hope the light of compassion. There is no room for fear to be within. There is hope, joy, happiness, peacefulness existing within our mind. Let the mind of good produce a good thought. Let the body connect with the mind, and  let the spirit of the holiday season be joyful. Let us remove all the roadblocks, let us love, and forgive. There is no boundary between us, no separation. We all become one. Here is the light of compassion passed down to all. Let us observe it within our body. Let’s shake up and wake up. There is no time for the past to push you down. But there is the light for you to receive to move on. Just let the energy flow in your body. Keep your mind on the top of your head. Inside your heart is your loved one within. Let’s cherish our life. And here is the light to receive. Step out of the darkness and live confidently now.

May all be in no fear, may all be love, may all receive the light of hope. Let’s stand up for ourself, love each other and forgive all. May all parents, husband, wife, children, and community be blessed, be happy. May all receive a good blessing and merit. May all start a new life with the light of compassion passed down to us by the Buddha.

Just meditate on your breathing in and out and relax your entire body keep thinking about your loved one. Connect with all. Once again here is the light of hope passed down from the buddhas of the ten directions. After we receive it bring the light home to our loved ones, especially to our Parents living and deceased.

May all Sentient Beings be free of suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all Sentient Beings be free of suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all Sentient Beings be free of suffering and receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. And here is the light of hope passed down to us from all the Buddhas, and we vow to bring it home to our families, all our loved ones. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaaa Muuu Saaa.

We are done the meditation together for this Saturday. May all of us be bless. We offer our merit fo ral the leaders around the world.  And we highly appreciate all the medical people who created the vaccine for all of us. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays for all. Peace.



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